U.S. Special Counsel John Smith. Veteran Jesha Miller submits new evidence both Donald Trump & Kamala Harris breached oath of office. This is new evidence because former President Donald Trump beached oath of office as seen online at & Kamala Harris concealed President Joseph Biden's impeachment which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress owing Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 billion dollars for the U.S. Supreme Court act against the law imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. This is a government cover up which can only be accomplished by the help of the media violating the 1st Amendment right to speech press & Law Enforcement whose duty it is to execute the indictments & arrest the media as well as officials preventing the Constitution's checks & balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE all three branches be checked for corruption. For that reason the American Public must stand up because the system is rigged. There are no deterrents to stop corruption so the system is rigged. The postal service delivered mail to the U.S. Comptroller General Eugene Dodaro October 8, 2024 who is the Chief of the accountability Office called to go public & delivery to Vice President Kamala Harris being given a chance to publicly exonerate herself. The tracking number for U.S. Comptroller Gemeral Eugene Dodaro is EI 166 530 647 US which was to arrive October 1, 2024 & today is October 8, 2024 & Kamala Harris EI 912 284 525 U.S. scheduled to arrive yesterday. Eugene Dodaro Secretary was emailed that it is posted on my blog which is 

This is filed in Federal Court as records of government corruption. See the petition below.                               

All three Branches are corrupt requiring Jack Smith intervene publicly
& introduce new evidence that both candidates are ineligible breaching
oath of office.
Duty to enforce the rule of law by U.S. Attorney Jack Smith
Code of ethics require you expose corruption so go public by October 
10, 2024
Kidnapping by the State of Indiana to shut me up they locked me up.
Criminal action by the government.
Exhibits are irrefutable evidence of government preventing the 
checks & balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE
they be checked for corruption which both 
Donald Trump & Kamala Harris did to fool the public.
Vice President Kamala Harris covered for President Biden which 
is concealment which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment
This includes Representative Lauren Boebert, Indiana Governor Holcomb,
Hakeem Jeffries & Speaker Mike Johnson, FBI Public Integrity Section
Chief Cory Amundson, & Senator Mike Braun.
Indiana Chief Justice Loretta H. Rush & U.S. Supreme Court
Justice Amy Coney Barrett all have concealed the Constitution's
checks & balances so as not to be held accountable.
The system is rigged.

Documents has arrived to Jack Smith having
real evidence that neither Donald Trump nor
Kamala Harris are eligible to run for Presidency
having breached oath of office.
Kamala is given 3 days to exonerate herself. 
She must go public by Monday October 14, 2024.
Jack being the Prosecutor must go public
October 11, 2024. The integrity of the
constitution has been Usurped by all three
branches of government so no procrastination.
Acknowledge Jesha Miller as being empowered
by the Constituiton & ORDER the U.S. Treasury
disburse 6.75 billion dollars owed immediately
for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery
& continued oppression.
On the caption President Donald Trump is called to either uphold the
Constitution of which he took oath of office or be impeached. 
Donald Trump chose not to uphold the Constitution's 
checks & balances making him ineligible to run for office now.
U.S. Attorney Jack Smith you intgroduce this evidence to the Nation.
This is what Trump chose to do. This is on him.
Nobody to blame but himself.
See Donald Trump knew coming in he had to uphold the Constitution
which was leverage now knowing all branches of government was corrupt.
That's why he did whatever he wanted to do having no opposition.
the media knew so they concealed this from the public.
They took absolute power because government powers are limited.
National protest needed to hold officials accountable.
ohhhhh U.S. Special Attorney go public October 11, 2024
Declaration of Independence states this is my Duty to do this.
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive.
The U.S. Supreme Court imposed slavery prohibited by the
13th Amendment. Are those the action's of the land of the free.
Kidnapping, to shut me up, they locked me up, Communism.
Statutory Prohibition - 18 U.S.C. sec. 243

