National Emergency - National Guard Called For Government Corruption- Concealing the Checks & Balances // NO INTEGRITY

 The Constitution checks & balances are Petitioned when the entire Branch of Government is Corrupt. A National Emergency is called because President Biden & Congress refuse to acknowledge the checks & balances which uphold the integrity requiring the Judicial Branch be checked & owe 6.75 billion dollars immediately for imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th & 14th amendments.

       The Judicial Branch imposed slavery, prohibited by the 13th amendment and denied the guaranteed 1st amendment right to speech press to conceal their own corruption & abuse of power. [ These are criminal acts pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights & oppress] Affirmed to be FACT online at where Federal Judges Richard Young, Judge Tanya Pratt, & Magistrate Matthew P. Brookman deny the 1st amendment right to speech press to conceal government corruption, oppression, & abuse of power.
       The U.S. Supreme Court imposed slavery, prohibited by the 13th amendment which abolished slavery. Case No. 04-7377 is irrefutable evidence the US Supreme Court imposed slavery. When the US Supreme Court is corrupt in an appellate court system, the entire Branch of government is corrupt. The National Guard is now ORDERED to execute the indictments which Law Enforcement refuse to do in defiance of they're duty in the system. 

                                                         Duty of the National Guard

       The Army National Guard is community based and reports to the Governor of it's respective state UNLESS CALLED TO PROTECT US DOMESTIC INTEREST IN TIMES OF CONFLICT or natural disasters.
       The National Guard is called to protect domestic interest in upholding the integrity of the Constitution which top officials are in disobedience to conceal the checks & balances & continue corruption such as imposed slavery, oppression, & organized crime by the U.S. Attorney's covering for crooked Judges demonstrated online at where officials revert back to the Maryland Doctrine of exclusion to keep Black people subservient. 
       President Joseph Biden & Congress are obligatory both morally & by law to the Constitution's checks & balances. The checks & balances are an essential part of the Constitution. Essential meaning absolutely necessary, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Absolutely necessary to uphold the integrity by requiring that Branch of government alleged to be corrupt be checked for abuse of power & extremely important to secure the guaranteed rights to the Constitution of "we the people".
For this reason the National Guard is justly called to protect the domestic rights of we the people as intended by the Framers of the Constitution to secure the guaranteed rights. 
       MORALLY, the code of ethics for government service requires the President Biden & Congress to: Uphold the Constitution, laws, and legal regulations of the U.S. and all governments therein and NEVER BE A PARTY TO THEIR EVASION. Expose corruption wherever discovered. Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust.
       This being said, President Joe Biden evades the checks & balances which are mandatory by law, Janet Yellen continues oppression, and the media conceal the United States Attorney General - Merrick Garland, Speaker of the House - Nancy Pelosi, & FBI Director Christopher Wray all are concealing the checks & balances, a criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241- Conspiracy against rights & oppress. Janet Yellen commits the act to oppress by refusing to disburse 6.75 billion dollars for the Judicial Branch imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment. This makes it a National Emergency as Officials have taken absolute power in total disregard for the Constitution.
       The Constitution's checks & balances require the Judicial Branch be checked by me, Veteran Jesha Miller having irrefutable evidence the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. In light that the Governor - Eric Holcomb has the power to call the National Guard, he to is indicted for concealing the checks & balances being called to inform the public by calling a press conference. 
[ The checks & balances is another level, President & Congress must concede to the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power. The Treasury must disburse 6.75 billion dollars owed for the Judicial Branch miscarriage of justice imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment. This is the Supreme Law of the land. There are no options. Refusal to uphold the integrity and you cannot be the Leader of a free people. President Joe Biden cannot be the President of the United States as stated in the Constitution. [ Government powers are limited and Officials have violated the Constitution committing criminal acts and refuse to honor the Constitution checks & balances in obstruction of justice. Title 18 sec. 1509. This is a National Emergency. Domestic interest are government denying the guaranteed rights to FREEDOM & OPPRESS.

                            Transfer of Power to the Citizen using the checks & balances.

