Fax Status: Success!
Your fax (ID: #33524548) to Larry Bucshon at 2022253284 has been delivered successfully at 6:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time on October 13th, 2023.
The content of your fax included 1 page of cover sheet with your text and 3 pages of attached documents.
Fax Status: Success!
Your fax (ID: #33546675) to Larry Bucshon at 2022253284 has been delivered successfully at 10:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time on October 19th, 2023.
The content of your fax included 1 page of cover sheet with your text and 2 pages of attached documents.
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Rep. Larry Bucshon
You failed to call a press conference October 19, 2023 at 1:00 pm., for the Constitution’s checks & balances Monday, October 16, so be sure to do so today, October 19, 2023 to stop continued oppression. Janet Yellen owes 6.75 billion dollars which is my STATUS QUO for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment Abolishing slavery is a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression so take action today to stop that by disbursing the money owed in full as you have turned your head to this which is an essential part of the Constitution. I have a status quo politically being empowered by the checks & balances which empowers the citizens. This being said I am empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution an EVENT to be proven before a candid world same as Watergate which also was the Constitution’s checks & balances.
You take the checks & balances to the floor of the House this October 19, first because this is an essential part of the constitution being absolutely necessary to stop corruption & hold officials accountable. Then is extremely important to secure the rights of the citizens. Being essential it is impossible to disregard or neglect & you’ve done this several times to continue the oppression. I need a new car, don’t have food to eat, nor my children. Need a House & a job when by law I am supposed to be financially secure. Moreover, 6.75 billion dollars is generational money so you are oppressing us as a people which requires immediate restitution. You can no longer disregard the checks & balance which you are obligatory both morally & by law when the checks & balances are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption. Otherwise you USURP the checks & balances which means take a position of power or importance illegally preventing that which is mandatory by law in obstruction of justice, a criminal act of concealment pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001- concealment, obstruction of justice pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1503, & conspiracy against rights, Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress owing 6.75 billion dollars. These action prevent equality as I’m empowered to stop inequality, social injustice, & police brutality. These are the problems of the citizens which the government was not going to find solution so being a Black Man I figured it out myself.
So there you have it, you take it to the floor of the House this October 19, 2023 because this takes precedence over all matters, is an essential part of the Constitution which cannot be disregarded or neglected, because you have USURPED the checks & balances which is an illegal act, because it is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001- concealment, Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress owing 6.75 billion dollars immediately this October 19, 2023, & because it upholds the integrity of the Constitution by law. You would other wise breach oath of office requiring termination of tenure of office. Refusal another day & you are under all charges so going public you can EXONERATE YOURSELF from these criminal charges so take advantage of this opportunity to have all charges dropped against you.
The USURPATION has taken place by President Biden, violating Article II, sec. 3 - to take care the laws are faithfully executed being the checks & balances which mean the government has to be checked for corruption & Biden refused. US AG Merrick Garland whose mission is to ENFORCE THE RULE OF LAW & protect civil rights which he has not done also concealing the checks & balances. The FBI Director Christopher Wray who has committed perjury concerning upholding the Constitution which is evidenced online at thefbiwray.blogspot.com, Janet Yellen concealing the checks & balances not to disburse the money owed for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery, then there’s Senators Todd Young & Mike Braun refusal to take the checks & balances to the floor of the Senate which they are obligated morally which is the CODE OF ETHICS, number 2. Uphold the Constitution, laws, & legal regulations of the U.S., and all governments therein & NEVER BE A PARTY to their EVASION. #9. Expose corruption wherever discovered. #10. Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust. Already stated “ the Checks & balances are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE all 3 branches are checked for corruption & abuse of power.
Although I am your constituent & you work for me to take the checks & balances to the floor of the House remember I am empowered by the checks & balances which government had a duty to check the Judicial Branch as it was intended for the Executive check Legislative check the Supreme Court checks the Executive which did not happen & therefore empowers the citizens to uphold the integrity who is Veteran Jesha Miller, having authority to give ORDERS, make decisions, & enforce obedience as I have filing for those acting in defiance of the checks & balances which are mandatory by law.
