Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin, Assistant Police Chief Philip Smith, Vanderburgh County Judges
David Kiely, Judge Leslie Shively, & Chief Judge Tom Massey all concealing the Constitution's checks & balances concealing the Entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. [ FBI Washington Field Office Director Steven D' Antuono indicted for refusing to execute the indictment for US Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen under Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights & oppress. This money is owed for the debt of 6.75 Billion dollars, default by the Judicial Branch denying the 14th Amendment right to due process & the miscarriage of justice imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment prohibition of slavery. This is a government cover - up of corruption & abuse of power by the US Supreme Court imposing slavery.

Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
ATTENTION : Evansville Assistant Police Chief - Philip Smith
I have three times left message to call me on your phone, extension 7896, to execute indictments for media assignment editors Blaine Fentress of channel 44, Bob Freeman of channel 25, & Celeste King of channel 14, all of whom violate my first amendment right to freedom of speech - press to expose government corruption & abuse of power as well as conceal the checks & balances which is an essential part of the Constitution ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to uphold the integrity of the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for abuse of power.
No response means refusal to execute my ORDER to arrest the media concealing the checks & balances to continue white supremacy in defiance of the Constitution checks & balances requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption. This is Total disrespect for my Status Quo politically as I am empowered by the checks & balances having the authority to give ORDERS, make decisions & enforce obedience. The Constitution which empowers the citizens is the Supreme Law of the land because of corrupt officials refusing to concede to the demands requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for abuse of power.
Your actions to disparage my power is that of Former Supreme Court Justice Roger Taney. His Racist language " African Americans had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic when ever a profit could be made by it. These are the actions when you have to take ORDERS from a Black Man. You don't have that problem when ORDERED by Chief Billy Bolin & my power & authority is such that I give you ORDERS being empowered to uphold the integrity of the United States Constitution.
No response is refusal to execute the indictments which I have ordered you to execute. The magnitude is it's in defiance of the Constitution a criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights with Chief Billy Bolin. Collude, an unlawful way in order to deceive the public and conceal the checks & balances same as the media taking absolute power, an act of treason, meaning the crime of betraying one's country to overthrow the government. You now have until 9:00 am tomorrow morning to execute the indictments & arrest the media for concealment of the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution with essential meaning by definition absolutely necessary; EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to uphold the integrity of the Constitution of the United States. [ See policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com - EXTRA - Nancy Pelosi Indicted with Janet Yellen & US Attorney General Merrick Garland. ] Obstruction of justice because the checks & balances hold officials accountable for criminal acts pursuant to Title 18 which are all criminal acts.
Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen due to disobedience to check the Judicial Branch for corruption & abuse of power. - Veteran Jesha Miller
Date: September 27, 2021
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Attention: Evansville Assistant Police Chief Philip Smith
I'm Jesha Miller, empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen. [ See policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com - President Biden hands tied, checks & balances mandatory by law ] I have twice left message to call me to execute indictments for the media concealing the checks & balances by denying first amendment to speech - press to inform the public and received no reply from you.
I will again return today to execute the arrest of assignment editors Celeste King - channel 14, Blaine Fentress- channel 44, and Bob Freeman of Channel 25, all refusing to provide a platform to inform the public of government corruption in disobedience of the checks & balances which uphold theintegrity by checking the Judicial Branch for corruption, abuse of power, opppression, & organized crime by US Attorney's covering for crooked Judges denying freedom of the press to conceal the Judicial Branch abuse of power.
No response again is the same as refusing my ORDER to execute the indictments, violates Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress, is aiding & abetting criminals from justice, actions by you & Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin collude in order to prevent the checks & balances which is mandatory by law to uphold the integrity of the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power. You don't have a problem taking ORDERS from Billy Bolin, you don't have a problem arresting citizens, but you have a problem executing the indictment petitioned from a Black Man. you do not get to pick & choose who you arrest, law enforcement role in upholding the Constitution is to enforce the law so your actions place you in cahoots, meaning in alliance or partnership or reverting back to the Maryland doctrine of exclusion to keep Blacks subservient. This comes from Supreme Court Justice Roger B. Taney racist language. African Americans had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the White race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect;and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it.
