Complaint against Judge Robert Pigman, an accessory after the fact of kidnapping to the Indiana Commission on Judicial Qualifications. - Complaint against a judge.

Jesha Miller is the petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances
which empowers the citizens to uphold the integrity of the Constitution.
This is to be proven before a candid world against U.S. A.G.
Merrick Garland. In this case all 3 branches are corrupt with Jesha Miller
having irrefutable evidence - meaning impossible to deny or disprove.
The Courts do not having jurisdiction because the entire branch is corrupt,
already stated there is a transfer of power to Jesha Miller to uphold the 
integrity. In a government of the people when the government is corrupt, the 
power is transferred to the citizens to prove CORRUPTION.
Reference -
Charges of kidnapping were filed against Evansville Indiana Mayor
Stephanie Terry, Deputy Mayor Lindsay Lacasto, Judge Molly E. Briks
who signed the probable cause affidavit, Amanda Joest, Prosecutor Diana
Movers, Police Chief Philip Smith, Sheriff Noah Robinson, Prosecutor
Jay Newton, Public Defender James Woods.
A person is guilty of kidnapping in the First Degree when he abducts
another person for more than 12 hours with the intent to interfere with
the performance of a governmental or political function.
That function is the Constitution's checks & balances which are an essential
part of the Constitution meaning absolutely necessary & extremely important
An accessory after the FACT is any person who after the commission of a
FELONY, shall harbor, conceal, or aid the offender, knowing or having
reasonable ground to believe he has committed the felony, aid with intent
that he avoid or escape from arrest, trial, conviction, or punishment. 
Judge Robert Pigman dismissed the charges of kidnapping knowing I had
been abducted for more than 12 hours with the intent to prevent the
Constitution's checks & balances which would remove Chief of Police
Philip Smith, Sheriff Noah Robinson, and Prosecutor Diana Moers
whom all breach oath of office which requires termination of tenure of office.
without having jurisdiction. The Court is powerless to act in any stage
of the proceedings. In addition I filed a Motion to Dismiss:
Extraordinary Relief which is 125 million dollars in compensation
The probable cause affidavit is void again because my actions are a
Constitutional right guaranteed by the first Amendment. Void means
they once had power but no longer have power because the checks & balances
require the government be checked for corruption of which they refused
The Commission is to now send this to the Indiana Supreme Court by law
as this is a criminal act of kidnapping. Ind. Code Sec. 35-1-55-1.
DISBURSE 125 million dollars immediately because oppression of a people
requires immediate restitution in addition to the Indiana Treasury already
owing approximately 50 million for an unconstitutional conviction by
Judge David Kiely imposing an all white Jury on a Black man.
Delivered May 22, 2024 11:31 AM. Tracking Number
EI 965 947 067 US
Charges of Kidnapping Against Evansville Indiana Mayor Stephanie Terry
Filed with the FBI
The Motive is to prevent the checks & balances which is an Official ORDER
Mandate Government be checked for corruption.
A person is guilty of kidnapping in the First Degree when he abducts another
person & he restrains the person abducted for more than 12 hours with intent
to interfere with the performance of a governmental or political function.
Jesha Miller was held for approximately 90 days which prevented the
Constitution checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution.
Judge Robert Pigman is an accessory after the Fact of kidnapping. When the
prosecutor motioned to dismiss he extended the Involuntary confinement. 
Who was going to prosecute now, Judge Robert Pigman ???????????
Court Matters Under Advisement is kidnapping which Judge Pigman 
The Motion to Dismiss with EXTRAORDINARY RELIEF includes
125 million dollars for kidnapping which the Court ignored.
There's 125 million dollars on the table at stake for kidnapping.
The FBI have a duty to file charges of kidnapping by the law.
This is the tracking number
Delivered May 31, 2024 at 11:25 am
Amy Barrett - U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice is called to go public
exposing government officials Usurping the Constitution checks & balances.
Formal charges of kidnapping.
125 Million dollars are involved, owed for kidnapping by the State of
Tracking # to Amy Barrett which arrived 2 days ago
2707 Adams Ave.
Evansville In. 47714
812 470 4220