Empowered by the checks & balances which empowers the citizens - Jesha Miller
Date: October 19, 2023
Fax Status: Success!
Your fax (ID: #33595562) to Mike Johnson at 2022258039 has been delivered successfully at 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time on October 31st, 2023.
The content of your fax included 1 page of coversheet with your text and 3 pages of attached documents.
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Speaker Mike Johnson
Take the Constitution’s checks & balances to the floor of the House to remove corrupt officials concealing the Constitution’s checks & balances which require the Judicial Branch to be checked for corruption. President Biden must be held accountable for USURPING the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution. Inform the House as Speaker because this takes a ⅔ majority to remove them from office.
All 3 Branches are corrupt starting with the U.S. Supreme Court which imposed slavery in Case No. 04-7377 which is prohibited by the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. For that reason it is a government cover up imposing slavery by the U.S. Supreme Court means the entire Branch of government is corrupt. Then there’s President Biden who refused to honor the checks & balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption. This violates Article II, sec. 3 - to take care the laws are faithfully executed being the checks & balances which are mandatory by law. Breach oath of office requires termination of tenure of office same as what Bill Clinton was facing impeachment for. Then there’s US AG Merrick Garland violating th mission statement to ENFORCE THE RULE OF LAW & protect civil rights. He commits the criminal act of concealing the checks & balances pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment & Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress with the Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen owing 6.75 billion dollars for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery & continued oppression which is owed immediately as oppression of a people requires immediate restitution. I need my money November 1st, 2023 so go public today so that these officials are held accountable because THIS is a GOVERNMENT COVER UP. As the Speaker of the House take this to the floor of the House TODAY, October 31, 2023 because officials have USURPED the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution which you took oath of office to uphold. You cannot USURP the checks & balances which stop corruption. Morally you must uphold the Constitution & NEVER BE A PART OF IT’s EVASION. You have a DUTY TO EXPOSE CORRUPTION WHEREVER DISCOVERED. THIS IS AN OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE THE JUDICIAL BRANCH BE CHECKED FOR CORRUPTION. In am an ADVERSARY meaning one’s opponent in a conflict or dispute which must be proven before a CANDID WORLD. In the press conference make arrangements for the Treasurer to disburse the 6.75 billion dollars & a date of which I appear.
I will appear before Congress in an EVENT of which I prove the entire Judicial Branch of government is corrupt which can be done November 15, 2023.
All 3 branches are corrupt of which I have demonstrated. I will prepare the checks & balances to send to you this Friday, November 3, 2023.
This is unprecedented because Government was to check each Branch of which was not done & therefore empowers the citizen to uphold the integrity od the Constitution which is me, Veteran Jesha Miller, petitioner of the Constitution checks & balances which empowers the citizens. This is the law of the land.
President Biden received the checks & balances upon taking office & has concealed this from the public. Three times this was sent so h has struck out of which he must be held accountable.
This is considered Treason or a high crime, the word oath refers to a solemn vow. The fourth Federal LAW, 18 U.S.C. 1918 provides penalties for violation of oath of office described in 5 U.S.C. 7311 which include: ( 1 ) removal from office & ; ( 2 ) confinement or a fine. This Congress is to ENFORCE. He must be held accountable which is reason to call a press conference TODAY, October 31, 2023.
Empowered by the Constitution checks & balances which empowers the citizens
Veteran Jesha Miller
Date: October 31, 2023
Third page is the Checks & balances petitioned to President Biden which he has concealed in violation of title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment & sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress now owing 6.75 billion dollars due to continued oppression.

953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Robert Shegog - President / CEO Indy Recorder
Camike Jones - EIC
Jade Jackson - Senior Staff Writer
Heavyn Lester - Managing Editor
Reference to: Camike Jones got the documents Gov. Eric Holcomb was petitioned to call a Special session to remove corrupt Law Enforcement & Politicians in conspiracy concealing the checks & balances. I executed my first amendment right hold them accountable & have not heard from her since. I remind you this is an evil that neither the media can prevent nor the government in any manner. Call to confirm publication this week by tomorrow, November 15, 2023 or being empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution I will file indictments in Federal Court for your arrest pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress & Sec. 1001 - concealment of the checks & balances mandatory by law.