       The Constitution's checks & balances empowers the citizen because officials refuse to honor the checks & balances which are mandatory by law. Proven to be fact by the filing requires President Joe Biden to call a press conference. ORDER for Congress to hold President Biden accountable for the Constitution checks & balances petitioned when an entire Branch of government is corrupt. Secretary of Treasury - Janet Yellen ORDERED to disburse to Veteran Jesha Miller 6 billion dollars for imposed slavery. National coverage for the checks & balances used because Judicial Branch is corrupt, abuse of power, oppression, & organized crime. The media are in cahoots to achieve a government cover-up concealing & violating the citizens right to inform the public. In a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, the Framers of the Constitution empower the citizen for a showdown to prove corruption before a candid world. This is filed April 9, 2021, 6 months ago so Officials have no intentions to uphold the Constitution or inform the public because then they are held accountable. [ This calls for the National Guard to protect the domestic interest to secure the guaranteed rights of the Constitution. The checks & balances to check the Judicial Branch for corruption & abuse of power & the Treasury to disburse 6.75 billion owed for continued oppression. This started at 50 million dollars & escalated to 6.75 billion dollars is irrefutable evidence Janet Yellen had no intentions to concede to the demands of the Constitution or the rule of law. The CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS affirm they knowingly, willfully, denied the rights of the Constitution, a criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 242 - Deprivation of Rights under color of law means that it is officials that deprive these rights. [ Domestic meaning existing or occurring inside a country. The domestic interest in upholding the integrity of the Constitution by conceding to the demands of the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power. Government officials are refusing to honor the checks & balances requiring the National Guard enforce the law. The media & owners are indicted concealing the checks & balances which are mandatory by law. The filings in Federal Court, Case No. 3:20 - cv - 149 - RLY - MPB, Evansville Division. Also online at


       Transparent government means that government officials act openly. President Joe Biden conceals the checks & balances which mean the Judicial Branch is corrupt which is of public concern because this is criminal & violates his oath of office. [ US Att. Gen. Merrick Garland also conceals the checks & balances, a criminal act under Title 18 sec. 1001 & in conspiracy against rights & obstruction of justice. ] The FBI Director Christopher Wray conceals the checks & balances to conceal the Judicial Branch corruption, a criminal act under Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress. The US Supreme Court imposed slavery prohibited by the 13th & 14th amendments. Those are the top Judicial Officials which means the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt.
The media are in cahoots by violating my rights to freedom of the press to inform the public & educate them on how to protect they're rights as citizens of which they do not know.
       Law Enforcement are involved in the government corruption by refusing to execute the indictments for those preventing the checks & balances which are mandatory by law. This the people are unaware of. This is connected to the bum rush on Capital Hill during the Trump era as President proving the government is corrupt and the checks & balances are what hold officials accountable so the Constitution's checks & balances concealed. The checks & balances are used to get equality because the scaled of justice are unbalanced by criminal acts by officials which they are not being held accountable for. This is of National Emergency when the right to freedom is violated, when there is no justice, when there is a solution to police brutality & media conceal it from the public, it's of National concern when the Judicial Branch is required to be checked by the Petition of Veteran Jesha Miller and government officials do a cover-up for the embarrassment of
imposing slavery, oppression owing Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression. Janet Yellen commits the criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - to oppress money owed by the rule of law which violates HUMAN RIGHTS. The public knows none of this & Congress planned to get away with the criminal acts by evading the Constitution's checks & balances which uphold the integrity. [ That's the importance of executing the indictments against the media to secure the first amendment right to freedom of the press. ]

