Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
United Nations Human Rights Counsel
Antonio Guterres - Secretary - General of U.N.
United Nations Human Rights Complaint.
405 East 42nd Street
New York N.Y. 10017
Reference to: All Local & national remedies have been exhausted. The U.S. Constitution checks & balances are to uphold the integrity of the Constitution of which the government refuse to honor running a corrupt government. U.S. government violates Article 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, & 29, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. United Nations give World coverage of the U.S. Constitution checks & balances requiring a showdown proving corruption and abuse of power before a candid world as stated by the Declaration of Independence.
[ Due to continued oppression the U.N. is needed to disburse 5 million dollars until I'm paid 6.75 billion dollars to be disbursed by the U.S. Treasury department for imposed Slavery prohibited by the State Constitution, Federal Constitution, & Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ]
The essential of the complaint are freedom, justice & oppression.
My freedom is taken using an unconstitutional impaneled jury violating the 6th, 13th, & 14th amendments proven to be fact by the trial transcripts as seen online at apcalledtoexposecorruption.blogspot.com by Vanderburgh County Judge David Kiely. Here he overrules both the State & Federal Constitution 14th amendment right to due process. When a citizen freedom is taken without being duly processed the Court imposes slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment. This continued to the U.S. Supreme Court, Case No. 04-7377 proven to be fact by the Habeas Corpus filed under that cause number also seen on the same blog spot. [ Violates Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of human rights - No one shall be held in slavery or servitude, slavery & the slave trade shall be prohibited in all of their forms. ]
This is a Statutory prohibition under Title 18 sec. 243 - The 14 amendment mandate that race discrimination be eliminated from all official acts and proceedings of the State is most compelling in the judicial system. The statutory prohibition on discrimination in the selection of jurors, 18 U.S.C. sec. 243, enacted pursuant to the 14th amendments enabling clause, makes race neutrality in jury selection a visible, and inevitable, measure of the Judicial Systems own commitment to the demands of the Constitution. The Courts are under an affirmative duty to enforce the strong statutory and Constitutional policies embodied in that prohibition. [ Violates Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - All are equal before the law & are entitled to equal protection of the law. Entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of the Declaration & against any incitement to such discrimination. As stated this is a Statutory Prohibition pursuant to Title 18 sec. 243 which is violated by the State & Federal Courts including the U.S. Supreme Court proven to be FACT in case number - 04-7377. Incitement meaning the action of provoking unlawful behavior or urging someone to behave unlawfully. Title 18 sec. 243 states this is inevitable, meaning certain to happen & a measure of the Judicial Systems own commitment to the demands of the Constitution which are shown to be unlawful. ]
Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances
The appellate process proved to be an ineffective remedy violating the fundamental requirements to a fair trial, a speedy trial by an impartial jury, and it's due process in violation of the 14th amendment. [ This violates Article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the Constitution or by law. Also violates Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Everyone is entitled to full equality to a fair & public hearing by an independent & impartial tribunal in the determination of his rights & obligations & of any criminal charge against him. The trial transcripts are irrefutable evidence Judge David Kiely imposed an all White jury violating the 6th amendment right to a trial by a fair & impartial jury. ] Irrefutable meaning impossible to deny or disprove. Violates Article 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Everyone charged with a penal offense shall have all the guarantees necessary for his defense.
Constitutional Law # 250.2 ( 4 ) - which provides every Black Man has a right under the 14th amendment to the Constitution, U.S.C.A., that in the selection of jurors to pass on his life, liberty, or property, there shall be no exclusion of his race, & no discrimination against them because of his color. [ Again the trial transcripts are irrefutable evidence my race was excluded violating Constitutional Law # 250.2 ( 4 ) & Article 8, 10, 7, & Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Everyone has the right to life, liberty, & security of person. ]
I am the Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances petitioned when the entire Branch of government is corrupt. The checks & balances empower the citizen due to government disobedience to the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution meaning absolutely necessary, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. [ This is proven to be FACT online at policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com // President Biden hands tied - Both President Biden & Congress are obligatory to the Constitution's checks & balances both morally & mandatory by law to uphold the integrity the Judicial Branch must be checked of which they have refused so as not to be held accountable. These are criminal acts pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights & oppress. Being the Petitioner of the checks & balances I have a Status Quo politically, empowered by the checks & balances having authority to give ORDERS, enforce obedience, & make decisions as well as Socially I have a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars due to continued oppression by the Secretary of the Treasury - Janet Yellen refusing to disburse money owed for the imposed slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment & Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - No one shall be held in slavery or servitude, slavery & the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. Also Article 9, No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile. [ When a man is brought by Habeas Corpus to the U.S. Supreme Court & upon review of it, it appears to the Court he was against law imprisoned & detained, he shall never be by the act of the Court remanded to his unlawful imprisonment for then the Court should do an act of injustice in imprisoning him, ( de nova ) against the law. // When the U.S. Supreme Court is corrupt then the entire Branch of government is corrupt in an Appellate Court System. ] Status Quo meaning - the current situation, the way things are now, the existing state of affairs, ESPECIALLY regarding social or political issues. Oppress meaning keep someone in subservience and hardship, ESPECIALLY by the unjust exercise of authority. I am SPECIAL that the United Nations must support world wide as I'm empowered to stop police brutality, stop inequality, & stop social injustice.