I talked on the phone with Camike Jones on approximately November 1, 2023 & mailed it next day air of which it arrived November 3, 2023. I called the next week leaving several messages which were never answered.
All 3 branches of government are corrupt which is of public concern but concealed so they are not held accountable. President Biden breach oath of office because the checks & balances are mandatory by law. The US Supreme Court imposed slavery in Case No. 04-7377 as well as refused to be checked for corruption. Congress representatives Todd Young, Mike Braun, & Larry Bucshon all refuse to take the checks & balances to the floor of the House & Senate. This means they have USURPED the checks & balances which are essential. This is ILLEGAL because the checks & balances are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE they be checked for corruption. This includes Law Enforcement refusing to execute the indictments for they're arrest, Corey Amundson who is to be a deterrent for corruption, & US AG Merrick Garland - Top Law Enforcement Officer in the land violating the mission to Enforce the Rule of Law. Ohh & don't forget the FBI Dir. Christopher Wray who also is concealing the checks & balances as seen at thefbiwray.blogspot.com.
You have a Democratic duty as watchdogs to inform the public of corruption. There must be transparency in forming the public Governor Holcomb is petitioned to call a special session to remove corrupt Law Enforcement & Politicians. Page 3 states I am executing my GUARANTEED 1st Amendment right to speech - press which enables every citizen at ANY TIME to bring the government & any person in authority to the bar of public opinion by any just criticism upon their conduct in the exercise of authority which the people have conferred upon them. The EVILS to be PREVENTED were not the censorship of the press merely, but any action of the government by means of which it might PREVENT such free & general discussion of PUBLIC MATTERS as seems ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to prepare the people for an intelligent exercise of their rights as CITIZENS. [ This is a guaranteed right which neither the media or government can prevent & as said this is EVIL. ] What part of guaranteed do you not get because you do. !!!
Title 18 sec. 241 - If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the U.S., or because of his having so exercised they shall be fined under this Title or imprisoned not more than ten years.
I'm exercising my 1st amendment right to be published in the Indianapolis Recorder this Friday, November 17, 2023. youtu.be/BJvd_Xpi1y0 is on your Face Book page. Chance to EXONERATE yourselves. Owners are held accountable so send copy to them as they all face 10 years being a part of a government cover up. As for people of color which Mr. Shegog is hands on, I am empowered to stop police brutality, inequality, & social injustice which is a problem in America so Camike Jones send him a copy as you have denied a guaranteed right to conceal government corruption which allows Governor Eric Holcomb not to be held accountable to remove corrupt Law Enforcement & Politicians. Oppression is criminal as Daniel Elliott owes 35 million dollars for the miscarriage of justice imposing slavery. Slavery & the 4th oldest black newspaper is concealing this from the public. Robert Shegog as CEO you are held responsible with Camike Jones so publish front page news this Friday, November 17, 2023.
Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen - Jesha Miller
November 14, 2023

Take the Constitution's checks & balances to the floor of the house today, November 21, 2023 which is petitioned becasue the government is corrupt & must be checked for corruption. You received this yesterday, Tracking number EI 632 121 721 US, at 1:07 pm. This takes precedence over all matters, the government is corrupt so show immediate concern to hold officials accountable. Whether you're running for President in the next election or not, you are obligatory both morally & by law. The checks & balances are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE all branches be checked for corruption. That being said by President Biden, Congress, & the Judicial Branch of government have USURPED the checks & balances which are mandatory by law, there are no options of which your worker evaded the checks & balances saying I wasn't your constituent. You took oath of office to support the Constitution & the code of ethics states to never be a party to its evasion & to expose corruption wherever discovered so take that to the floor of the House right now. All branches of the government are corrupt USURPING the checks & balances which empowers the citizens, Treasury owes 6.75 billion dollars immediately as oppression of a people requires immediate restitution, & this is to be proven before a candid world, the biggest stage, same as Watergate which also was the checks & balances. I am empowered so government must acknowledge me as having authority to give ORDERS as I'm empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution as stated before a candid world. Give this to Hakeem Jeffries to do immediately calling a press conference as back up because this was given to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson to take to the floor November 16, 2023 which arrived 12:15 pm which has tracking number EI 033 834 047 US. Treasury owes 6.75 billion dollars for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery which is a power denied government pursuant to Article I, sec. 9 - powers denied government which is the Habeas Corpus.