                                                      LAW ENFORCEMENT CORRUPT

       Indicted are US Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray & FBI Steven Wray, Evansville IN. Police Chief Billy Bolin & Assistant Chief Philip Smith all refusing ORDERS to execute indictments for media concealing the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution. We have no rights unless they are enforced which is Law Enforcement duty in the system to uphold the Constitution. Proven to be FACT online at - [ See - Law Enforcement execute indictments or US Attorney General Merrick Garland ORDERED uphold Constitution, Law Enforcement refuses to execute indictments for checks & balances. This makes it a National Emergency. ] See - Government corruption, Law Enforcement refuses to execute indictments & arrest media, Nancy Pelosi, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb. [ See - US Attorney General Merrick Garland Publicly address the Judicial Branch is corrupt. Pay Veteran Jesha Miller 6 billion dollars for imposing slavery. ] Local Police Billy Bolin, Judges David Kiely, Chief Judge Tom Massey, FBI Steven D' Antuono & Media Owners, All Indicted concealing government corruption. [ Law enforcement cannot continue to follow orders when the checks & balances are petitioned. Officials show no integrity. The Checks & balances are another level. Not President Biden, not Congress, can ignore the checks & balances which uphold the integrity so to refuse means there is NO INTEGRITY. Law Enforcement must uphold the Constitution so all officials refusing to execute the indictments are in defiance & commit a criminal act under Title 18 sec. 241- Conspiracy against rights & oppress. Title 18 sec. 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law. 

       Mayor Lloyd Winnecke is now Indicted for concealing the checks & balances and allowing Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin & Assistant Chief Philip Smith to remain in office when they obstruct justice refusing to execute the indictments for the media so that the public is informed of the Constitution's checks & balances which is what WATERGATE was, the checks & balances.
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220

Mayor Lloyd Winnecke

Reference to: Remove Chief Police Billy Bolin & assistant Philip Smith as they have been indicted for obstruction of justice, refusing ORDER to execute the indictments for media, The indictments are filed in Federal court & you have been ORDERED to remove them from office without pay due to the Importance of the checks & balances which uphold the integrity by requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power. I'm empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empower the citizen in this case for disobedience of the checks & balances requiring the Judicial branch be checked for imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment abolishing slavery.

Empowered by the checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
Date: October 8, 2021

                                                 UNITED STATES FEDERAL COURT
                                                  SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF INDIANA
                                                           EVANSVILLE, DIVISION

JESHA D. MILLER                                         *      Cause No. 3:20 - cv - 149 - RLY - MPB
    We the people of the U.S.                        *
                                                                           *       Indictments for Officials preventing
                    v.                                                    *       checks & balances
Billy Bolin                                                        *       Law Enforcement refuse ORDER
Philip Smith                                                    *       to arrest media concealing
Judge David Kiely                                         *      Primary culprit in Constitution
Judge Leslie C. Shively                               *      checks & balances
FBI Steven D. Antuono                                *      Major issues concealed
Chief Judge Tom Massey                           *      Allowing continued oppression     

                                   INDICTMENT & ARREST FOR EVANSVILLE POLICE
                             CONSTITUTION CHECKS & BALANCES & INDICTMENT
                             AND ARREST FOR JUDGE DAVID KIELY & JUDGE LESLIE
                             C. SHIVELY VIOLATING TITLE 18 SEC. 1001.
                             FBI Steven D' Antuono reverting to corruption

1        Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin refuses my ORDER to arrest media concealing the checks & balances & goes on vacation when he previously refused to execute indictments. This would exonerate himself but he evades my ORDERS by going on vacation. 
Assistant Chief Philip Smith was then ORDERED to execute the indictments of which he also refused to execute the indictments and arrest members of the media concealing the checks & balances which are mandatory by law.
           The system works by law enforcement executing the indictments otherwise we have no rights unless they are enforced. The 1st amendment right to speech - Press when government or officials are corrupt is how the citizens hold officials accountable. Both acts are in obstruction of justice.
Definition. 18 U.S.C. sec. 1503 defines obstruction of justice as an act that corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice. 

       Wherefore, being empowered as the Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen to uphold the integrity for a showdown to prove before the Nation & the World the Indiana National Guard is Ordered to execute the indictments to arrest the media assignment editors Blaine Fentress of channel 44, Bob Freeman of channel 25, & Celeste King of channel 14, and the National Guard of Georgia will be called to execute the arrest of the owners. 
      The National Guard of the District of Columbia are ORDERED to execute the indictments for Secretary of the Treasury - Janet Yellen, Speaker of the House - Nancy Pelosi, Senator Todd Young, Senator Mike Braun, Congressman Larry Bucshon, & FBI Director Christopher Wray & FBI Steven D' Antuono.