Attention: Adrienne Meiring - Commission on Judicial Qualifications Judicial Nominating Commission

     You informed me I was on the Agenda May 21, 2024 & I'm yet to receive a Court date for the Indiana Supreme Court as I sent formal charges of kidnapping against Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry etc., & Judge Robert Pigman is an accessory after the fact - kidnapping. There was a motion to dismiss In addition to extraordinary relief in the form of 125 million dollars which has not been paid. The public must know of these charges as No One Is Above The Law. This procrastinating furthers oppression so the Indiana Treasury owes 155 million dollars immediately in compensation for the criminal act of kidnapping which is of public concern. This is bigger than Nino Brown, the Constitution's checks & balances is an Official Order Mandate government be checked for corruption which is public policy. I am the petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizens in an event against the Governments best man being U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland & myself, Jesha Miller before a candid world. This is Major, public policy to uphold the integrity of the Constitution & you as well as every government employee are obligatory both morally & by law.
     Publicly inform the public of the Criminal charges against Mayor Stephanie Terry, Judge Robert Pigman, Prosecutor Diana Moers, Sheriff Noah Robinson, Evansville Police Chief Philip Smith, etc.,
Set a Indiana Supreme Court date for the charges, & Treasurer Daniel Elliott is to disburse 155 million dollars already owed for the criminal act of kidnapping to prevent the Constitution's checks & balances. There is motive to prevent the checks & balances which called for Prosecutor Diana Moers, Sheriff Noah Robinson, & Police Chief Philip Smith removal from office for breach of oath of office & the plot to shut me up, they locked me up which is kidnapping. A person is Guilty of kidnapping in the First degree when he abducts another person for more than 12 hours with the intent to interfere with the performance of a governmental or political function which was the Constitution's checks & balances mandatory by law. That is now the case as the Mayor Terry never has went public informing the people these officials have breached oath of office to prevent the checks & balances. An accessory after the fact is any person who after the commission of a felony, shall harbor, conceal, or aid the offender, knowing or having reasonable ground to believe that he has committed the felony, aid with the intent that he may avoid or escape from arrest, trial, conviction or punishment. This Judge Robert Pigman dismissed so they would not be held accountable. Remember I am the petitioner having a political status quo meaning the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues. That means I'm Special. I am empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances giving me authority to give Orders, make decisions, & enforce obedience. I need this done July 23, 2024. Out of sight means out of mind. The truth is the light. See attachments.

Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empower the citizens - Jesha Miller
Date: July 22, 2024

2707 Adams Ave.
Evansville IN. 47714
812 470 4220

Steven Horsford - Chairman Black Caucus
406 Cannon HOB
Washington D.C. 20515
202 225 9894
Fax 202 225 9783
( 702 ) 963 9360

Reference to: All 3 branches Usurped the Constitution's checks & balances. I am empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empower's the citizens who is Veteran Jesha Miller. I am empowered to stop inequality, social injustice, & police brutality which is a government cover up. The checks & balances are an Official Order Mandate government be checked for corruption, upholds the integrity of the Constitution, & is an event to be proven before a candid world. See