This arrived to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson
November 16, 2023 - 12:15 pm. to immediately take to the floor
of the House which has not been done yet this November 21, 2023
You procrastinate when this is government corruption, when this
is a government cover up, when this takes precedence over
all matters, when this is an Official Order Mandate all branches
be checked for corruption, when the Treasury owes a Black
Man 6.75 billion dollars immediately for imposed slavery
when the checks & balances hold officials accountable,
when this is to be proven before a candid world you
continue the concealment of the checks & balances which
are an essential part of the Constitution, you have USURPED
the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the
Constitution of the U.S., this is what you are concealing from
the public is I'm empowered to stop inequality, stop social injustice
& stop police brutality is what you are concealing from the American
public, that a BLACK MAN IS IN POWER NOW.
Speaker Mike Johnson delay comes in full knowledge of him
being held accountable both morally & by law as well as
government has USURPED the checks & balances. USURP
means take position of power or importance ILLEGALLY.
These are criminal acts in conspiracy against our rights.
Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress
owing 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression.
To make it make sense, when the government is corrupt the
Founding Fathers empowers the citizens to uphold the integrity
which is to be proven before a candid world, ON THE
Take the Constitution's checks & balances to the floor of the house today, November 28, 2023 which is petitioned because the government is corrupt & must be checked for corruption. You received this yesterday, Tracking number EI 632 121 721 US, at 1:07 pm. This takes precedence over all matters, the government is corrupt so show immediate concern to hold officials accountable. You are obligatory both morally & by law. The checks & balances are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE all branches be checked for corruption. That being said by President Biden, Congress, & the Judicial Branch of government have USURPED the checks & balances which are mandatory by law, there are no options of which your worker evaded the checks & balances saying I wasn't your constituent. You took oath of office to support the Constitution & the code of ethics states to never be a party to its evasion & to expose corruption wherever discovered so take that to the floor of the House right now. All branches of the government are corrupt USURPING the checks & balances which empowers the citizens, Treasury owes 6.75 billion dollars immediately as oppression of a people requires immediate restitution, & this is to be proven before a candid world, the biggest stage, same as Watergate which also was the checks & balances. I am empowered so government must acknowledge me as having authority to give ORDERS as I'm empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution as stated before a candid world. Give this to Hakeem Jeffries to do immediately calling a press conference as back up because this was given to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson to take to the floor November 16, 2023 which arrived 12:15 pm which has tracking number EI 033 834 047 US. Treasury owes 6.75 billion dollars for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery which is a power denied government pursuant to Article I, sec. 9 - powers denied government which is the Habeas Corpus. This is to be proven before a candid world so National media coverage.
953 Ravenswood drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Aryan Verma give to:
Rep. Jasmine Crockett
Reference to: Call press conference this November 29, 2023 to hold House Speaker Mike Johnson accountable to take the Constitution's checks & balances to the floor of the House. You, Jasmine Crockett are obligatory both morally & by law to uphold the checks & balances which are an official order mandate all Branches be checked for corruption. Otherwise there is no integrity. This is a government cover, from President Biden to US AG Merrick Garland to the US Supreme Court, all have concealed the checks & balances so as not to be held accountable. This empowers the citizens to uphold the integrity who is me, Veteran Jesha Miller, having authority, meaning power to give ORDERS, make decisions & enforce obedience.