Denied the guaranteed 1st amendment right to speech - press by the
Judges to conceal their own Branch corruption & abuse of power.
Federal Judges Richard Young, Judge Tanya Pratt, & Magistrate Matthew P. Brookman denied the guaranteed 1st amendment to conceal the Judicial Branch corruption & abuse of power in their Branch of government. See thefbiwray.blogspot.com for irrefutable evidence the Judicial Branch denied 1st amendment right to speech - press concealing their own abuse of power. [ Violates Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Freedom of opinion & expression & impart information & ideas through any media regardless of frontiers. ]
The media are a part of this which is why the United Nations must give me a Worldwide platform for the U.S. Constitution checks & balances to prove before a candid world the Judicial Branch is corrupt as stated by the Declaration of Independence. [ Media & the Judges commit an EVIL as stated by the 1st amendment.
Annotations 10 - First amendment
The purpose of the speech press clauses has evidently been to protect parties in the free publication of matters of public concern, to secure their right to a free discussion of public events & public measures, and to ENABLE EVERY CITIZEN AT ANY TIME TO BRING THE GOVERNMENT and ANY PERSON IN AUTHORITY TO THE BAR OF PUBLIC OPINION BY ANY JUST CRITICISM UPON THEIR CONDUCT IN THE EXERCISE IN THE AUTHORITY WHICH THE PEOPLE HAVE CONFERRED UPON THEM. The EVILS to be prevented were not the censorship of the press merely, but any action of the government by means of which it might prevent such free & general discussion of public matters as seems absolutely essential to prepare the people for an intelligent exercise of their rights as citizens.
The media & government conceal that the checks & balances empowers the citizen using the checks & balances to stop police brutality & inequality of which I'm empowered to do. Worldwide the people protested the police killings of George Floyd when I'm empowered to stop police brutality & stop inequality. [ See policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com - Veteran Jesha Miller executing 1st amendment right to speech - press exposing government corruption ]
Law Enforcement incitement covering for Officials & Media
Incitement meaning the action of provoking unlawful behavior or
urging someone to behave unlawfully
Due to government corruption refusing to honor the Constitution's checks & balances Law Enforcement were ORDERED to execute indictments & arrest of officials & media concealing the checks & balances, a criminal act under Title 18 sec. 1001 & obstruction of justice, a criminal act under Title 18 sec. 5101- obstructing administration of law. This is most recently by Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave Wedding refusing to execute the indictments against the local media concealing the checks & balances mandatory by law because they uphold the integrity of the Constitution. Before, Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin & Deputy Sheriff Philip Smith refused to execute the indictments & were themselves indicted for obstruction of justice & Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy to deny rights & oppress as seen online at policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com - Local Police Billy Bolin, Judge David Kiely, Chief Judge Tom Massey,.etc., concealing Government Corruption. This conspiracy includes the Judges, Media, & Law Enforcement because we have no rights unless Law Enforcement execute the law. This shows Law Enforcement in cahoots with the government so there's no effect to securing justice. We have no rights unless the law is enforced. [ Violates Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - All are equal before the law & are entitled to equal protection of the law. Entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of the Declaration & against any incitement to such discrimination. Also Article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the Constitution or by law.
[ See - Government corruption, Law Enforcement refuse to execute indictments & arrest media, Nancy Pelosi, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb, etc., & also
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland ORDERED Uphold the Constitution, Law Enforcement refuses to execute indictments for checks & balances, & also
Law Enforcement execute indictments, government are evading checks & balances not to be held accountable for criminal acts. ] It's simple, if law enforcement
executes the indictments arresting the media then they will stop concealing government corruption by violating citizens rights to speech - press. [ See - Law Enforcement execute indictments, government are EVADING checks & balances not to be held accountable for criminal acts. Online at policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com ]
Government & Media acknowledge Jesha Miller is Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances
President Joseph Biden is Petitioned to inform the public that I, Jesha Miller, am empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances, the Supreme Law of the Land having authority to give Orders, enforce obedience, & make decisions as well as stop police brutality, stop inequality, & stop social injustice. The transfer of power is on the face of the Petition as seen online at [ policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com - President Joe Biden hands tied, entire Judicial Branch Corrupt, Veteran Jesha Miller using checks & balances Mandatory By Law. ]
Transfer of Power - reads
The checks & balances empower the citizen to uphold the integrity of the Constitution giving me, Jesha Miller the authority or power to give ORDERS, make decisions, and enforce obedience to the Constitution's checks & balances requiring the Judicial & Legislative Branch to be checked for corruption & abuse of power.