     This is Major, from President Biden, to Congress, to the U.S. Supreme Court, all have Usurped the Constitution's checks & balances to prevent equality as I am empowered to stop INEQUALITY, Social Injustice, & police brutality. The CBC mission is to ensure equal rights, opportunity, & access. The struggle for Black Americans has been to get equality which I am empowered to do in an event before a candid world same as Watergate which also was the checks & balances. This opportunity has been Usurped by all 3 Branches which is illegal which they have concealed by from the public. There can only be a government cover up with the help of media & law enforcement refusing to execute the indictments & arrest those involved. This being said you, Steven Horsford must go public by July 31, 2024 & bring this before Congress informing Congress I am the petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances having irrefutable evidence that all 3 Branches have Usurped the checks & balances which are mandatory by law to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. Irrefutable means impossible to deny or disprove which is why there was a government cover up. This is seen on - Mike Johnson take checks & balances to the floor of the House which is Congress, President Biden breach oath of office being petitioned as seen on - President Biden breach oath of office & Congress Usurp checks & balances, & - AG Merrick Garland Corrupt so there you have all 3 Branches Usurping the Constitution's checks & balances. As I can prove it, it is TRUE.
     The previous Black Caucus Chair - Joyce Beatty who sold out the people & the Constitution concealing this from the public so they are not held accountable as seen on - Black people need new leaders. Now as the new leader of the Black caucus go public concerning this July 31, 2024. Attached is evidence the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Barrett who also has concealed this from the public. When the U.S. Supreme Court is corrupt the entire Branch is corrupt. My being empowered is unprecedented so I have a Status Quo both politically & socially with a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars owed immediately by the Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen for the U.S. Supreme Court violating the 13th Amendment which abolished slavery & government powers are limited in violation of Article I, sec. 9 - powers denied government - Habeas Corpus which protects the right to freedom. That's all 3 Branches of government so go public July 31, 2024 informing the public they have USURPED the checks & balances preventing EQUALITY. [ They were not going to figure out how a Black Man can get equality, this we had to do ourselves as I have done now bring this from the darkness to light & it comes to fruition.
     No one is above the law. Now to shut me up, they locked me up which is kidnapping as seen on Kidnapping is a criminal offense so take immediate action reporting this to the public. The code of ethics require you, Steven Horsford to expose corruption wherever discovered & to uphold the Constitution & laws & Never Be A part of its EVASION. Because all 3 branches of government have Usurped the checks & balances which upholds the integrity of the Constitution by holding officials accountable THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED no longer securing the rights of the citizens. The mission of the Department of justice is to UPHOLD THE RULE OF LAW & PROTECT CIVIL RIGHTS which U.S. AG Merrick Garland refused to check the Judicial Branch for corruption when the checks & balances are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE they be checked for corruption. See attachments as evidence which proves this to be true. To shut me up, they locked me up which is kidnapping because they had no jurisdiction. My probable cause affidavit includes President Biden, V.P. Kamala Harris, U.S. AG Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, IN. Senator Todd Young, etc., the most high profile probable cause affidavit in American HISTORY which speaks volumes of who I am. Go public July 31, 2024 in 2 days which is why the exhibits proving this to be true are attached for you to take immediate action going public & informing Congress government must be checked for corruption by me, Jesha Miller, as intended by the Framers of the Constitution in an event between Jesha Miller & the U.S. AG before a candid world.
Again you, Steven Horsford are obligatory both morally & by law to go public exposing government corruption so do this July 31, 2024. At stake is I stop INEQUALITY, SOCIAL INJUSTICE, & POLICE BRUTALITY which are all our problems in America as a people.
     In a government of the people, when the government is corrupt it empowers the citizens & that is me, Veteran Jesha Miller in an event to prove this before a candid world. This is a government cover up so go public.

Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empower the citizens - Jesha Miller
Date: July 29, 2024
                                      Fax Cover Sheet 202 225 9783
Steven Horsford- Chairman CBC I am Veteran Jesha Miller, petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizens. I am Empowered to STOP Inequality, Social Injustice, & Police Brutality so go public August 1, 2024 carrying out your mission ensuring equality, opportunity because the checks & balances petitioned have been a government cover up. This arrived with attachments in support today, July 31, 2024 by certified mail at 11:30 am. Going public this is a Constitutionally protected right pursuant to the 1st Amendment right to redress government. We have to figure out our own problems which I have done being empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizens in an event to be proven before a candid world. Go public August 1, 2024 & present this before Congress & President Biden as I have irrefutable evidence impossible to deny or disprove as well as I'm owed 6.75 billion dollars immediately for continued oppression. This is of national concern.
Dear Jesha Donaldson Miller,

Your fax to Steven Horsford at 2022259783 has been sent successfully!
Successful delivery of your fax was confirmed at 5:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time on July 31st, 2024
Your fax included 1 page of coversheet with your text and 3 pages of attached documents.