Mayor Lloyd Winnecke received this by certified mail receipt # 7021 1970 0000 7558 2431 October 7, 2021 and has ignored a meeting request. This is aiding & abetting Billy Bolin & Philip Smith from justice, Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealing the Constitution's checks & balances, & Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy to deny rights & oppress, and obstruction of justice because the checks & balances are mandatory by law. The National Guard are now ORDERED to remove Mayor Lloyd Winnecke, Police Chief Billy Bolin & Assistant Philip Smith from office executing the indictments for their arrest without bail until the checks & balances are Nationally know.

      Indictment for Sheriff Dave Wedding refusing to execute the indictments for the media, in obstruction of justice concealing the checks & balances which are mandatory by law. Two weeks ago on Monday Sheriff wedding sent out his Secretary - Emily to speak & again on Wednesday & has not made communication since. The checks & balances take precedence over all matters because at issue is the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt of which they are a part of.

Certified Mail Receipts Affirm Officials Know

Governor Kathy Hochul must exonerate herself concealing the checks
and balances which is petitioned because the Judicial Branch is corrupt.
This blog is evidence of the criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - 
Conspiracy to deny rights & oppress because Janet Yellen conceals the
checks & balances not to disburse 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression.
As you see she received this November 8, 2021 and today is November 30, 2021.
Remember she is an attorney in full knowledge the criminal act committed by
concealing the checks & balances and being in conspiracy to deny rights and
obstruction of justice which is the proper administration when an entire Branch
is corrupt. Governor Hochul call a press conference for the checks & balances this
November 30, 2021.


  1. I call for a meeting a week before arriving in Washington DC to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. President Biden violates oath of office refusing to honor the checks & balances which are Mandatory by law to uphold the integrity by having that Branch checked or corruption.
    Jesha Miller
    953 Ravenswood Drive
    Evansville IN. 47713
    812 470 4220

    National Guard - Kelvin Ford
    Reference : Meeting with Major General Sherrie L. McCandless November 10, 2021 to execute ORDER to uphold the Constitution at 1 pm.
    I am Veteran Jesha Miller, empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen because of disobedience by Officials concealing the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution, Essential meaning absolutely necessary and EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Because this takes precedence over all matters because at issue is the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt supported by irrefutable evidence meaning impossible to deny or disprove.
    The National Guard are now called to execute the indictments and remove them from office. This is Major because the checks & balances uphold the integrity of which officials have concealed from the public. This is Major alleging the entire Judicial is corrupt and officials have concealed it and Janet Yellen continues oppression refusing to pay Veteran Jesha Miller of the United States Air Force is owed 6.75 billion dollars for the Judicial Branch imposing slavery abolished by the 13th & 14th Amendments being violated. This is a National Emergency when the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt & government are concealing this from the public.

    Major General Sherrie L. McCandless - You been called on to uphold the integrity of the Constitution because government has concealed the checks & balances being Petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller which empowers Jesha Miller to uphold the integrity against government best man or US Attorney General Merrick Garland. This is to proven before a candid world as stated by the Declaration of Independence of which the military must uphold. This is your duty due to President Joe Biden concealing, US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Speaker of the House - Nancy Pelosi all proven to be FACT online at This is a National Emergency as the government is taken over using absolute power where they disregard the checks & balances and are not held accountable. No adversary of which the power goes to the public. This is Major corruption. This is a National Emergency requiring the National Guard uphold the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked & uphold the checks & balances which are mandatory by law. When the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt, it's a National Emergency. When government officials are trying to get away with this there is no integrity and a National Emergency. When government are concealing imposed slavery this is a National Emergency in the land of the FREE and the Home of the Brave, this is a National Emergency. Major General Sherrie L. McCandless you are called & ORDERED to
    uphold the Constitution as filed in the U.S. District Court. Affirm the meeting November 10, 2021 at 1 pm to execute your ORDER to uphold the Constitution. [ The Officials are corrupt, it's your duty to uphold the Constitution. I am now empowered to uphold the integrity as common sense tells you can't take ORDERS from corrupt officials and the public must know. ]

    Empowered by the Bill of Rights and the checks & balances which empower the citizen.
    Jesha Miller
    Date: November 3, 2021

  2. The second email calling for Mayor General Sherrie McCandless to affirm a meeting for the National Guard to execute indictments for corrupt officials concealing the checks & balances to continue corruption, abuse of power, and oppression immediately owing 6.75 billion dollars for imposed slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment.