[ Originally intended the Legislative checks the Judicial who checks the Executive who checks the Legislative but in this case no Branch checked the other because they are all corrupt, thus the checks & balances empowers the citizen and being the Petitioner I'm the citizen empowered by the checks & balances. Otherwise there's no one to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. ] As President, acknowledge PUBLICLY I'm empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution so that Law Enforcement can execute the indictments for their arrest this February 4, 2021, as well as an invitation to the White House to address your defending the Constitution's checks & balances.
[ Here President Joe Biden violates his oath of office to preserve, protect, & defend the Constitution. Commits a criminal offense pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress now owing 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression & a criminal offense pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealing the checks & balances as well as his moral obligation to defend the Constitution & Laws of the U.S. and never be a part of it's EVASION. ]
This violates Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - In the exercise of his rights & freedoms everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing DUE Recognition & RESPECT for the Rights & freedoms of others & of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order, & the General welfare in a Democratic society. Article 6 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. [ This includes - Nancy Pelosi Call a National Press Conference, hold President Biden accountable April 21, 2021 for evading checks & balances which uphold the integrity. Also online at policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com. ]
Continued oppression - Title 18 sec. 241
Not only has Janet Yellen refused to disburse the 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression but she refused to have any meeting to address the money owed for the Judicial Branch imposing slavery & to disburse any money to maintain life. My unemployment and social security was cut off for seven (7) months in which my health deteriorated to the point I had no food and I developed diabetes and got covid 19 after that because my immune system had diminished. [ This violates Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of human rights - Everyone has a right to a standard of living adequate for the health & well being of himself, his family, including food, clothing, housing & medical care & necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. ] Janet Yellen was Ordered to disburse the money being responsible for the debt, default of the 14th amendment by the Judicial Branch, & miscarriage of justice IMPOSING SLAVERY of which she committed the criminal act of oppression pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 and disregarded several request to address the checks & balances as well which are mandatory by law. Filed April 9, 2021 in the Federal Court, Southern District of Indiana, Evansville Division. The Judges even refused entrance to the Civic Center Complex, a public building reverting back to slavery times and the Maryland Doctrine of Exclusion. [ For the reason of continued oppression I ask the United Nations to disburse 5 million dollars in support & give Worldwide coverage which is stated in the Declaration of Independence to prove corruption before a candid WORLD. After which I shall reimburse the 5 million dollars in full plus 10 percent interest. ]
Wherefore, I have demonstrated violations by the United States government warranting Worldwide support giving coverage for violations of the inalienable right to freedom, justice, and peace. I support the Petition with Factual evidence the denial of freedom of speech - press, the highest aspiration of the common people & rebellion against tyranny & oppression being criminal acts pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 of the United States Constitution which have been concealed by denying the guaranteed right to speech press intended to expose government corruption & abuse of power. The oppression by Janet Yellen violates the rule of law which violates Human Rights. The imposed slavery violates the Articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that must be known to a candid World immediately.
I'm deserving of immediate money for food, clothing, medical expenses, housing, family, and fiance', in the sum of 5 million dollars, all suffering considering I have a Status Quo with a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars owed for the miscarriage of justice, imposing slavery. For the peace & dignity of a planet as I have the power to stop police brutality, inequality, & social injustice. All the problems of oppression solved but concealed to continue EVIL.
Respectfully Submitted - Jesha D. Miller
Date: October 26, 2021
President Joe Biden conceals the checks & balances which uphold the integrity by checking the Judicial Branch for corruption & abuse of power. AG Merrick Garland is concealing the checks & balances, a criminal act & has been indicted which the media has concealed from the public. The issues of imposing slavery, denying freedom of the press to conceal their own Branch corruption.
ReplyDeletePetitioner, Veteran Jesha Miller is empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution making him a political figure with a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars which Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen refuses to disburse when it's owed by the rule of law. FBI Director Christopher Wray lies on TV when he also conceals the checks & balances to hide the Judicial Branch is corrupt.
Nancy Pelosi conceals the checks & balances & is indicted which the media has concealed from the public. Law Enforcement refuses to execute the indictments so all officials & the media are not held accountable for the White collar crimes.
I'm empowered to stop police brutality, stop inequality, & stop social injustice which is history & the media has violated the 1st amendment which is guaranteed by law. The United Nations are prompted to give Veteran Jesha Miller World coverage because the U.S. Government is corrupt & Jesha Miller petitions the Constitutions checks & balances which is mandatory by law.
