Go public tomorrow January16, 2025 - President Elect Donald Trump is Disqualified having previously breached oath of office.2

  • Jesha Miller
    Wed, Jan 15 at 3:54 PM
    2707 Adams Ave.
    Evansville IN. 47714
    812 470 4220

    Valerie Nelson - Forward to Representative - Mark Messmer

           The Petition calls for Representative Mark Messmer to take the Petition to the floor of the House for the Impeachment & Removal from office of Federal Judge Matthew P. Brookman, Federal Judge Richard Young, & Magistrate Chrystal Wildeman. Then the Senate indicts them. Senator Todd Young has received his copy for the indictment. [ Copy is attached below. ]
           In addition Representative Mark Messmer is to go public & inform Congress that President Elect Donald Trump is disqualified from taking office having previously breached oath of office refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption. [ See page 7 of 7 attached or see pages 1 thru 7 ]
           We'll start with Representative Mark Messmer having to go public by January 16, 2025 because before Donald Trump takes office it must be approved by two-thirds of both the House & Senate which was concealed by US Attorney Jack Smith. [ See  US Attorney Jack Smith given evidence - both Trump & Harris ineligible. ] Attached is the Petition being evidence Former President Donald Trump breached oath of office refusing to honor the checks & balances violating the 14th Amendment, sec. 3. Donald Trump's office has known about this since November 25, 2024 & not informed the public. Email to me is irrefutable evidence he has concealed this from the public. This therefore must be made public tomorrow, January 16, 2024 & acknowledge I'm owed 6.75 billion dollars immediately for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery in violation of the 13th amendment abolishing slavery.

    Empowered by the checks & balances which empower the citizens - Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: January 15, 2025
  • Representative Mark Messmer office received this to inform the public
  • Janauary 10, 2025 but did not send it to Washington DC until Janauary 15,
  • 2025 after I checked back to see if it had been sent. Otherwise it would not
  • have been sent at all.
  • Senator Todd Young Received this January 7, 2025 & never went public
  • concealing before President Donald Trump could take office a vote by
  • two-thirds of both the House & Senate had to take away the disability.
  • Both Senator Young & Representative Mark Messmer have deceived the
  • American Public thinking President Elect Donald Trump could take office.
  • Irrefutable Evidence impossible to deny or disprove former President
  • Donald Trump breached oath of office refusing to Honor the Constitution's
  • checks & balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE the
  • Judicial Branch be checked for corruption.
  • President Elect Donald Trump office received this by email November
  • 25, 2024 that it takes two-third of both Houses or he CANNOT TAKE 
  • Donald Trumps Office received the Civil Rights violation November 26,
  • 2024 & for over a month concealed he is disqualified from taking office,
  • again before being inaugurated January 20, 2025 breaching oath of office
  • deceiving the American Public he would preserve, protect, & defend the
  • Constitution of the U.S. of America
  • Jesha Miller
    Tue, Jan 14 at 1:38 PM
    2707 Adams Ave.
    Evansville IN. 47714
    812 470 4220
    N.Y. Post - News Tip

    Reference to: The Vital role of Journalism is a watchdog of the government to uncover corruption & unethical practices, keeping citizens informed of important news necessary for a democratic process. Publication that speaks for the people as well as a platform for the voices of underrepresented people suffering from injustice & oppression. Transparency is to see what officials are doing & hold them accountable to stop corruption. 