    Affirm meeting November 10, 2021 with Veteran Jesha Miller empowered by the checks & balances which is the Supreme Law of the Land. Entire Judicial Branch corrupt, President Biden & Congress are obligatory both morally & mandatory by law. This is disobedience to the Constitution & the National Guard has a duty to uphold the Constitution. [ The checks & balances require this be proven before a candid world, US Attorney General Merrick Garland against me, petitioner of the checks & balances. In a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, the Framers of the Constitution empower the citizen & that is me, Veteran Jesha Miller.

    Empowered by the Bill of Rights & Constitution's checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: Veterans Day - November 8, 2021

  3. Informing Major General Sherrie McCandless I'm on my way to the National Guard to take action to uphold the Constitution.
    Jesha Miller
    953 Ravenswood Drive
    Evansville IN. 47713
    812 470 4220

    Mr. Kelwin in form Major General Sherrie L. McCandless I'll be early today to execute the indictments for the Constitution's checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution mandatory by law.Government has refused to honor the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution so from President Biden to Congress there is no integrity as they are hels obligatory both morally & by law. This affirms there is no integrity so there is no credibility. Credibility meaning the quality of being trusted and believed in. The Judicial Branch must be checked for corruption & abuse of power of which President Biden has refused to do violating his oath of office. [ The reason for corruption is I'm empowered to stop police brutality, stop inequality, and stop social injustice as well as I'm owed 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression. Violates Title 18 sec. 241- Conspiracy against rights & oppress. The media have also concealed the checks & balances which violates the 1st amendment right to freedom of speech - press to expose corrupt government officials & goes even further to say this is an EVIL to be prevented that neither the media can prevent by censorship & neither the government in any manner. See to affirm both the media & Federal Judges denied the first amendment to conceal their own abuse of power.

    Empowered by the Bill of Rights & Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizens. - Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: November 10, 2021

    Affirm meeting November 10, 2021 with Veteran Jesha Miller empowered by the checks & balances which is the Supreme Law of the Land. Entire Judicial Branch corrupt, President Biden & Congress are obligatory both morally & mandatory by law. This is disobedience to the Constitution & the National Guard has a duty to uphold the Constitution. [ The checks & balances require this be proven before a candid world, US Attorney General Merrick Garland against me, petitioner of the checks & balances. In a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, the Framers of the Constitution empower the citizen & that is me, Veteran Jesha Miller.

    Empowered by the Bill of Rights & Constitution's checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: Veterans Day - November 8, 2021

  4. I was turned away from entry into the National Guard to uphold the integrity by the police there & even threatened with a 30 day restraining order. The National Guard are to provide mission ready personnel in the event of a National Emergency. Here Major General Sherrie McCandless join in cahoots with government corruption which is stated on the caption of the ORDER. Although normally she is subordinate only to President Biden but this is unprecedented by the President violating oath of office to defend the Constitution. Now the citizen is empowered to uphold the integrity as she knows by the transfer of power to the citizen.

    Jesha Miller the indictments for
    Evansville IN. 47713
    812 470 4220

    Kelwin - Pass on to Major General McCandless

    Major General McCandless I was turned away minutes ago coming for a 1pm appointment to execute the Constitution's checks & balances. Affirm a date to address this with me so that I may begin to uphold the Constitution requiring the Judicial BRanch be checked for corruption & abuse of power. Have all respect for me as a Black man now having the power to stop inequality, social injustice & police brutality. So much for the respect you have given me as a Veteran and your upholding the Constitution of the United States.