Be sure to follow up with the recipient to make sure that the fax is legible and is delivered to the right person in the office.
To view or print the status of your fax, click here. You can also send FaxZero a "tip" to support this handy service.
Thank you,

 Attention Steven Horsford - Congressional Black caucus - Call a press conference tomorrow, August 9, 2024 to hold Congress accountable having Usurped the Constitution checks & balances which are an official order mandate all 3 branches be checked for corruption. Also petitioner Jesha Miller is immediately owed 6.75 billion dollars. Here we have another Black billionaire who is empowered to stop inequality, social injustice, & police brutality. Do this August 9, 2024.

2707 Adams Ave.
Evansville IN. 47714
812 470 4220

Steven Horsford - Black Caucus
Fax# 202 225 9783

Reference to: U.S. Supreme Court conceals the checks & balances, do not honor the checks & balances, are ignoring kidnapping in the first degree, acts as if everything is normal when the U.S. Supreme Court has to be checked for corruption.

     Submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Amy Barrett is called to go public concerning the
Constitution's checks & balances which are an Official ORDER Mandate the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption.  All government employees are obligated both morally & by law. This is returned as if operations are normal instructing me to follow Constitutional rules when government powers are limited & the U.S. Supreme Court violates Article I, sec. 9 - powers denied government- The Habeas Corpus which secures the right to freedom when a citizen is held in violation of the Constitution & Laws of the U.S. This affirms the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt when the U.S. Supreme Court is corrupt in an appellate Court System the entire Branch is corrupt. Clearly stated is ( all 3 branches are corrupt which is to include the U.S. Supreme Court. ) Normal procedure is no longer needed, government is required to be checked for corruption, abuse of power, & oppression immediately owing 6.75 billion dollars for the criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241- conspiracy against rights & oppress. In addition Title 18 sec. 242 - Rights denied under color of law we're intended to protect civil rights making it a crime for someone acting under color of law to deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the U.S. The system does not work when those appointed as a deterrent fail to hold them accountable. It is therefore rigged. The Black Caucus often called the Conscience of Congress for being the first to stand up & speak out about issues that Congress needs to examine need go public tomorrow, August 9, 2024 because the checks & balances are what uphold the integrity of the Constitution, are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE government be checked for corruption, holds officials accountable, & secures the the rights of we the people, and is obligatory to you both morally & BY LAW. This is the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. Attached is the caption to Justice Amy Barrett & the Court response to abide by Constitutional Law when they are required to be checked by law & refuse to concede to the demands of the Constitution requiring they be checked for corruption & all 3 branches have acted in defiance of the Constitution. The Secretary for Chairman Steven Horsford stated you received evidence which was sent having tracking number EI 965 946 818 US which would be looked at the Black Caucus yesterday & this is the nail in the coffin. Go public August 9, 2024 & take to the floor of the Senate. 

Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
Date: August 8, 2024

Dear Jesha Donaldson Miller,

Your fax to Steven Horsford at 2022259783 has been sent successfully!
Successful delivery of your fax was confirmed at 1:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time on August 8th, 2024
Your fax included 1 page of cover sheet with your text and 3 pages of attached documents.

Dear Jesha Donaldson Miller,

Your fax to Sierra Kelly Chung at 2022259783 has been sent successfully!
Successful delivery of your fax was confirmed at 9:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time on September 13th, 2024
Your fax included 1 page of cover sheet with your text and 2 pages of attached documents.


2707 Adams Ave.

Evansville IN. 47714

812 470 4220

Monica Jones

Reference to: Chairman Steven Horsford - CBC take the checks & balances to the floor of the House. All 3 branches Usurped the checks & balances which are mandatory by law.