           All three ( 3 ) Branches are corrupt having USURPED the Constitution's checks & balances which are an official order mandate they be checked for corruption & you being the media have not informed the public so the system is rigged so officials are not held accountable.
           President Elect Donald Trump is disqualified from taking office having previously taken oath as the President to support the Constitution of the U.S. & engaged in insurrection against the Constitution refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances which are an Official Order Mandate the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption. This upholds the integrity of the Constitution & as Journalist you have concealed this from the public. Publish this January 15, 2025 to hold President Elect Donald Trump accountable as his camp knows Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of the House & the Senate remove such disability. The U.S. Treasury owes Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 Billion Dollars immediately for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. Trump takes office January 20, 2025 so the public & Congress must know he is ineligible right now & the Treasury owes Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 billion dollars as it was he who President Elect Trump breached oath of office refusing to honor the checks & balances violating Article II, sec. 3 - to take care the laws are faithfully executed. Go public publishing this January 15, 2025. The PUBLIC DOCKET filed in Federal Court makes this is Public Concern immediately having violated civil rights by refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances. Publish front page news January 15, 2025 so Congress may take action before he takes office & act on a Preliminary Injunction to pay Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 Billion dollars immediately also. You also see that Donald Trump Office sent me an email having knowledge Congress must take away the disability by a vote of two-thirds in both Houses. US Attorney Jack Smith concealed this from the public being given New Evidence Donald Trump breached oath of office. See - U.S. Attorney Jack Smith is given evidence - both Trump & Harris ineligible. Also - President Elect Donald Trump is Disqualified from holding office. The evidence of disqualification is attached so go public January 15, 2025.

    Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: January 14, 2025
    To:Cathy Gainor,editor,
    Tue, Jan 14 at 1:20 PM
    2707 Adams Ave.
    Evansville IN. 47714
    812 470 4220

    Washington Times - Cathy Gainor - Managing Editor
    Christopher Dolan - President & Executive Editor
    David Eldridge - Senior Editor

    Reference to: The Vital role of Journalism is a watchdog of the government to uncover corruption & unethical practices, keeping citizens informed of important news necessary for a democratic process. Publication that speaks for the people as well as a platform for the voices of underrepresented people suffering from injustice & oppression. Transparency is to see what officials are doing & hold them accountable to stop corruption. 

           All three ( 3 ) Branches are corrupt having USURPED the Constitution's checks & balances which are an official order mandate they be checked for corruption & you being the media have not informed the public so the system is rigged so officials are not held accountable.
           President Elect Donald Trump is disqualified from taking office having previously taken oath as the President to support the Constitution of the U.S. & engaged in insurrection against the Constitution refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances which are an Official Order Mandate the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption. This upholds the integrity of the Constitution & as Journalist you have concealed this from the public. Publish this January 15, 2025 to hold President Elect Donald Trump accountable as his camp knows Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of the House & the Senate remove such disability. The U.S. Treasury owes Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 Billion Dollars immediately for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. Trump takes office January 20, 2025 so the public & Congress must know he is ineligible right now & the Treasury owes Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 billion dollars as it was he who President Elect Trump breached oath of office refusing to honor the checks & balances violating Article II, sec. 3 - to take care the laws are faithfully executed. Go public publishing this January 15, 2025. The PUBLIC DOCKET filed in Federal Court makes this is Public Concern immediately having violated civil rights by refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances. Publish front page news January 15, 2025 so Congress may take action before he takes office & act on a Preliminary Injunction to pay Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 Billion dollars immediately also. You also see that Donald Trump Office sent me an email having knowledge Congress must take away the disability by a vote of two-thirds in both Houses. US Attorney Jack Smith concealed this from the public being given New Evidence Donald Trump breached oath of office. See - U.S. Attorney Jack Smith is given evidence - both Trump & Harris ineligible. Also - President Elect Donald Trump is Disqualified from holding office. The evidence of disqualification is attached so go public January 15, 2025.

    Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: January 14, 2025
    esha Miller,
    Tue, Jan 14 at 1:07 PM
    2707 Adams Ave.
    Evansville IN. 47714
    812 470 4220

    Washington Post - Matt Murray
    Philip Rucker - Washington Post

    Reference to: The Vital role of Journalism is a watchdog of the government to uncover corruption & unethical practices, keeping citizens informed of important news necessary for a democratic process. Publication that speaks for the people as well as a platform for the voices of underrepresented people suffering from injustice & oppression. Transparency is to see what officials are doing & hold them accountable to stop corruption. 

