Below Indiana Senator Todd Young is Petitioned to take the Constitution's checks & balances to the floor of the Senate which upholds the INTEGRITY OF THE CONSTITUTION REQUIRING THE JUDICIAL BRANCH BE CHECKED FOR CORRUPTION & ABUSE OF POWER. That was 2 days ago when this takes precedence over all matters because the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. That's major & continued oppression is at issue which must be stopped immediately by the Treasury disbursing 200 million dollars of the 6.75 billion owed for continued oppression. Senator Young is called to go public immediately to inform the public of the checks & balances meaning the Judicial Branch is corrupt. Delay is in obstruction of justice, continues oppression, and conceals the checks & balances which are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.

Senator Todd Young go public today, December 10, 2021 about the checks & balances & have the Treasury disburse 200 million of the 6.75 billion owed for imposing slavery to stop continued oppression. [ I just received a threat phone call from 217 487 9468 // 10:20 am ] 

                                                TRANSPARENCY IN GOVERNMENT

       In Politics, transparency is used as a means of holding public officials accountable & fighting corruption. The checks & balances are petitioned because the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. Senator Todd Young call a press conference for the checks & balances this December 10, 2021 for abuse of power & continued oppression which the Treasury owes 6.75 billion dollars. President Biden has concealed the checks & balances allowing continued oppression, violating oath of office. US AG Merrick Garland has concealed the checks & balances, Janet Yellen, continues oppression, a criminal with Nancy Pelosi and are INDICTED which the public does not know because the media has concealed this from the public. Senator Todd Young call a press conference to exonerate yourself being called to inform the public 2 days ago and stop continued oppression. You work for the public so call a press conference today as asked to do, as Ordered to do. The checks & balances empower the citizens and i, Veteran Jesha Miller am that man. CALL a press conference today, December 10, 2021 to expose corrupt officials, hold officials accountable, and stop continued by disbursing 200 million dollars to Veteran Jesha Miller of which the treasury owes 6.75 billion dollars. Call me for my account number to disburse the 200 million dollars to stop oppression of a Veteran, money owed for corruption in the Judicial Branch imposing slavery on a Veteran who served in the Vietnam Era protecting freedom, justice, and equality. Do this today, December 10, 2021.

 Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220

Rachel pass on to Senator Todd Young
Media - Rashida Jones give National coverage today, December 14, 2021
CBS Co- Presidents Wendy McMahon & Neeraj Khemlani give National coverage
December 14, 2021 also

       As Senator you violate your duty to honor the checks & balances which are mandatory by law, which uphold the integrity, you continue oppression to the petitioner demise, and total disrespect to my status quo politically or socially having a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars which you refused to pay 200 million dollars to stop oppression. 
       I am empowered over Congress to stop corruption of which you have concealed from the public to conceal government corruption & abuse of power imposing slavery, prohibited by the 13th amendment, this you knowingly and will fully did. Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of law to willfully deprive a person of a right or a privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. [ This is proven by you refusing to call a press conference for the checks & balances mandatory by law which empower the citizen to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. Deny 6.75 billion dollars owed by law to continue oppression committed by Judicial criminal acts imposing an all white jury to impose slavery. A prohibition under the 13th amendment and oppress under Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress meaning prolonged cruel & unjust treatment or control. Government refusing to honor the checks & balances & you default automatically. Default meaning failing to fulfill an obligation to uphold the Constitution & never be a party to it's evasion. ] You have a moral duty to expose corruption wherever found which is criminal under Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment. You were given chance to EXONERATE yourself but chose the criminal acts under Title 18 instead to conceal & continue to oppress as this is money owed for default of the 14th amendment and a miscarriage of justice imposing slavery.
[ Law Enforcement execute the indictments on the evidence Senator Todd Young refused to go public on the checks & balances supported by irrefutable evidence impossible to deny or disprove and at issue are criminal acts which he was given chance to exonerate himself and chose to conceal government corruption & abuse of power. We should mention the petitioner is a Black Veteran of the Vietnam era that Senator Young refused to represent. ]

Empowered by the Bill of Rights & checks & balances which empower the citizen - Jesha Miller

Date: December 14, 2021


  1. Jesha Miller
    953 Ravenswood Drive
    Evansville IN. 47713
    812 470 4220

    Rachel - Senator Young case worker pass on to Senator Todd Young immediately.
    Co- Presidents of CBS - Wendy McMahon & Neeraj Khemlani - National coverage Dec. 14. 2021
    Rashida Jones - This requires National Coverage December 14, 2021

    Senator Todd Young call a press conference today, December 13, 2021 for the checks & balances which you have taken the liberty to delay which is obstruction of justice. At issue is continued oppression which you continue despite me having a hardship to eat, sleep, or get medical treatment when my status quo is that of a billionaire by law. Denial of law violates human rights. I've asked you to Exonerate yourself. There are no options, no delays to stop continued oppression preventing both the checks & balances and oppression having irrefutable evidence the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. Checkmate been called long time ago. You held accountable to inform the public & Congress the checks & balances require the Judicial Branch to be checked by my Petition using the checks & balances. Media must inform the public that US AG Merrick Garland must represent government against me, Jesha Miller representing the Constitution & we the people of the U.S. This is of National Concern and the Treasury must disburse 6.75 billion dollars to Veteran Jesha Miller for the Judicial Branch imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment.
    CALL the press conference December 13, 2021 at 1pm. because you cannot conceal the checks & balances, a criminal act under Title 18, sec. 1001. You must inform the Treasury to disburse 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression which is criminal under Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress. Senator Todd Young is obligatory today with no delay by the checks & balances being mandatory by law. This is the proper administration of justice as intended by the Framers of the Constitution to uphold the integrity. Judicial Branch must be checked for corruption & abuse of power. Definition of essential meaning absolutely necessary, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to prevent corruption & secure the guaranteed rights of we the people. This is Xmas so maintain my Status Quo of 6.75 billion dollars. I previously asked or 200 million of the 6.75 billion owed but you evidently continued oppression so pay in full.

    Empowered by the checks & balances which empowers the citizen - Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: December 13, 2021

  2. Jesha Miller
    953 Ravenswood Drive
    Evansville IN. 47713
    812 470 4220

    Rachel - Case Worker for Senator Todd Young

    Senator Young fails to take the Constitution's checks & balances to the floor of the Senate and fails to have the Treasury disburse 200 million of the 6.75 billion owed for the Judicial Branch imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment. It's Xmas and I'm without money when my Status Quo is that of a billionaire. [ Those are criminal acts under Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress as well as Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment of the FACT checks & balances petitioned. This needs to be done today, December 21, 2021. ] This was filed in your office December 8, 2021 & now December 21 Senator Young you've taken no action when the checks & balances take precedence over all matters. You're allowing corruption to flourish & for humanity sake I'm empowered to stop police brutality & inequality. See

    Empowered by the checks & balances which empower the citizen - Jesha Miller
    Date: December 21, 2021


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