     I''m Jesha Miller, petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which empower the citizens to uphold the integrity. Representative Steven Horsford received this July 31, 2024 at 11:30 am with the tracking number EI 965 946 818 US. Jessica West from the Regional office sent this to Mrs. Sierra Kelly - Chung on Thursday, September 12, 2024. Being empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances I stop inequality, social injustice, & police brutality. [ Tyreek Hill was pulled over by police & a month earlier in Illinois a Black Woman was killed in her home by police. ] Representative Horsford needs to go public today September 13,  as this is Major being all 3 Branches have Usurped the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution, this is a government COVER UP, this office has had this for more than a month, past due allowing oppression to continue which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress owing 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression.

     Representative Steven Horsford has a mission to stand up & speak out as he is obligated both morally & by law as the Constitution checks & balances are an Official Order Mandate they be checked for corruption which they have refused to do in defiance of the Constitution breaching oath of office which requires termination of tenure of office. Another part of the mission is equality which I am empowered to stop inequality so for the next generation they won't have to face racism & oppression. I solved our own problems which no one else is going to do. 

     All three branches are corrupt having Usurped the checks & balances so they are not held accountable, fail to pay money owed for imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. The US Supreme Court violates Article I, sec. 9 - Powers Denied government - which is the Habeas Corpus to secure the right to freedom when held in violation of the Constitution & Laws of the U.S. [ See for President Biden violating Article II, sec. 3 - faithfully see to it the laws are faithfully executed & - Mike Johnson take checks & balances to floor of the House. That's all 3 branches proven to be corrupt in violation of the law. State of Indiana kidnapped me in the First degree having held me longer than 12 hours with the intent to prevent the checks & balances which is a governmental or political function. ] 

     Having received this more than a month ago Representative Steven Horsford is slow to react to his obligation to the Constitution, expose corruption wherever discovered, & the fact I'm empowered to stop inequality.

Empowered by the checks & balances which empower the citizens - Jesha Miller

Date: September 13, 2024

Jesha Miller
Tue, Oct 1 at 1:41 PM

2707 Adams Ave.
Evansville IN. 47714
812 470 4220

Eugene Louis Dodaro - U.S. Comptroller General
Assistant to Dodaro - B. Miller - forward to Eugene Louis Dodaro - Time sensitive to disburse 6.75 billion dollars owed immediately. Oppression of a people requires immediate restitution. Mail have lied saying they could not deliver today because you are closed is why I asked if you are open. See fraudulent message attached. Below that are the imposed obligations on President Biden which he conceals & Representative Larry Bucshon concealed from the public.

    I'm Veteran Jesha Miller, petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizens because all 3 Branches of government have Usurped the Constitution's checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution. You will receive this today with a tracking number EI 166 530 647 US. As the Chief of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) go public on the Executive, Legislative, & Judicial Branch of government Usurping the checks & balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE government be checked for corruption which they have refused in defiance of the Constitution breaching oath of office. Violation of the oath of office means the neglect or knowing failure by an elective public officer to perform faithfully a duty imposed by law.
     For President Biden that duty violated is Article II, sec. 3 - to faithfully see to it the laws are faithfully executed being the Constitution's checks & balances which are mandatory by law.
[ See ] For the legislative is Speaker of the House Mike Johnson called to take the Constitution's checks & balances to the floor of the House as seen on - Speaker Mike Johnson Take checks & balances to the floor of the House. This is the Legislative Branch that's corrupt refusing to be checked for corruption when the checks & balances are mandatory by law. Last is the Judicial Branch & when the U.S. Supreme Court is corrupt the entire Branch is corrupt in an appellate Court system. Last is the Judicial Branch that's corrupt also refusing to honor the checks & balances as seen on - U.S. Supreme Court corrupt requires checks & balances. That's all 3 branches Usurping the checks & balances which are mandatory by law.
     Take immediate action to audit the U.S. Treasury as the Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen failed to disburse 6.75 billion dollars for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery in violation of the 13th Amendment. This money is past due so go public & disburse by October 7, 2024 & an invitation to Washington before Congress October 9, 2024. The checks & balances take precedence over all matters being absolutely necessary & extremely important as they uphold the integrity of the Constitution. See Janet Yellen disburse 6.75 billion dollars to Veteran Jesha Miller. This is owed for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery of which she has concealed which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment & Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress. Below is the filing in Court on September 27, 2024. This is a government cover up because the checks & balances are an official order mandate each branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power. 

Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empower the citizen. Jesha Miller
Date: October 1, 2024

2707 Adams Ave. 
Evansville IN. 47714
812 470 4220

Vice President Kamala Harris - The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington D.C. 20500

     I am Jesha Miller, petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which are an official order mandate each branch be checked for corruption. This was sent to you of which you have concealed from the public which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment from the public. Also criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec.  241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress immediately owing 6.75 billion dollars. Title 18 sec. 241 & sec. 242 were made to protect civil rights. You need to go public immediately after this arrives to the White House October 4, 2024 to exonerate yourself or you, Kamala Harris cannot be the President of the U.S. You are ineligible to run for the next election because you fail to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. The person refusing to uphold the integrity of the Constitution CANNOT be the leader of a free people. You being a Prosecutor & acting in defiance of the Constitution so much so that it is criminal knocks you out the box.
     I am the petitioner of the checks & balances which empowers the citizens in an event to be proven before a candid world. Empowered means give someone the authority to do something of which comes from the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land. As you said you are not going to do something that uplifts a people but this is the RULE OF LAW. I am empowered to stop inequality, social injustice, & police brutality in addition to the U.S. Treasury owes me 6.75 billion dollars for the miscarriage of justice violating the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. There is a transfer of power to the citizens because all three branches have Usurped the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution.
     The U.S. Postal service so far has refused to deliver this to the U.S. Comptroller General Eugene Dodaro which is more reason with the motive being so they are not held accountable. This is President Biden of the Executive Branch whom you failed to hold accountable for breach of oath of office, Speaker Mike Johnson who has concealed this being called to take it to the floor of the House as seen online at - Speaker Mike Johnson take checks & balances to the floor which is the Legislative Branch & The U.S. Supreme Court which is the Judicial branch of government. That's all 3 branches of government which have USURPED the Constitution's checks & balances. The post office states they could not deliver this to the U.S. Comptroller General Eugene Louis Dodaro because the office was closed which is open 5 days a week.
     To shut me up the state of Indiana kidnapped me with the intent to prevent the checks & balances which is a governmental function. You are an attorney so you know no one is above the law. Go public by October 7, 2024 so the U.S. Treasury can disburse the 6.75 billion dollars which is past due & continues oppression. Remember this is to exonerate yourself because the certified mail is irrefutable evidence that you knew about President Biden breach oath of office & concealed the checks & balances which mandate the Judicial branch be checked for corruption. Mandate meaning an official order or commission to do something. That something empowers me, Veteran Jesha Miller in an event to prove the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. In order for this to be a government cover up it involves Law enforcement & the media because law enforcement are to execute the indictments & arrest those involved & the media inform the public so Congress must address the checks & balances which are absolutely necessary to hold officials accountable, uphold the integrity of the Constitution & Extremely Important to secure the rights of the people. 
See The Constitution was devised with an ingenious & intricate built in system of checks & balances to guard the people's liberty against combination's of government power. It ensures that no branch will be so powerful that it can do whatever it wants to the people & get away with it. The scales of justice are unbalanced, we are left with rule of power, not rule of law.

Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
Date: October 3, 2024.