However the 13th amendment did more than free the slaves, it requires for Blacks to be treated as white men and such actions are criminal now. Any further disrespect to my Status Quo politically having been empowered by the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land and you must be indicted for treason and Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights and the Mayor will be ordered to immediately remove you from office committing an offense against the United States Title 18 sec. 1001 - conceals & covers up by any trick or scheme [ the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution mandatory by law. ]
Empowered by the Constitution checks & balances which empowers the citizen and the Bill o Rights used against government - Jesha Miller
Date: September 27, 2021
Billy Bolin & Philip Smith both are in obstruction of justice preventing the checks & balances which are mandatory by law requiring the Judicial Branch be checked. The media are to inform the public of government corruption of which they conceal, violate the citizens guaranteed right in the event the government is corrupt, and then aid & abet criminals from justice. The evidence that they refuse ORDERS from me, Jesha Miller, empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen to uphold the integrity of the Constitution of which they're action PREVENT the checks & balances which are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY & EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to secure the guaranteed rights of the Constitution. This requires both Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin & Assistant Police Chief Philip Smith arrest in obstruction of justice to prevent the checks & balances, the legal process requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption, abuse of power, oppression, & organized crime by the US Attorney's refusing to indict crooked Judges denying the guaranteed right to speech - press informing the public and holding them accountable.
Definition. 18 U.S.C. sec. 1503 defines "obstruction of justice"as an act that corruptly or by threats or force or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct or impede, the due administration of justice.
Title 18 sec. 1509 - Obstruction of Court ORDERS - Whoever, willfully prevents, obstructs, impedes or interfere with, or willfully attempts to prevent, obstruct, impede, or interfere with the due exercise of rights, or the performance of duties under any ORDER, judgement, or decree of a court of the United States, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than one year,
Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights- If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any state, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the U.S. , or because of his exercised the same; They shall be fined under this Title, or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
[ The injury is continued oppression to keep Blacks subservient when my Status Quo is that of a billionaire not only injures me, but my family, fiance', friends, and community financially. The secured right to freedom of speech press to expose government corruption & hold officials accountable furthers that oppression & prevents the checks & balances which is MAJOR, here we are talking about them covering for the entire Judicial Branch being corrupt. The act allows the concealment of the checks & balances in obstruction of justice because the checks & balances are mandatory by law requiring the Judicial Branch to be checked for abuse of power & pay 6.75 billion dollars for imposed slavery which again is MAJOR. ]
Title 18 sec. 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law - males it a crime for a person acting under color of law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. Persons acting under color of law withing the meaning of this statute include POLICE OFFICERS, prison guards & other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, and others who are acting as public officials. [ The right needed to be protected by law enforcement executing the indictments is the 1st amendment right to speech - press, the indictments include Judge David Kiely, the Primary culprit in the petition for the checks & balances. The Police are in cahoots with the media to conceal the checks & balances which holds the Judicial Branch accountable for imposed slavery, continued oppression, The crime is motivated by animus toward the Black race reverting back to the Maryland doctrine of exclusion: Neither the existing Black population, their descendants, nor any other Blacks shall be permitted to enjoy the fruits of white society, The doctrine was written to insure Blacks would remain a subordinate, non competitive, non compensated - work force, this public edict later became more commonly known as "The Doctrine of exclusion"around the 1660's, various colonies picked up the Maryland edict or the doctrine of exclusion and expanded it into enslavement laws of people of African descent. Once established, the laws became the basis for a national public policy on the exploitation of Black's that was passed on from generation to generation through public customs & public laws. The slave codes of 1705 required all individuals, churches, businesses, organizations, schools, and all levels of government to teach, justify & enforce the status of Black's as a subordinate, excluded, non competitive, non compensated, managed work force for the personal comfort & wealth of building white society. This public policy remained in effect until the late 1960's. [ In reality this never stopped & they have reverted back to the Maryland doctrine demonstrated by law enforcement refusing to execute the indictments ORDERED BY A BLACK MAN, Veteran Jesha Miller.
[ The Police Merit Commission & Evansville Mayor Winnecke must immediately remove officers, Evansville Chief of police Billy Bolin & assistant Chief of police Philip Smith as they have been Indicted pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights & oppress, Title 18 sec. 242 - violation of rights under color of law, Title 18 sec. 1509 - Obstruction of Court ORDERS as defined under Title 18 sec. 1503. These action's prevent the Constitution's checks & balances which are absolutely necessary & extremely important to uphold the integrity of the Constitution to secure the guaranteed rights of the Constitution. Mayor Lloyd Winnecke has the sole power of REMOVING the Chief of Police and Assistant Chief of police of which he is ORDERED to do without pay due to the Major interference refusing to execute the indictments & arrest media concealing it preventing the checks & balances which is mandatory by law. This ORDER comes from Veteran Jesha Miller empowered by the Federal Constitution to uphold the integrity of the Constitution before a candid world having AUTHORITY to give ORDERS, make decisions, & enforce obedience. ]
2 Vanderburgh County Judge David Kiely is the Primary culprit in the Constitution's checks & balances imposing an all White Jury on Veteran Jesha Miller, a criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 243 - Exclusion of jurors on account of race or color - No citizen possessing all other qualifications which are or may be disqualified for service as grand or petit juror in any court of the U.S. , or of any state on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude, and whoever being an officer or other person charged with any duty in the selection or summoning of jurors, excludes or fails to summon any citizen for such cause, shall be fined not more than 5,000 dollars.