Rep. Jasmine Crockett - I am Veteran Jesha Miller, petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution which means absolutely necessary & extremely important. Speaker - Mike Johnson has received the checks & balances on November 16, 2023 - tracking number EI 033 834 047 US of which he is petitioned to take to the floor of the House. This takes precedence over all matters as stated" is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Whatever your plans for November 29, 2023 cancel, Call a press conference to hold Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson accountable. There must be Transparency of which you do by calling a press conference to hold him accountable. This is a government cover up so otherwise he won't take the checks & balances to the floor of the House which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE all branches of government be checked for corruption. [ It was you who said Congress has to be cleaned up rights???? ]
The checks & balances mean the government is corrupt, it is designed to checks government for corruption to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. Officials have USURPED the Constitution checks & balances meaning take a position of power or importance illegally. That's in defiance of the Constitution, a criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress, as well as violating Title 18, sec. 1001 - concealment & Title 18 sec. 1503- obstruction of justice because the checks & balances are mandatory by law. Mandate meaning a person OR COUNTRY receiving a mandate. Mandate is an OFFICIAL ORDER to do something & that something is government must be checked for corruption & abuse of power. The US Supreme Court violates Article I, sec. 9 - being the Habeas Corpus which are POWERS DENIED GOVERNMENT to secure the right to freedom when held in violation of the Constitution & Laws of the U.S.
[ Watch the video on youtu.be/QXfrlbmQvDc - Speaker Mike Johnson take checks & balances to the floor, you're in it. ] President Biden says there's integrity & I petition the checks & balances being an adversary, All 3 branches are corrupt. This is unprecedented, citizen is empowered to uphold the integrity, President Biden breach oath of office, Congress, & the US Supreme Court imposed slavery refusing to honor the checks & balances in defiance of the Constitution. This is next level, requiring to be proven before a candid world & at stake is I'm EMPOWERED TO STOP INEQUALITY, STOP POLICE BRUTALITY, & STOP SOCIAL INJUSTICE, as well as I'm owed 6.75 billion dollars immediately for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. Attached below is the petition for Speaker Mike Johnson to take to the floor. You are obligatory to uphold the Constitution both morally by the code of ethics to uphold the Constitution, laws. & legal regulations of the U.S. & all governments therein & NEVER BE A PARTY TO THEIR EVASION. Expose corruption wherever discovered. The checks & balances are petitioned because the government is corrupt & must be checked to uphold the integrity. Also by law because the checks & balances are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE all branches be checked for corruption. [ Plus I figured out the solution to the Black peoples problem of inequality. ] This must be the hand of the CREATOR. ] Call press conference tomorrow, November 29, 2023 to hold him accountable. This is a government cover up.
Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizens - Veteran Jesha Miller
DATE: November 28, 2023 // Petition Attached //

Indictments for Speaker Mike Johnson concealing checks &
balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE they be
checked for corruption & they are REFUSING in DEFIANCE of
the Constitution of the United States.

953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Principal Deputy Chief - John Keller
Reference to: Pick up mail immediately with tracking number EI 707 917 238 US which is a petition to execute indictments & arrest corrupt officials USURPING the Constitution's checks & balances which uphold the Integrity of the Constitution. This takes precedence over all matters & disburse 500 million dollars to Veteran Jesha Miller to stop continued oppression no later than tomorrow, December 21, 2023.
I'm Veteran Jesha Miller, petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution absolutely necessary to uphold the integrity & stop corruption.
All 3 Branches of government are corrupt so this is extremely important taking precedence over all matters. All Branches have USURPED the checks & balances so there is no integrity so the SYSTEM IS RIGGED taking absolute power & they are not held accountable pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress owing 6.75 billion dollars for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment.
Take immediate action going public December 21, 2023 & disburse 500 million of the 6.75 billion owed to stop oppression. Take immediate action because Chief Corey Amundson has concealed this which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 and is past due. Take immediate action because at stake is the INTEGRITY of the Constitution of the U.S. Take immediate action going public immediately because the checks & balances are extremely important of which President Biden, US AG Merrick Garland, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, & the US Supreme Court all have USURPED the checks & balances which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & sec. 1503 - obstruction of justice. This is destiny because the checks & balances are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE all 3 Branches of government be checked for corruption. Mandate - an official ORDER or commission to do something. They could not refuse to be checked for corruption & all government employees are obligatory both morally & by law. Refusal to OBEY the constitution breach oath of office.