    Respectfully submitted and empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances - Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: November 10, 2021

  5. Staff Sgt. Kelwin Ford
    Reference to - Pass this immediately to Major General Sherrie McCandless

    Now, you can call President Biden informing him I said to publicly acknowledge Veteran Jesha Miller or you are ORDERED as I'm empowered as the Petitioner of the checks & balances to have you execute the indictments & arrest Janet Yellen for continued oppression owing 6.75 billion dollars, Nancy Pelosi & US Attorney General Merrick Garland for concealing the checks & balances allowing Judicial Branch imposed slavery & oppression. You call me at 812 470 4220 to affirm the date to be set no longer than 5 days from now being November 16, 2021. Affirm meaning state as a fact the date so I may be there to address the media for your actions in this National Emergency by government refusing to acknowledge the Constitution's checks & balances.
    What your delay does is continue the oppression which the government can't do to the citizens and is a crime pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress. Remember you're called out because officials refused to honor the checks & balances which is a National Emergency when the President & Congress are corrupt, that's a national emergency. When the Judicial Branch is imposing slavery, that's a national emergency, when the Judicial Branch is concealing these crimes by denying the guaranteed rights to speech-press in violation of the first amendment, that's a National Emergency when they're corruption is killing Blacks for no reason other than oppression to keep them in their so called place to be subservient that's a National Protest already taken only they went about it the wrong way not having knowledge of how to get it done. In short, it's a National Emergency because the government officials reverted back to the Maryland doctrine of exclusion to keep Blacks subservient.
    Repeated so you know, call President Biden & tell him you're called out to uphold the Constitution & unless he publicly acknowledges the Constitution checks & balances in three days being Monday, November 15, 2021 you have to execute the indictments to uphold the Constitution.
    [ See - President Biden hands tied, checks & balances mandatory by law. Requires a showdown, his best man against me to be proven before a candid world as stated in the Declaration of Independence. ]
    Your duty, the DC National Guard provides mission ready personnel & units for active duty in the armed services in the time of war or national emergency. You nor they can cover up the checks & balances which are mandatory by law. Government powers are limited & they went beyond those limits denying the Habeas Corpus to restore the right to freedom for a Black Man, Went beyond those limits denying the 1st amendment right to freedom of the press to conceal their own corruption. A criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001. Unknown only because the media are in cahoots, otherwise, there's no government cover up. They to are indicted as you see. No one is above the law. The law is of no effect unless they are carried out.

    Respectfully submitted & empowered by the Bill of Rights & the Constitution's checks & balances

    Veteran Jesha Miller
    Date: November 12, 2021

  6. Two Part comment with fax to Governor Hochul of New York to call National guard to execute indictments in New York.

    Dear Jesha Donaldson Miller,
    Your fax to Kathy Hochul at 5184741513 has been sent successfully!
    Successful delivery of your fax was confirmed at 4:24 PM Eastern Standard Time on November 12th, 2021
    Your fax included 1 page of coversheet with your text and 1 page of attached documents.

    Jesha Miller
    953 Ravenswood Drive
    Evansville IN. 47713
    812 470 4220

    Governor Kathy Hochul
    I’m Veteran Jesha Miller, Petitioner of the Constitution’s checks & balances supported by irrefutable evidence the Judicial Branch imposed slavery, Case No. 04-7377, denied 1st amendment right to freedom of speech - press, and organized crime by the US Attorney’s covering for crooked Judges.
    Governor Hochul you are called to ORDER the National Guard to execute indictments for the CBS media in New York concealing this from the public. [ See - National Emergency. This is filed in Federal Court
    Case No. 3:20-cv-149-RLY-MPB as seen on the blog.
    This is a National Emergency because President Joe Biden & Congress have concealed the checks & balances from the public to continue running a corrupt government. Both are obligatory both morally and by law because the checks & balances uphold the integrity of the Constitution. I’m empowered by the checks & balances to stop police brutality, stop inequality, and stop social injustice as well as I have a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars.
    This is unprecedented a citizen is empowered by the checks & balances which the Framers of the Constitution did in a government of the people, by the people, and for the people they empowered the citizen to uphold the integrity of the Constitution as in this case where government is in disobedience of the checks & balances which are mandatory by law to uphold the integrity. They have concealed this not to be held accountable for criminal acts which now empowers me as the citizen petitioner of the checks & balances. Therefore there is no credibility in the President or Congress. Credibility meaning the quality of being trusted and believed in.