[ The trial transcripts are irrefutable evidence Judge David Kiely excluded members of my race imposing an all white jury on a Black Man. See apcalledtoexposecorruption.blogspot.com ]
Title 18 sec. 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law - males it a crime for a person acting under color of law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. Persons acting under color of law withing the meaning of this statute include POLICE OFFICERS, prison guards & other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, and others who are acting as public officials. [ Judge David Kiely deprives the 14th amendment right to due process, taking my freedom in violation of the 13th amendment without being duly processed, violating the 6th amendment right to a trial by an impartial jury & before that Judge Beverly Corn denied the right to a fast & speedy trial. This is a Statutory Prohibition under Title 18 sec. 243. The 14th Amendment mandate that race discrimination be eliminated from all official acts and proceedings of the State is most compelling in the Judicial System. [ Mandate meaning an official ORDER or commission to do something. ] The STATUTORY PROHIBITION on discrimination in the selection of jurors, 18 U.S.C. sec. 243 enacted pursuant to the 14th amendments enabling clause makes race neutrality in jury selection a VISIBLE and INEVITABLE, MEASURE OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEMS OWN COMMITMENT TO THE DEMANDS OF THE CONSTITUTION. The Courts are under an affirmative DUTY TO ENFORCE THE STRONG STATUTORY and Constitutional policies embodied in that prohibition. [ Peters v. Kiff, 92 S. Ct. 2170- 2171 ]
[ The Trial transcripts are irrefutable evidence Judge David Kiely violated the statutory prohibition which includes the 14th amendment, affirming the 13th amendment was violated taking my freedom without being duly processed. The Court made an issue of former Judge Beverly Corn resigning because I filed charges against her for violating the 6th amendment right to a speedy trial so Judge David Kiely actions violate title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights - If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any state, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the U.S. , or because of his exercised the same; They shall be fined under this Title, or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. ] Inevitable under the statutory prohibition meaning certain to happen, unavoidable. Irrefutable evidence by Judge David Kiely reverted back to the Doctrine of exclusion with disregard to the Statutory Prohibition, the State & Federal mandate under the 14th amendment, and the demands of the Constitution.
This is evidence of the criminal act whereas he is indicted violating Title 18 sec. 243, 242, & 241 which is to be executed by law enforcement this October 8, 2021.
3 Judge Leslie Shively is in cahoots meaning in an alliance or partnership treating me, Jesha Miller as a slave when Blacks were not permitted to public buildings, same bathrooms, or drinking fountains by requiring County Sheriff whenever I come on business. Both Judge David Kiely & Judge Leslie C. Shively sign the Amended Court Order when I came for Judge Shively to shut down the Courts & inform the public of the Constitution's checks & balances petitioned because the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. Judge Leslie Shively violates Title 18 sec. 1001 - Statements & Entries Generally - whoever in any manner within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the U.S., knowingly & willfully -- falsifies, CONCEALS, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device, a material fact.
[ The material Fact concealed, and covers up by trick of defamation of character as if I'm a bad person when in truth Judge Shively is aiding & abetting Judge David Kiely from justice by concealing the checks & balances of which he is the primary culprit. A material fact is a fact that a reasonable person would recognize as germane to a decision to be made, as distinguished from an insignificant, trivial, unimportant detail. In other words, it is a fact, the suppression would reasonably result in a different decision. The checks & balances are an essential part of the Constitution with essential meaning absolutely necessary; extremely important similar to crucial, necessary, key, vital, indispensable, needed, required, all important and this is what Judge Leslie Shively concealed from the public. The checks & balances are crucial to securing the guaranteed rights, freedom, justice, equality, & the pursuit of happiness. The checks & balances are mandatory by law, a criminal act by Judge Shively in obstruction of justice. Title 18 sec. 1503.
4 Chief Judge Tom Massey was sent the ORDER to shut down the Courts because they were being used to continue oppression as I was evicted from my apartment when the checks & balances mean the entire Judicial Branch of government is corrupt. There can be no enforcement of the law by the Judges until the event of the checks & balances is completed ridding the government of all corrupt officials involved in preventing & committing criminal acts to oppress.
