President Biden & Congress CAN'T CONTINUE OPPRESSION // Treasury disburse 6.75 billion dollars owed for IMPOSING SLAVERY NOW /// Checks & balances mean Judicial Branch CORRUPT
President Joe Biden is concealing Constitution's checks & balances because entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. NFL provide platform with other organization's standing for freedom, justice, & equality. Government can't continue oppression owing 6.75 billion dollars for imposing slavery. Filed in Federal Court who must immediately stop Courts. When U.S. Supreme Court is corrupt they must close & address checks & balances, requiring Judicial Branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power. MOTIVE is I'm empowered to stop inequality & police brutality. Constitution requires show down, it's showtime to prove this before candid world.
See - President Biden hands tied for evidence President Biden has been Petitioned and concealing checks & balances to conceal Judicial Branch is corrupt. This is mandatory by law, Judicial Branch must be checked for corruption & abuse of power. Indictments for Senators Todd Young & Mike Braun concealing checks & balances which are mandatory by law & EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to secure the rights of the Constitution. Representative Larry Bucshon also. See last for pages & this is in writing which they conceal due to RACISM by me being a Black MAN & Veteran.Law Enforcement being the FBI, Sheriffs, & Police execute the indictments immediately because no one is above the law. Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights & oppress. Janet Yellen mist be arrested for oppression as the money owed is by the rule of law. Disburse 6.75 billion dollars. [ Note to public - they were given chance to pay 200 million to stop oppression but committed criminal act concealing the checks & balances. ]
Secretary Treasury Janet Yellen received this April 16, 2021 so there's no intentions to disburse money owed for imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th & 14th amendments. Certified mail # 7020 0640 0001 9991 1427. That's criminal act under Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress which is RACISM & Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealing FACTS.
Media conceal corruption is how the public don't know. First amendment to speech press is guaranteed to expose corruption but the Judges denied the 1st amendment also to conceal from the public. Proven to be FACT online at Judges Richard Young & Tanya Pratt to conceal the Judicial Branch is corrupt. FBI Director Christopher Wray also concealed this as seen on same blog. This email to MSNBC President of News Rashida Jones, CBS Co- Presidents Neeraj Khemlani
and Wendy A. McMahon are all guilty of concealing the checks & balances which uphold the integrity and is an essential part of the Constitution EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to secure rights.
Senator Todd Young receives email to call press conference December 14, 2021 and concealed this which is Extremely important. With Law Enforcement not executing the indictments he has said nothing because they are in cahoots. Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress. Here they knowingly concealed corruption from the public to keep running a corrupt government. There must be TRANSPARENCY IN GOVERNMENT. This email is evidence Senator Todd Young is concealing the checks & balances, helps continue oppression, and to a VETERAN whom served to protect our right to freedom, justice, & equality. Why? Because I'm a Black Man whom has power to stop inequality, police brutality, & social injustice. [ Note to Public - He supposed to serve the public ] President Rashida Jones of MSNBC must be held accountable concealing government corruption National Guard, Major General Sherrie McCandless refuses to uphold the Constitution as the last defense to uphold the Constitution. She also failed to contact President Biden to acknowledge the checks and balances which uphold the integrity.Lt. Jovanni Springer & Brigadier General R. Dale Lyles both conceal the checks & balances to allow government corruption & oppression to further my hardship. She says she is following protocol but you do not follow protocol when the officials are corrupt. [ See below ] Below is Annotation 10 - First Amendment is evidence media violates 1st amendment which is an EVIL that neither Media can prevent by censorship nor government in any manner which they both have violated.
Email affirms & justifies the arrest of MSNBC President Rashida Jones & owners
Major General Sherrie McCandless refuses to uphold the integrity of the Constitution & must be removed from office for Treason, concealment, & obstruction of justice.
CBS Co- Presidents indicted after given chance to exonerate themselves by informing the public so now they are indicted along with the owners allowing employees to commit crimes.
From the office of Senator Todd Young & Representative Larry Bucshon. They work for the people but maybe they don't protect the rights of a Black Man. Regardless these are criminal acts which is why I indicted them under Title 18. sec. 241 - conspiracy to deny rights & 1001 - concealment & obstruction of justice.
What part of I need money to eat do they not under stand because they do. Here they knowingly & willfully continued oppression & allowed corruption.
By the evidence shown with the indictment, law enforcement must execute the indictments & arresting officials involved in criminal acts pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241, 242, 243, & 1001. Refusal & Lsw Enforcement must be indicted & arrested. Most officials are given chance to exonerate themselves & refused.
Jesha Miller
Todd Young Casework
Edit Features
Ashley Parker
Yamiche Alcindor
Wed, Jan 19 at 12:57 PM
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Senator Todd Young
Reference to: Take the Constitution's checks & balances to the floor of the Senate tomorrow, January 20, 2022. Imposed Obligations for President Biden whom has concealed this since February 8, 2021 and you have delayed since December 8, 2021.
Take the Constitution's checks & balances to the floor of the Senate January 20, 2022 which President Biden must address publicly for corruption in the Judicial Branch of government imposing slavery, continued oppression, & organized crime.
This imposed obligation takes precedence over all matters, is the President Bidens number one duty under Article II, sec. 3 to faithfully see to it that the Federal Laws are executed, both you and President Biden are obligatory both morally & by law, checks & balances uphold the integrity of the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked & the Treasury disburse 6. 75 billion dollars for the Judicial Branch imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th & 14th amendments. Refusal is what neither you, Senator Todd Young can do or the President Joseph Biden. Then both violate the law, his obligation, and trust to the American people.
Article II, sec. 3 imposes obligations on the President Biden serves as a major limitation that the Executive is under a DUTY to faithfully execute the Federal Laws and NOT DISREGARD THEM as he has for the first year of office which continued oppression and allowed corruption to flourish. The checks & balances are an essential part of the Constitution absolutely necessary to uphold the integrity and Extremely necessary to secure the guaranteed rights of the Constitution.
President Andrew Johnson and William Clinton were impeached by the House, at least in part for allegedly violating their take care duties. At a minimum the President may neither breech Federal Law nor order his subordinates to do so. For this reason Senator Todd young is to take the Constitution's checks & balances to the floor January 20, 2022 to immediately and publicly address the checks & balances petitioned by me, Veteran Jesha Miller supported by irrefutable evidence meaning impossible to deny or disprove from the trial transcripts that Judge David Kiely imposed slavery prohibited by the 13th & 14th amendments. The Constitution itself does not allow President Biden to nullify laws and in this case the checks & balances are an essential part of the Constitution meaning absolutely necessary and extremely important to uphold the integrity of the Constitution.
Essential means fundamental, vital, cardinal mean so important as to be indispensable, essential implies belonging to the very nature of a thing and therefore being incapable of removal without destroying the Constitution itself or its character. Anything else is criminal in defiance of the Constitution. Therefore, Senator Todd Young is to take Veteran Jesha Miller's Petition to the floor of the Senate tomorrow, January 20, 2022 to be made public that the entire Judicial Branch of government is corrupt as well as the Treasury disburse 6.75 billion dollars owed for the Judicial Branch imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th & 14th amendments to stop continued oppression in retaliation because Jesha Miller is the Petitioner. [ Petition using checks & balances below. ]
Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizens - Jesha Miller
Date: January 19, 2022
See youtube - Evidence President Biden obligated to honor checks & balances