US Marshal Joseph McClain is to Arrest Federal Judge Matthew P. Brookman, Richard Young, Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen owing Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 Billion Dollars & counting for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. All three Branches have USURPED the checks & balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE all three ( 3 ) Branches are corrupt. The Judges denied the guaranteed 1st Amendment to conceal this from the public is why you don't know. Civil Rights were violated by President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Local Media, Blaine Fentress, & CBS Co - Presidents Wendy A. McMahon & Neeraj Khemlani, Indiana University President Pamela Whitten, & U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Barett. This is Filed in the Federal Court, U.S. Marshal Joseph McClain is to execute the indictments & Send a copy to US Marshal L. Davis to Arrest Amy Barrett, Janet Yellen, etc., That's right the system is rigged. Now last but least, President elect Donald Trump is on the Public Docket having refused to honor the checks & balances when previously in office. This means he CANNOT TAKE OFFICE UNLESS Approved by two-third of both the Senate & House of Representatives. All said is backed up by irrefutable evidence meaning impossible to deny or disprove.

US Marshal Joseph McClain has a duty to protect & arrest Judge Brookman
Federal Judge Matthew Brookman violates the 7th Amendment Right to a
Trial by Jury, denied the 1st Amendment to hold government accountable,
is Criminal Act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against Rights &
oppress owing 6.75 Billion dollars for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery.
Title 18 ses. 242 makes it a crime for Federal Judge Matthew Broookman
acting under color of law to deprive a person of a right protected by the
Constitution or Laws of the U.S.
US Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett has concealed the
Constitution's checks & balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER
MANDATE they be checked for Corruption, in addition to concealing
kidnapping by the State of Indiana to shut me up, they locked me up
by kidnapping & the Media concealed this from the public. The First
Amendment states this is an EVIL. Neither the media can prevent it nor
the Government in any manner. Kidnapping is Federal Offense so to prove
a government cover up FBI Agent Herbert Stapleton made no arrest.

The House of Representatives are to impeach the Judges & the Senate is to
convict them of the crime violating rights under color of law.
Breaking oath of office requires removal from office.
Irrefutable evidence Judge Matthew Brookman violates the 7th Amendment
Right to a trial by Jury he gives final judgement to conceal government
corruption. No hearing, no trial, no summary judgement, no nothing to conceal
all three branches are corrupt.
See the list of names so he made final judgement to keep this a government
cover up. Even US Special Attorney Jack Smith who received new evidence
President elect Donald Trump breached oath of office.
The Complaint for Violation of Civil Rights proof Judge Brookman
violated my Rights it States " Demand For Jury Trial "
Irrefutable evidence - impossible to deny or disprove.
In Federal Judge Matthew Brookman own writing he denies media to cover
the Constitution's Checks & Balances & President Biden's Indictment.
That's irrefutable evidence impossible to deny or disprove.
A government cover up. Checks & Balances are an Official Order mandate
they be checked for corruption which he prevented violating the First
Amendment right to expose corruption.
Magistrate Chrystal Wildeman also denied a Motion for Investigation
to conceal Government Corruption from the public.
The US Marshal must now execute the indictment & arrest these Judges to
include Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. System is Rigged.
There you see it's received by the US Supreme Court & Justice Amy Barrett
concealed this from the public. That's Usurping the checks & balances
so there is no integrity & kidnapping. Yes Kidnapping.
That's the FBI concealing kidnapping. They must be removed from office.
The Nation must know & they be arrested by the US Marshal Service.
Donald Trump previously breached oath of office so he CANNOT TAKE
OFFICE unless two-thirds remove such disability. See impeachment !!!!!
President elect Donald Trump knows this & must come forward as this was
NEW EVIDENCE which US Attorney Jack Smith failed to inform the public.
Filed in the Federal Court which Federal Judge Matthew Brookman refused
to allow the public to know.
Maryland Doctrine of Exclusion
This money was already owed back then so execute indictment for Janet Yellen
Obstruction of Justice - The checks & balances are an OFFICIAL ORDER
MANDATE the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption. MANDATE
There were no Blacks in the Jury venire so there couldn't be no Black People
on the Jury. An unconstitutional impaneled jury.
The above Judges denied the 1st Amendment to conceal this from the public.