Transcripts are irrefutable evidence impossible to deny or disprove.
No Blacks in the Jury.
Violates Article 1, sec. 9 - Powers denied government.
ORDER Treasury to disburse 6.75 billion to Jesha Miller.
As U.S. Special Attorney Jack Smith NOW 
charge the State of Indiana with kidnapping.
Violates all three ( 3 ) charters of freedom 
All three branches are corrupt.
Corruption is based on money & power. Treasury has not paid for the
U.S. Supreme Court's act against the law imposing slavery. 
U.S. treasury must disburse the money October 11, 2024 to stop oppression.
For any and all of you complaining about Donald Trump & Kamala Harris
both being ineligible to run for President there is the law.
Checks & balances fundamental which they Usurped to deny rights &
not be held accountable. What they doing is rule of power & not rule of law. 
This ensures they cannot do whatever they want to the people
and get away with it. A safeguard to stop them Usurping the Constitution.
Checks & balances to guard the peoples liberty against combination's of 
government. A Safeguard to prevent usurpation of power.
U.S. Attorney Jack Smith now has evidence to prevent both
Donald Trump & Kamala Harris from running as both have
Usurped the checks & balances mandatory by law.
That being said, mandatory means REQUIRED BY LAW,

2707 Adams Ave. 
Evansville IN. 47714
812 470 4220

Vice President Kamala Harris - The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington D.C. 20500

     I am Jesha Miller, petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which are an official order mandate each branch be checked for corruption. This was sent to you of which you have concealed from the public which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment from the public. Also criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec.  241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress immediately owing 6.75 billion dollars. Title 18 sec. 241 & sec. 242 were made to protect civil rights. You need to go public immediately after this arrives to the White House October 4, 2024 to exonerate yourself or you, Kamala Harris cannot be the President of the U.S. You are ineligible to run for the next election because you fail to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. The person refusing to uphold the integrity of the Constitution CANNOT be the leader of a free people. You being a Prosecutor & acting in defiance of the Constitution so much so that it is criminal knocks you out the box.
     I am the petitioner of the checks & balances which empowers the citizens in an event to be proven before a candid world. Empowered means give someone the authority to do something of which comes from the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land. As you said you are not going to do something that uplifts a people but this is the RULE OF LAW. I am empowered to stop inequality, social injustice, & police brutality in addition to the U.S. Treasury owes me 6.75 billion dollars for the miscarriage of justice violating the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. There is a transfer of power to the citizens because all three branches have Usurped the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution.
     The U.S. Postal service so far has refused to deliver this to the U.S. Comptroller General Eugene Dodaro which is more reason with the motive being so they are not held accountable. This is President Biden of the Executive Branch whom you failed to hold accountable for breach of oath of office, Speaker Mike Johnson who has concealed this being called to take it to the floor of the House as seen online at - Speaker Mike Johnson take checks & balances to the floor which is the Legislative Branch & The U.S. Supreme Court which is the Judicial branch of government. That's all 3 branches of government which have USURPED the Constitution's checks & balances. The post office states they could not deliver this to the U.S. Comptroller General Eugene Louis Dodaro because the office was closed which is open 5 days a week.
     To shut me up the state of Indiana kidnapped me with the intent to prevent the checks & balances which is a governmental function. You are an attorney so you know no one is above the law. Go public by October 7, 2024 so the U.S. Treasury can disburse the 6.75 billion dollars which is past due & continues oppression. Remember this is to exonerate yourself because the certified mail is irrefutable evidence that you knew about President Biden breach oath of office & concealed the checks & balances which mandate the Judicial branch be checked for corruption. Mandate meaning an official order or commission to do something. That something empowers me, Veteran Jesha Miller in an event to prove the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. In order for this to be a government cover up it involves Law enforcement & the media because law enforcement are to execute the indictments & arrest those involved & the media inform the public so Congress must address the checks & balances which are absolutely necessary to hold officials accountable, uphold the integrity of the Constitution & Extremely Important to secure the rights of the people. 
See The Constitution was devised with an ingenious & intricate built in system of checks & balances to guard the people's liberty against combination's of government power. It ensures that no branch will be so powerful that it can do whatever it wants to the people & get away with it. The scales of justice are unbalanced, we are left with rule of power, not rule of law.

Empowered by the Constitutipn's checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
Date: October 3, 2024.

So for the public, V.P. Kamala Harris until Monday, October 14, 2024 to go public & exonerate herself about the checks & balances or she is ineligible to run for President. U.S. Attorney Jack Smith has evidence she has violated Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress owing 6.75 billion dollars. This is now on Kamala Harris.