Part 1 Antonio Guterres call world press conference.
ReplyDeleteJesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN.
812 470 4220
Antonio Guterres - UN Secretary General
Reference to: Call World coverage for Veteran Jesha Miller to prove imposed slavery before a candid world as stated by the Declaration o Independence. I'm empowered to stop inequality and police brutality. I have a status quo both politically being the Petitioner of the checks & balances which empowers the citizen and socially having a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression which is evidence they have no intentions to concede to the Constitution. The Law requires world coverage, Call for world coverage immediately exposing US corruption before the world.
In the same stance that the National Guard can disburse citizens from the Capital, they are to disburse crooked politicians from office. US Government are in defiance of the checks & balances refusing to be checked for corruption, law enforcement refuses to execute the indictments so we have no rights as they are not enforced. By Law government must honor the checks & balances which are essential to the Constitution being very important to stop corruption which is going on without an adversary. The checks & balances are mandatory by law to uphold the integrity of the Constitution requiring by law in this case, the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption, abuse of power, oppression, and organized crime by the US Attorney's covering for crooked Judges. Call for World coverage immediately to bring to light President Biden refuses to honor the checks & balances petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller which empowers the citizen for a showdown before a candid world as this is to be proven before a candid world.
This showdown, unprecedented, to prove before a candid world the Judicial Branch is corrupt, imposing slavery, continued oppression, organized crime, and the entire government reverting back to the Maryland Doctrine of exclusion to keep Blacks subservient.
A Government cover up to conceal I'm empowered to stop inequality and police brutality holding officials accountable and securing the guaranteed rights. [ This is all online on
youtu.be/IAWjaLcqZh4 show down / showtime searching Jesha Miller. The data is authentic and irrefutable evidence impossible to disprove their refusal to honor the checks & balances, continued oppression owing 6.75 billion dollars for imposing slavery, media in cahoots to conceal corruption from the public, and organized crime. ] Using the checks & balances I'm empowered to stop inequality and police brutality. By law I'm owed 6.75 billion dollars for the imposed slavery to be paid immediately. The right to freedom of speech - press is secured and this is for humanity sake.
The money is owed for imposed slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment abolishing prohibited slavery, That's owed by law, that's a criminal pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress. Oppress meaning keep someone in subservience and hardship, Especially by the unjust exercise o authority, ggmy status quo is having a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars for imposed slavery which is a criminal act.
The United Nation Secretary General Antonia Guterres need call a World Press Conference immediately, this November 26, 2021. The proper administration is using the Constitution's checks & balances as I exhausted all remedies. US Government officials go beyond the limits of their power. This empowers the citizen to uphold the integrity giving authority to give ORDERS, enforce obedience, and make decisions. I'm empowered to stop inequality and police brutality which no one has ever been in position to do, unprecedented, by law, this mandatory, there are no options, and the President and Congress are obligatory both morally and by law, The Supreme Law of the land.
Part 2 Antonio Guterres call world press conference.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
To secure these rights, President Joseph Biden, US AG Merrick Garland, Secretary of the Treasury - Janet Yellen, Speaker of the House- Nancy Pelosi, FBI Director Christopher Wray and FBI Steven D' Antuono, Law Enforcement, Political Senators Todd Young and Mike Braun all have refused to honor the Constitution's checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution so there is no integrity and those acts are criminal under Title 18.
These abuses and usurps render the people helpless and the Constitution of no effect. The history has America as the most racist Country on the planet. Government reverted back to the Maryland Doctrine of exclusion. I am a political figure being the Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen to uphold the integrity and as you see it is stated by the Declaration " To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid word.
This affirms the Secretary General Antonio must call a World Press Conference to inform the world of this showdown between US Attorney General Merrick Garland and me, Jesha Miller, Empowered by the checks & balances to uphold the integrity. There are no options and their concealment is a criminal act under Title 18 sec. 1001 - whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or Agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or covers up by any scheme or device a material act or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements shall be fined under this Title, imprisoned not more than 5 years.
[ policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com - see
Part 3 UN Antonio Guterres call National press conference for Veteran Jesha Miller immediately
My status quo socially is a net worth of 6.75 billion dollars being financially secure. Oppression renders me homeless, no money for food, house, car, medicine, or support my fiance so this is detrimental to life itself. These are the essentials of life. No home to rest taken by the Judicial Branch when by law the Judicial Branch is corrupt, the very issue of the Constitution checks & balances. No food to maintain health, I need new transportation having a 15 year old car, no medicine or supplements for my immune system in a pandemic era, and no money to support a wife for the enjoyment and family ties.
Empowered by the Bill of Rights and checks & balances which empower the citizen
Jesha Miller
DATE: November 26, 2021