  7. You as Governor have power to call the National Guard to execute the indictments because Law Enforcement have refused to execute the indictments as intended for the system to work. For that reason I’m contacting you being over the National Guard to execute the indictments for CBS News so that the public will be informed of government corruption & Congress must address this by governments best man against me, being the petitioner having the evidence the Judicial Branch is corrupt before a candid world as stated by the Declaration of Independence. [ See to affirm President Biden has concealed the checks & balances as well as Congress to continue White Supremacy as the checks & balances hold officials accountable & secures the rights of we the people. This is mayor, same as Watergate which was the checks & balances. The Judicial Branch must be checked for corruption & abuse of power, continued oppression, & organized crime as seen online at and where FBI Director lied to the public that he was uphold the integrity as required by his DUTY and this proves otherwise as well as evidence Judges Richard Young, Federal Judge Tanya Pratt, & others to conceal corruption in the Judicial Branch imposing slavery. Contact me at 812 470 4220 concerning the National Guard executing the indictments for the Constitution’s checks & balances. This is a National Emergency when both President Biden & Congress are concealing the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution. It is a National Emergency when the Judicial Branch imposes slavery and violates the Habeas Corpus in Article I, section 9 - POWERS DENIED GOVERNMENT as the Habeas Corpus secure the right to freedom when a citizen is held in violation of the Constitution & Laws of the United States. It is a National emergency when the US Attorneys are covering for crooked Judges and a National Emergency when officials oppress the people by the police brutality and not be held accountable which is what the checks & balances do.
    This is of National concern for the public when the entire Branch o government is corrupt.

    Empowered by the Bill of Rights which no just government on earth can refuse or rest on inference and the checks & balances which empowers the citizen. - Jesha Miller
    Date: November 12, 2021
    PS You received this by certified mail No. 7021 1970 0000 7557 8229 on Monday November 8, 2021
    PART 2 to Governor Hochul of New York

  8. Governor Hochul call press conference today for the checks & balances due to government corruption & justify your ORDER for the National Guard to execute indictments by Veteran Jesha Miller because the media conceal the checks & balances by denying 1st amendment right to speech - press to conceal they're own Branch of government corruption & abuse of power denying the right to freedom. power denied government pursuant to Article I sec. 9 - powers denied government. Habeas Corpus. No integrity there's no credibility to be trusted or believed in. Justifies the checks & balances as well as being supported by irrefutable evidence impossible to deny or disprove. CAll press conference at 2 pm.

  9. Governor Kathy Hochul call press conference today at 1 pm or the Constitution's checks & balances. Order National Guard to execute indictments for Susan Zirinsky and owners of CBS concealing the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution and stop continued oppression by the Treasury owing Veteran Jesha Miller 6.75 billion dollars or continued oppression.

  10. Governor of New York Kathy Hochul

    Again, Governor Hochul, you’re called to Order the National Guard to execute Indictments for New York media at CBS concealing the Constitution’s checks & balances due to a National Emergency by government concealing the Constitution’s checks & balances. That was November 8, 2021, nearly 2 weeks ago. First, this is major when government officials conceal the Constitution’s checks & balances intended to uphold the integrity of the Constitution by having that Branch of government checked for corruption. Law Enforcement refuses to execute the indictments which is why you are called to ORDER the National Guard to execute the indictments on the media to inform the public and hold them accountable. This is the proper administration of justice when the entire Branch of government is corrupt. This President Biden & Congress are obligatory to both morally and by law. It is concealed from the public which is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001. You also concealing it from the public is criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights & oppress.
    You’re again called to Order the National Guard to execute the indictments arresting Susan Zirinsky of CBS news and the owners for violating the 1st amendment right to speech- press so that I’m acknowledged as the petitioner of the checks & balances empowered to stop police brutality, stop inequality, and stop social injustice. The Treasury is then prompted to stop continued oppression
    by immediately disbursing 6.75 billion dollars or imposed slavery prohibited by the
    13th amendment abolishing slavery. This is unprecedented because government disobedience to the Constitution’s checks & balances, an essential part of the Constitution meaning absolutely necessary and extremely important. This November 22, 2021 call a National Press conference at 1pm informing the public
    Of government corruption and the use of the checks & balances by Veteran Jesha Miller.
    Refusal to take action by calling a press conference is self evident you too are in conspiracy against rights and the Constitution of the United States, a criminal act under Title 18 sec. 241- conspiracy against rights and oppress as well as Title 18 sec. 1001- concealing the Fact the checks & balances are petitioned due to corruption in the Judicial Branch of government. This then requires criminal charges under Title 18 of which this fax is evidence you conceal the checks & balances which are petitioned when the entire Branch of government is corrupt, in this case being the Judicial Branch. [ See - refer to comments and the filing in case No. 3:20-cv-149-RLY-MPB ]
    Empowered by the Bill of Rights and checks & balances which empowers the
    Citizen - Veteran Jesha Miller // Date: November 22, 2021. 518-474-1513 FAX#