This new evidence required former President Donald Trump
to be impeached for Breach oath of office refusing to honor the
Constitution's checks & balances. This prevents him from being
eligible to run for the office of President. U.S. Attorney Jack Smith
go public October 14, 2024. DISBURSE 6.75 billion dollars
for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery immediately.
This was a government cover up by Federal Judges
denying the guaranteed right to speech press. First Amendment
states this is an EVIL which the media cannot prevent by
censorship, nor the government in any manner.
Judge Richard Young denied the guaranteed right to inform 
the public saying I had not paid the filing fee when the first
Amendment states he cannot prevent this in any manner.
Denied this when I filed being indigent meaning the 
fee is waived. Denied the first amendment right to conceal
the checks & balances which are an official order mandate
the government be checked for corruption.
This is a government Cover Up.
Crooked Judges prevent the checks & balances so this is new 
evidence that would have impeached Donald Trump while in 
office which the public has never seen.
Former President Donald Trump violates the code of ethics
refusing to Uphold the Constitution, & never be a party to it's
evasion as he concealed the checks & balances mandatory
by law, & in doing so there's no public trust in the government.
Look at the list of officials who concealed the checks & balances
to include Federal Judge Richard Young, FBI Director
Christopher Wray, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb, &
U.S. AG Loretta Lynch. This new evidence was a government
Cover Up. At that time the U.S. Treasury owed 2 billion, 730
million dollars. It's now 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression.
I have a Status Quo both politically being the petitioner
of the Constitution's checks & balances & socially having a 
net worth of 6.75 billion dollars owed immediately.
Oppression of a people requires immediate restitution.
Immediately meaning at once, instantly.
Now U.S. Special Attorney Jack Smith Order the U.S. Treasury
to disburse the 6.75 billion dollars October 14, 2024
& inform the American public that neither Donald Trump
nor Kamala Harris are eligible for the office of President
as both have concealed the checks & balances
which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment.
I'm one of maybe 10 black billionaires in America.
Pay me now & make it public I am empowered to uphold
the integrity of the Constitution meaning In have authority
to give Orders, make decisions, & enforce obedience.
That's motive for a government cover up. I am empowered
to stop INEQUALITY, social injustice, & police brutality.
That's motive for a government cover up.
This new evidence is part of a government cover up to
prevent the checks & balances which would hold officials
accountable, secure the rights of the citizens, & uphold the 
integrity of the Constitution. Signed by a Notary Public.
It's all OFFICIAL. It's Show Time Jack.

Jesha Miller
Mon, Oct 14 at 3:11 PM
2707 Adams Ave.
Evansville IN. 47714
812 470 4220

Beth Miller
U.S. Comptroller General - Eugene Louis Dodaro

Reference to : cease & desist violating the 1st amendment right to speech - press exposing government has Usurped the checks & balances which is an official order mandate all 3 Branches be checked for corruption. Go public October 15, 2024. This is Major, Checks & Balances uphold the integrity of the Constitution. You received this October 8, at 11:44 am. so take immediate action as this is an Official Order Mandate which all 3 branches have Usurped. This is illegal. I have a status quo socially with a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars owed immediately by the U.S. Treasury.
Tracking number EI 166530647 US. Cease & desist meaning a written notice demanding that recipient immediately Stop an illegal or allegedly activity. It may take the form of an order or injunction issued by a court or government agency  or a letter from an attorney, INDIVIDUAL, or business. You have received this order October 15, as I reiterate the checks & balances are an official ORDER Mandate all branches be immediately checked for corruption which upholds the integrity of the Constitution. 