Jesha Miller,,EugeneDodaro Louis
Fri, Oct 4 at 9:35 AM
2707 Adams Ave.
Evansville IN. 47714
812 470 4220

Beth Miller - Assistant to U.S. Comptroller Eugene Dodaro
U.S. Comptroller General Eugene Dodaro

     Forward this email to Eugene Dodaro to go public because the U.S. Postal Service have not attempted to deliver next day air with tracking number EI 166 530 647 US which is tampering, a criminal charge to conceal government corruption & oppression owing 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress. Neither Kamala Harris nor Donald Trump are eligible as both have Usurped the Constitution's checks & balances which is an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE they be checked for corruption. This upholds the integrity of the Constitution, is an essential part of the Constitution meaning absolutely necessary & extremely important. Eugene Dodaro being the Chief Accountability Office must go public concerning this which is of public concern being in defiance of the Constitution neither can run for President of the U.S. Also the checks & balances empower the citizens whom is me, Veteran Jesha Miller, petitioner of the checks & balances having irrefutable evidence all three branches have Usurped the checks & balances so they are ineligible to run for President. If you do not uphold the integrity of the Constitution you cannot be the President of a free people. As evidence of tampering you can track the mail number EI 166 530 647 US & see that it has not been updated since October 1, 2024 meaning they have not attempted delivery which is tampering. Tampering means to interfere with something in order to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations. (2) exert a secret or corrupt influence upon someone. That someone is me, Veteran Jesha Miller interfering with the delivery of the mail in order to cause damage as I am owed 6.75 billion dollars immediately. This is a government cover up of the checks & balances so they are not held accountable as well as a transfer of power where I am empowered to stop inequality, social injustice, & police brutality. Refer to State of Indiana Kidnaps Jesha Miller. Tampering with the mail is a federal offense. 
     The U.S. Postal Service is a federal agency, and as such, any theft or tampering with mail violates federal statutes. Specifically, 18 U.S. code sec. 1708 outlines the illegality of stealing, taking, or by fraudulent means obtaining mail from various sources such as mail boxes & post offices. Contact the post master general Louis Dejoy to have the package delivered which Eugene Dodaro must act on having evidence of corruption where officials must be held accountable including the Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen needing to be audited for oppression refusing to disburse 6 billion dollars to me, Veteran Jesha Miller owed for the miscarriage of justice by the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. All this is unprecedented as the framers of the constitution empower the citizens when the government is corrupt to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. You, Beth Miller are a witness that the postal service lied about not being able to deliver the mail because the office was closed October 1, 2024 & they state they will deliver the next day & now October 4, 2024 they still have not delivered the mail. For this reason Eugene Dodaro need go public today so they are publicly held accountable whom are President Biden - breach oath of office, Kamala Harris- concealment pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001, & Former President Donald Trump who also concealed the checks & balances which are mandatory by law, & Janet Yellen violating Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress owing 6.75 billion dollars immediately. [ V.P. Harris would therefore be ineligible to run for President as well as Donald Trump. This is mayor, of public concern, & the checks & balances mandatory by law to uphold the integrity of the Constitution of the U.S. of America. [ See filing in federal court below tracking number which U.S. Comptroller can act on immediately this October 4, 2024, confirming this with the Court.

Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empower the citizen. Jesha Miller
Date: October 4, 2024

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More than anything what they were trying to prevent is that I'm EMPOWERED TO STOP INEQUALITY & POLICE BRUTALITY.


  1. Indiana Commission are dragging their feet, formal charges were made in court which included Motion to Dismiss - Extraordinary Relief being 125 million upon my release which they did not do.
    There are charges of kidnapping which the FBI are concealing from the public when kidnapping is a federal offense. Checks & balances are mandatory by law so what officials are doing is illegal. This is bigger than Nino Brown, we talking about the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. The Federal Treasury owes me 6.75 billion dollars also.

  2. Representative Steven Horsford needs to go public this September 13, 2024 taking into account he received this over a month ago. Having evidence all 3 branches are corrupt which is of public concern. The system is rigged

  3. U.S. Comptroller General Eugene Dodaro Special Counsel Beth Miller is to advise Dodaro to go public October 7, concerning Donald Trump & Kamala Harris being indelible to run for President because both have Usurped the Constitution's checks & balances. If you do not uphold the integrity of the Constitution you CANNOT be the leader of a free people. Breach oath of office requires termination of which President Biden has been charged & the media & V.P. Kamala Harris have concealed from the public which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress owing 6.75 billion dollars for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery.


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