           All three ( 3 ) Branches are corrupt having USURPED the Constitution's checks & balances which are an official order mandate they be checked for corruption & you being the media have not informed the public so the system is rigged so officials are not held accountable.
           President Elect Donald Trump is disqualified from taking office having previously taken oath as the President to support the Constitution of the U.S. & engaged in insurrection against the Constitution refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances which are an Official Order Mandate the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption. This upholds the integrity of the Constitution & as Journalist you have concealed this from the public. Publish this January 15, 2025 to hold President Elect Donald Trump accountable as his camp knows Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of the House & the Senate remove such disability. The U.S. Treasury owes Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 Billion Dollars immediately for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. Trump takes office January 20, 2025 so the public & Congress must know he is ineligible right now & the Treasury owes Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 billion dollars as it was he who President Elect Trump breached oath of office refusing to honor the checks & balances violating Article II, sec. 3 - to take care the laws are faithfully executed. Go public publishing this January 15, 2025. The PUBLIC DOCKET filed in Federal Court makes this is Public Concern immediately having violated civil rights by refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances. Publish front page news January 15, 2025 so Congress may take action before he takes office & act on a Preliminary Injunction to pay Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 Billion dollars immediately also. You also see that Donald Trump Office sent me an email having knowledge Congress must take away the disability by a vote of two-thirds in both Houses. US Attorney Jack Smith concealed this from the public being given New Evidence Donald Trump breached oath of office. See - U.S. Attorney Jack Smith is given evidence - both Trump & Harris ineligible. Also - President Elect Donald Trump is Disqualified from holding office. The evidence of disqualification is attached so go public January 15, 2025.

    Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: January 14, 2025
    Jesha Miller
    Tue, Jan 14 at 9:20 AM
    2707 Adams Ave.
    Evansville IN. 47714
    812 470 4220

    Anderson Cooper - CNN

    Reference to: The Vital role of Journalism is a watchdog of the government to uncover corruption & unethical practices, keeping citizens informed of important news necessary for a democratic process. Publication that speaks for the people as well as a platform for the voices of underrepresented people suffering from injustice & oppression. Transparency is to see what officials are doing & hold them accountable to stop corruption. 

           All three ( 3 ) Branches are corrupt having USURPED the Constitution's checks & balances which are an official order mandate they be checked for corruption & you being the media have not informed the public so the system is rigged so officials are not held accountable.
           President Elect Donald Trump is disqualified from taking office having previously taken oath as the President to support the Constitution of the U.S. & engaged in insurrection against the Constitution refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances which are an Official Order Mandate the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption. This upholds the integrity of the Constitution & as Journalist you have concealed this from the public. Publish this January 15, 2025 to hold President Elect Donald Trump accountable as his camp knows Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of the House & the Senate remove such disability. The U.S. Treasury owes Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 Billion Dollars immediately for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. Trump takes office January 20, 2025 so the public & Congress must know he is ineligible right now & the Treasury owes Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 billion dollars as it was he who President Elect Trump breached oath of office refusing to honor the checks & balances violating Article II, sec. 3 - to take care the laws are faithfully executed. Go public publishing this January 15, 2025. The PUBLIC DOCKET filed in Federal Court makes this is Public Concern immediately having violated civil rights by refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances. Publish front page news January 15, 2025 so Congress may take action before he takes office & act on a Preliminary Injunction to pay Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 Billion dollars immediately also. You also see that Donald Trump Office sent me an email having knowledge Congress must take away the disability by a vote of two-thirds in both Houses. US Attorney Jack Smith concealed this from the public being given New Evidence Donald Trump breached oath of office. See - U.S. Attorney Jack Smith is given evidence - both Trump & Harris ineligible. Also - President Elect Donald Trump is Disqualified from holding office. The evidence of disqualification is attached so go public January 15, 2025.

    Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: January 14, 2025
  •                   Jesha Miller
,,,Norder Lois (AJC-Atlanta-CON),
    Tue, Jan 14 at 9:11 AM
    2707 Adams Ave.
    Evansville IN. 47714
    812 470 4220

    Asia Simone Burns - Watchdog for the Atlanta Journal Constitution
    Jamie Riley - Editorial Board - Atlanta Journal Constitution
    Brad Schrade - Investigative Tips Editor
    Lois Norder - Atlanta Journal Constitution

    Reference to: The Vital role of Journalism is a watchdog of the government to uncover corruption & unethical practices, keeping citizens informed of important news necessary for a democratic process. Publication that speaks for the people as well as a platform for the voices of underrepresented people suffering from injustice & oppression. Transparency is to see what officials are doing & hold them accountable to stop corruption. 

           All three ( 3 ) Branches are corrupt having USURPED the Constitution's checks & balances which are an official order mandate they be checked for corruption & you being the media have not informed the public so the system is rigged so officials are not held accountable.
           President Elect Donald Trump is disqualified from taking office having previously taken oath as the President to support the Constitution of the U.S. & engaged in insurrection against the Constitution refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances which are an Official Order Mandate the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption. This upholds the integrity of the Constitution & as Journalist you have concealed this from the public. Publish this January 15, 2025 to hold President Elect Donald Trump accountable as his camp knows Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of the House & the Senate remove such disability. The U.S. Treasury owes Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 Billion Dollars immediately for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. Trump takes office January 20, 2025 so the public & Congress must know he is ineligible right now & the Treasury owes Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 billion dollars as it was he who President Elect Trump breached oath of office refusing to honor the checks & balances violating Article II, sec. 3 - to take care the laws are faithfully executed. Go public publishing this January 15, 2025. The PUBLIC DOCKET filed in Federal Court makes this is Public Concern immediately having violated civil rights by refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances. Publish front page news January 15, 2025 so Congress may take action before he takes office & act on a Preliminary Injunction to pay Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 Billion dollars immediately also. You also see that Donald Trump Office sent me an email having knowledge Congress must take away the disability by a vote of two-thirds in both Houses. US Attorney Jack Smith concealed this from the public being given New Evidence Donald Trump breached oath of office. See - U.S. Attorney Jack Smith is given evidence - both Trump & Harris ineligible. Also - President Elect Donald Trump is Disqualified from holding office. The evidence of disqualification is attached so go public January 15, 2025.

    Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: January 14, 2025
  • Here is irrefutable evidence the Media are in cahoots to deceive the 
  • American public to thinking President elect was eligible & carried out
  • the inauguration before a National audience as if everything was
  • Honky Dory.
  • US Attorney Jack Smith was given New Evidence which he concealed
  • from the public that Former President Donald Trump was ineligible to run
  • for President.
  • Prosecutor Jack Smith knew this as far back as October, 2024
  • Former President Donald Trump was informed three time to honor the
  • Constitution checks & balances. In addition is oppression owing 6.75
  • billion dollars for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery.
  • They all have deceived the public which is a Criminal act pursuant to Title
  • 18 sec. 241- Conspiracy against Rights & oppress.
  • The system is rigged, Law Enforcement is corrupt so after being kidnapped
  • I have filed a restraining ORDER. By Law Enforcement being corrupt
  • this prevents me from becoming a Political Prisoner.
  • The Federal Judges tried to prevent my Civil rights which exposes corrupt
  • officials & holds them accountable. All three ( 3 ) Branches have USURPED
  • the Constitution's checks & balances which uphold the integrity so the
  • system is corrupt.
  • Chief Federal Judge Tanya Pratt uphold the integrity of the Constitution's
  • checks & balances & go public January 28, 2025 which is an OFFICIAL
  • ORDER MANDATE government has to be checked for corruption.
  • I am empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution, Jesha Miller.
  • Checks & balances empower the people to ensure they cannot do anything
  • they want to the people & get away with it.. This is the RULE OF LAW.


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