US Comptroller General Dodaro cease & desist violating the guaranteed 1st amendment right to speech - press in which all 3 branches have Usurped the checks & balances which upholds the integrity of the Constitution being mandatory by law. There cannot be a government cover U.S. Chief Comptroller General Eugene Condaro being a part of it by refusing coverage so the public know & officials are held accountable to stop corruption & without a deterrent there no one to prevent corruption & uphold the constitution. There is money involved with the State Treasury owing approximately 200 million dollars & the U.S. Treasury owing 6.75 billion dollars owed for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. When the U.S. Supreme Court is corrupt the entire Branch is corrupt requiring the Constitution's checks & balances. Same as when President Biden conceal the checks & balances he breached oath of office requiring termination also Usurping the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution meaning absolutely necessary to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. Same as when the speaker of the House Mike Johnson is in conspiracy against rights & he is called to take the checks & balances to the floor of the House & refuses in defiance of the Constitution. Against the Supreme law of the Land. See & I just gave evidence all 3 Branches have Usurped the Constitution's checks & balances, an essential part of the Constitution extremely important to uphold the integrity & secure the rights of the citizens. It can only be a government Cover Up with the media being a part of the corruption so go public October 15, 2024. I am owed 6.75 billion dollars which you prevent as part of the oppression in violation of Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights & oppress to the point I have a Status Quo socially with a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars owed for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery violating Article I sec. 9 - Powers denied government. - Government powers are limited & by you refusing my 1st amendment right to inform the public & officials are not held accountable. The Habeas Corpus pertains to your right to freedom & that is what the U.S. Supreme Court has done preventing the right to freedom when held in violation of the Constitution & Laws of the U.S. You controlling my right to stop corruption by Public officials who are violating the law, what they doing is illegal & you are concealing this by not going public. Cease & desist. Go public October 15, 2024.

Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empower the citizens - Jesha Miller
Date: October 15, 2024
Jesha Miller,14 NEWS DESK,,
Mon, Oct 14 at 2:05 PM
2707 Adams Ave.
Evansville IN. 47714
812 470 4220

Channel 25 -  News - Curt Molander - Fax # 270 827 0561
Channel 44 -  News - Blaine Fentress @blainefentress
Channel 14 -  News - General Manager Jay Hiett / Jill Lyman

Reference to : cease & desist violating the 1st amendment right to speech - press exposing government has Usurped the checks & balances which is an official order mandate all 3 Branches be checked for corruption.

All news channels cease & desist violating the guaranteed 1st amendment right to speech - press in which all 3 branches have Usurped the checks & balances which upholds the integrity of the Constitution being mandatory by law. There can only be a government cover up by the media being a part of it by refusing coverage so the public does not know & officials are not held accountable therefore continuing corruption without a deterrent to prevent corruption to uphold the constitution. There is money involved with the State Treasury owing approximately 200 million dollars & the U.S. Treasury owing 6.75 billion dollars owed for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. When the U.S. Supreme Court is corrupt the entire Branch is corrupt requiring the Constitution's checks & balances. Same as when President Biden conceal the checks & balances he breached oath of office requiring termination also Usurping the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution meaning absolutely necessary to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. Same as when the speaker of the House Mike Johnson is in conspiracy against rights & he is called to take the checks & balances to the floor of the House & refuses in defiance of the Constitution. Against the Supreme law of the Land. See & I just gave evidence all 3 Branches have Usurped the Constitution's checks & balances, an essential part of the Constitution extremely important to uphold the integrity & secure the rights of the citizens. It can only be a government Cover Up with the media being a part of the corruption. I am owed 6.75 billion dollars which you prevent as part of the oppression in violation of Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights & oppress to the point I have a Status Quo socially with a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars owed for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery violating Article I sec. 9 - Powers denied government. - Government powers are limited & by you denying my 1st amendment right to inform the public & they are held accountable. The Habeas Corpus pertains to your right to freedom & that is what the U.S. Supreme Court has done. You controlling my right to stop corruption by Public officials who are violating the law, what they doing is illegal & you are concealing this by violating the first amendment specifically guaranteeing this right to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. Cease & desist. I will have a Press conference Wednesday so the Public knows the Government must be checked for corruption being mandatory by law. I will expect media cease & desist by sending news teams at 11:00 am. at the Evansville Central Library, 2nd floor at the Indiana Room. 

Empowered by the checks & balances - Jesha Miller
Date: October 14, 2024



  1. U.S. Attorney Jack Smith must go public immediately now having real evidence former President Biden breached oath of office while in office & cannot be a candidate for the up coming election. U.S. Comptroller General Eugene Dodaro has a duty to hold Donald Trump & Kamala Harris accountable concealing the Constitution's checks & balances. In addition the U.S. Treasury owes me 6.75 billion dollars immediately. Oppression of a people requires immediate restitution. Note to public. Kamala Harris has until October 14, 2024 to go public & exonerate herself. She doesn't inform the public then she is to be charged pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress with the U.S. Treasury owing 6.75 billion dollars for the U.S. Supreme Court imposing slavery.


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