Again my Rights are denied under color of law, Title 18 sec. 1001- concealment
US Marshal Joseph McClain do your duty & arrest them this time. Note: you
are to send a copy to Washington for Ronald Davis to Arrest Janet Yellen &
DISBURSE 6.75 Billion dollars for continued oppression.
As you see I, Veteran Jesha Miller am empowered by the Constitution is
motive for corruption because of a transfer of power to the people whom
is me, Veteran Jesha Miller. You see the date was APRIL 18, 2019.
Jesha Miller
2707 Adams Avenue
Evansville IN. 47714
812 470 4220
Internal Affairs - Office of Professional Responsibility for the US Marshal's.
Joseph McClain - U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of Indiana refuses to execute the indictment for Federal Judge Matthew P. Brookman, Federal Judge Richard Young, Magistrate Chrystal Wildeman all of whom violate rights under color of law pursuant to Title 18 sec. 242 - a federal law that prohibits the deprivation of rights protected by the Constitution or laws of the U.S. by someone acting under color of law. See for the petition online requiring he execute the indictment & arrest Federal Judge Matthew P. Brookman for denying the 1st Amendment right to speech - press to hold officials accountable for concealing the Constitution's checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution absolutely necessary to uphold the integrity & extremely important to hold officials accountable & secure the rights of the citizens. See - Joseph McClain U.S. Marshal Service Corrupt - Refuses to Arrest Federal Judge Matthew P. Brookman. Attached are Court documents where Federal Judge Matthew Brookman denies the guaranteed 1st Amendment to conceal the checks & balances & President Joseph Biden breach oath of office. Federal Judge Richard Young refuses to publicly acknowledge being the petitioner of the checks & balances I'm empowered by the checks & balances & Magistrate Chrytal Wildeman denies an investigation as being moot when the checks & balances are supported by irrefutable evidence the U.S. Supreme Court violates Article I, sec. 9 - Powers Denied Government - Habeas Corpus. [ Although the U.S. Marshal's protect the Judges they also arrest them of which U.S. Marshal Joseph McClain has refused to do. We have no rights unless they are enforced & no one is above the law. Title 18 sec. 242 - Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include Police Officers, Prison Guards, & other Law Enforcement Officials, as well as JUDGES, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. ]
Here we are talking about all three ( 3 ) Branches are corrupt having USURPED the Constitution's checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution & the U.S. Marshal investigate preservation of the criminal justice system's integrity. A civil complaint was filed DEMANDING A TRIAL BY JURY of which Federal Judge Matthew P. Brookman made a final Judgement in violation of the 7th Amendment right to a TRIAL BY JURY as a government cover up that all three branches are corrupt & I'm immediately owed 6.75 billion dollars for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. This is against the peace & dignity of the Constitution & Laws of the United States.
As the Office of Professional Responsibility take immediate action having US Marshal arrest Federal Judge Matthew Brookman & he is to send this to the US Marshal Ronald Davis to make arrest of the Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen owing 6,75 billion dollars, & US Supreme Court Justice Amy Barret concealing the checks & balances which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment & obstruction of justice as the checks & balances are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption. Of National Public concern is that President Elect Donald Trump is disqualified from holding office because he previously breached oath of office refusing to honor the checks & balances mandatory by law & cannot hold office unless both the Senate & House take away the disability by a vote of two-thirds. This is all unprecedented, nevertheless is the Supreme law of the Land. Without the checks & balances under the rule of power & not the rule of law. The checks & balances prevent the government from doing whatever it wants to the citizens and get away with it. The U.S. Marshals must enforce the law or we the people have no rights so take immediate action this January 7, 2025 to publicly arrest Federal Judge Matthew Brookman etc., The public must know all three Branches of government have USURPED the Constitution's checks & balances which uphold the integrity. [ - President Elect Donald Trump is Disqualified from Holding Office. ]
Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empower the citizens. Veteran Jesha Miller
Date: January 7, 2025
Internal Affairs (USMS)
To:Jesha Miller
Thu, Jan 9 at 1:08 PM
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US Marshal Joseph McClain has a DUTY to execute the indictment & arrest the Judges Matthew P. Brookman, Magistrate Chrystal Wildeman, & U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Barrett, Janet Yellen & media Blaine Fentress all concealing the Constitution's checks & balances pursuant to Title 18 sec. 242 - makes it a crime. Deprivation of Rights under color of law. Persons acting under color of law include Police Officers, prison guards, other law enforcement officials & JUDGES.