  11. Dear Jesha Donaldson Miller,

    Your fax to Kathy Hochul at 5184741513 has been sent successfully!
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  12. Congressman Larry Bucshon called for meeting to take checks & balances to the floor of the house in meeting November 29, 2021. 11 am

    The following information has been saved:

    --- Contact Info ---
    Organization: Constitution checks & balances
    Name: Mr. Jesha Miller
    Email Address:
    Phone Number: (812) 470-4220

    --- Meeting Info ---
    Available Dates: November 29, 2021
    Location: District
    Attendee Names and Hometowns: Jesha Miller
    local media 44 news
    14 news
    25 news
    Topics of Discussion: Constitution checks & balances petitioned or entire Judicial Branch corruption. Takes precedence over all matters. Concealed from the public by President Biden. See Treasury owes 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression & imposed slavery by the US Supreme Court

  13. Take the checks & balances to the Senate floor tomorrow, November 23, 2021 due to continued oppression owing 6.75 billion dollars and imposed slavery by the US Supreme Court. This takes precedence over all matters as President Biden has concealed it since February 9, 2021 causing a hardship without home, food, medicine, fiance, and consider I have a Status Quo politically to stop police brutality, stop inequality, and a status quo socially with a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars owed immediately or imposed slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment. This is major, this is unprecedented. The citizen empowered by the checks & balances, the Judicial Branch corrupt, Treasury owes 6.75 billion for Judicial Branch continued oppression, citizen empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution having authority to give ORDERS, enforce obedience, and make decisions. You are therefore ORDERED to call a Press conference tomorrow at 11 am for the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution which has been concealed by the media & President Joe Biden.
    Refusal and this is evidence you violate Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress as well as Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealing the checks & balances which takes precedence over all matters to uphold the integrity. See as this need be done to exonerate yourself from being involved in concealing corruption & abuse of power from the public to take absolute power so officials are not held accountable. This is major because law enforcement refused to execute the indictments so the system does not work. Furthermore there's a hardship as I need immediate money for housing, food, medicine, family, cars, and fiance'. My cash out is $Billionaire7 so contact treasury to disburse money today. I'm the adversary meaning one's opponent in a conflict which the checks & balances require a showdown between myself and US Attorney General Merrick Garland. This is Watergate only it's the Judicial Branch instead of Richard Nixon.
    Empowered by the Bill of rights and checks & balances which empowers the citizen - Veteran Jesha Miller // Date November 22. 2021

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  15. Fax Status: Success!
    Your fax (ID: #30198352) to Kathy Hochul at 5184741513 has been delivered successfully at 9:42 AM Eastern Standard Time on November 22nd, 2021.

    The content of your fax included 1 page of coversheet with your text and 2 pages of attached documents.

  16. Today Governor Kathy Hochul must call press conference or the checks & balances due to corruption in the Judicial Branch as President Biden has concealed this rom the public.
    Fax Status: Success!
    Your fax (ID: #30205357) to Kathy Hochul at 5184741513 has been delivered successfully at 9:08 AM Eastern Standard Time on November 23rd, 2021.

    The content of your fax included 1 page of coversheet with your text and 2 pages of attached documents.

  17. Kath Hochul - Governor of New York call a press conference today, December 1, 2021 for the Constitution checks & balances meaning entire Judicial Branch corrupt.

    Fax Status: Success!
    Your fax (ID: #30240905) to Kathy Hochul at 5184741513 has been delivered successfully at 9:36 AM Eastern Standard Time on December 1st, 2021.

    The content of your fax included 1 page of coversheet with your text and 2 pages of attached documents.


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