John Keller, being the Principal Deputy Chief is charged to oversee the investigation & prosecution of all federal crimes affecting government integrity at all levels of government. The OATH is meant to provide a checks & balance in our system as the founding fathers knew there would be people who would attempt to USURP the Constitution so execute the indictments & arrest officials USURPING the Constitution December 21, 2023 since you can go pick it up now. Tracking number EI 707 917 238 US. Copy of petition is attached with mail pick up.
Empowered by the Constitution checks & balances which empowers the citizens. Jesha Miller
Date: December 20, 2023
Execute indictments immediately & disburse 500 million of 6.75 billion
dollars owed by law. I'm needing health care, food, cars, & home.

953 Ravenswood drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Principal Deputy Chief - John Keller
John Keller, you received the petition to execute the checks & balances which are mandatory by law. Take immediate action going public this December 22, 2023 to inform the media all three branches are corrupt, disburse 500 million of the 6.75 billion owed for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. This is a government cover up by officials USURPING the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution.
Make immediate arrangements to disburse the 500 million dollars so that I receive the money by tomorrow to STOP continued oppression which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress. Chief Corey Amundson is in cahoots with President Biden failing his duty to prosecute which is over due so stop oppression this December 22, 2023. Checks & balances are an essential part of the Constitution so no procrastinating can be tolerated refusing to take action against corruption. This is the government that's corrupt which breach oath of office & doesn't look good by any sort of delay when this takes precedence over all matters, all 3 branches are corrupt. The petition to execute indictments & arrest politicians practicing criminalized politics to rig the system so they are not held accountable. Below is the tracking number to execute the indictments, arrest officials, & disburse 500 million to stop oppression & the remaining 6.25 billion will be arranged to be disbursed later.
Indictments include President Biden, Speaker Mike Johnson, US AG Merrick Garland, FBI Dir. Christopher Wray, V.P. Kamala Harris, Rep. Larry Bucshon, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, Rep. Jasmine Crockett, First Take Stepheen A. Smith, Owner of Washington Post - Jeff Bezos, & NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, all concealing the checks & balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power.
Empowered by the Constitution checks & balances which empower the citizens - Jesha Miller
Date: December 22, 2023
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Principal Deputy Chief - Public Integrity Section - John Keller
Tom Namako - Senior Executive Editor - Publish for transparency to hold John Keller accountable & stop corruption.
Michelle Garcia - NBCBLK - I'm empowered to stop inequality, police brutality & social injustice so book me for a Special Show for 50 thousand dollars for next week.
John Keller as Deputy Chief of the Public integrity section you received the checks & balances December 21, 2023 which takes precedence over all matters because this is a government cover up, system is rigged by officials USURPING the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution which is absolutely necessary meaning incapable of being disregarded or neglected. This being EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to uphold the integrity of the Constitution takes precedence over all matters as it's petitioned when the entire branch of government is corrupt. The tracking number is EI 707 917 238 US which arrived December 21, 4:56 am.
Take immediate action informing the media & public tomorrow, December 28, 2023 as well as disburse 500 million by a Black card or Brinks Truck to STOP Continued oppression as I have a STATUS QUO socially with a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars owed immediately by the Treasury for oppression of a people requires immediate restitution. I have a Status Quo politically being empowered by the checks & balances which empowers the citizens in an event to prove the entire Branch of government is corrupt before a candid world. Corey Amundson received this Nov. 2. 2022 at 5:10 am, over a year ago so the money is over due.
You have a duty to combat political corruption at all levels of government through the prosecution of corrupt federal, state, & local elected & appointed officials. You are to enforce the rule of law being the checks & balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE all 3 branches of government are checked for corruption. Mandate being an Official Order or commission to do something which is all 3 branches be checked for corruption & disburse 500 million dollars tomorrow, December 28, 2023. That duty includes executing the arrest for Speaker Mike Johnson who received this to take to the floor of the House November 16, 2023, with Rep. Hakeem Jeffries receing the checks & balances November 20, 2023 as a back up which neither one did. Then there's Rep. Jasmine Crockett who has concealed this from the public also. All violate oath of office which breach oath of office requiring termination of tenure of office. Deputy John Keller they are indicted for White Collar crimes, violating civil rights, & public corruption pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress, sec. 1001 - concealment, & sec. 1503 - obstruction of justice.
I have a hardship with no home, needing medical treatment, cars, new house which cost 110 million dollars, and family in need of money. Disburse 500 million of the 6.75 billion owed tomorrow, December 28, 2023 & go public to inform the public. policebrutlaitysolution.blogspot.com.
President Biden is to be held accountable for breach oath of office violating Article II, sec. 3 - to take care the laws are faithfully executed which are the checks & balances, an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE all 3 branches be checked for corruption. These are Major crimes.
Empowered by the checks & balances which empower the citizens - Veteran Jesha Miller
Date: December 27, 2023
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
John Keller - Principal Deputy Chief - Public Integrity System
You received petition December 21, 2023, at 4:56 am. This is a government cover up, checks & balances are essential, absolutely necessary which means SO IMPORTANT YOU MUST DO IT.
Execute the indictments & arrest Speaker Mike Johnson, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, Sec. of the Treasury Janet Yellen, enforce the law & disburse 500 million dollars to me, Jesha Miller owed immediately for the US Supreme Court imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. Go public concerning this & the FACT I'm empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. You, John Keller are charged to oversee the investigation & prosecution of all federal crimes affecting government integrity. The checks & balances UPHOLD THE INTEGRITY OF THE CONSTITUTION of which I am empowered to uphold the integrity. Execute the indictments January 3, 2024, Go public informing the public, & arrest Janet Yellen & enforce the law requiring the treasury disburse 500 million of the 6.75 billion owed for the US Supreme Ct. imposing slavery of which they are held accountable for the default of the 14th amendment right to due process, debt owed which is 6.75 billion dollars but disburse 500 million tomorrow & arrangements will be made for the rest later, the miscarriage of justice imposing slavery, when a citizen freedom is taken without being duly processed it violates the 13th amendment.
Your mission is to enforce the rule of law, & protect civil rights. Enforce the checks & balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE Government be checked for corruption, abuse of power, oppression owing 6.75 billion dollars, execute the indictments & arrest those I have indicted. Go public to hold officials accountable, & inform them I am empowered to uphold the integrity this January 3, 2024.
I woke this morning not having water, no money, not the proper foods for my condition, needing medical attention, & no Woman. I went to buy a car and the dealer said I need money. There's a Home in California which I want which cost 110 million dollars, a Bugatti Chiron costing 3.5 million dollars, a Porsche 918 which cost 1.4 million dollars, & don't forget food. The government cannot oppress the citizens so start making arrangements to disburse 500 million of the 6.75 billion owed December 3, 2024. Blacks own 1 percent of the land so take immediate action so I buy this immediately with the cars & get medical treatment. The tracking number is EI 707 917 238 US.
My STATUS QUO politically I'm empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution in an EVENT before a candid world & Socially I have a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars to be paid immediately by the U.S. Treasury for the US Supreme Ct. imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. Status Quo meaning the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues.
Empowered by the checks & balances which empower the citizens - Veteran Jesha Miller
Date: January 2, 2024
Government corruption in all 3 branches which is rigged to prevent the checks & balances which means they have to be checked for corruption. youtu.be/BtVDCL-D4W0 This takes more than the impeachment of President Biden. US AG Merrick Garland, FBI Dir. Christopher Wray, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, Senators Todd Young & Mike Braun, Rep. Larry Bucshon, Lauren Boebert, Janet Yellen etc., all have to go to run a clean government for the people. Also I'm owed 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression & imposing slavery which the media concealed from the public. This is to be proven before a candid world so the media are in cahoots violating the citizens right to speech - press, these are criminal acts & don't forget law enforcement not executing the indictments to enforce the rule of law which is they're DUTY. The whole system is therefore RIGGED.