Judge Tom Massey received this by certified mail, his secretary was rude & vulgar and that's where I asserted my power informing her this is an ORDER of which she took with disregard. Judge Tom Massey acted as Former Justice Roger Taney as if Blacks had no status of which the white man would respect & has concealed the checks & balances from the public so that Congress & President Biden are not held accountable. He received this by certified mail number
7020 2450 0001 2347 8593 on June 15, 2021. 10:16 am. The return receipt affirmed 6-15-21. He has concealed the checks & balances for 3 months, refused to shut the Judicial Branch down to run a corrupt Judicial Branch in obstruction of justice.
Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights & oppress - If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate any person in any State in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of him exercised the same, they shall be fined under this Title, or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. [ Judge Tom Massey, Judge David Kiely, & Judge Leslie Shively conspired to conceal the checks & balances aiding & Abetting Judge David Kiely from justice, continued oppression as I'm owed 6.75 billion dollars Judge Massey knew & concealed to continue oppression. Chief Judge Tom Massey refuses my ORDER for him to shut down the courts being used to continue oppression by my eviction so I don't have my own place of residency. ]
Title 18 sec. 1001 - Statements or entries generally - whoever in any matter withing the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the government of the U.S.. knowingly & willfully, conceals, covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact.
[ This requires the indictment of Vanderburgh Chief Judge Tom Massey for concealing the matter of the Constitution's checks & balances which is petitioned when an entire Branch of government is corrupt, his branch of government, the Judicial Branch. His friend & colleague Judge David Kiely is the primary culprit which is aiding & abetting a criminal from justice because the checks & balances holds officials accountable for criminal acts. Title 18 sec. 1503 - Definition of obstruction of justice -
"obstruction of justice"as an act that corruptly or by threats or force or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct or impede, the due administration of justice. [ The checks & balances are mandatory by law requiring the Judicial Branch be checked to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. This is the due administration of justice which the records show he has concealed for 3 months. Had no intentions of conceding to the demands of the Constitution violating his obligatory duties both morally - Code of Ethics - 2. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and legal regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and NEVER BE A PARTY TO THEY'RE EVASION. 9. Expose corruption wherever discovered. And the checks & balances are mandatory by law. ]
Vanderburgh County Chief Judge Tom Massey is indicted pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241, 1001, & 1509 in obstruction of justice to be arrested by the Indiana State Police being ORDERED to do so by Veteran Jesha Miller, empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen.
5 FBI Washington Field Office Director - Steven D' Antuono was notified to execute the indictments for the Constitution's checks & balances by certified mail number
7020 2450 0001 2347 9941 May 3, 2021 at 8:01 am. That was 4 months ago to affirm his concealing the checks & balances, a criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - Statements & entries - whoever in any matter withing the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the government of the U.S., knowingly and willfully conceals, or covers up by trick, scheme, or device a material FACT, shall be fined under this Title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism ( as defined in section 2331, ) imprisoned not more than 8 years.
The Washington Field office was sent several emails to affirm a meeting to address the checks & balances evading the Constitution in violation of the code of ethics. The checks & balances are MAJOR, he has a duty to uphold & enforce the criminal laws of the U.S. but refused to execute the indictment for Janet Yellen & arrest her for oppression in conspiracy against rights violating Title 18 sec. 241. All Title 18 are criminal acts. That's MAJOR, white collar crime, oppress meaning keep someone in subservience and hardship, ESPECIALLY by the unjust exercise of authority. Janet Yellen must pay money owed by the rule of law, that violates HUMAN RIGHTS, she cannot pay when she feels like it or when she wants to, oppression of a people requires immediate restitution. Immediate meaning done at once, instant, on the spot, instantaneous, expeditious, rapid, quick, overnight. She received the ORDER given by certified mail April 16, 2021 which was 5 months ago & refused entry while I'm in Washington DC to address disbursing the billion's of dollars owed for criminal acts by the Judicial Branch, all criminal acts, Title 18 sec. 243 - excluding jurors on account of race, sec. 242 - denying rights under color of law, imposed slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment which abolished slavery, and then the Judges denying the 1st Amendment right to speech - press to conceal their own abuse of power from the public & not be held accountable in obstruction of justice. [ This is all done because FBI Director Steven D' Antuono refused to execute the indictments. We have no rights unless they are enforce of which his duty is to enforce federal laws.
This require the indictment of the FBI Washington Filed Office Director Steven D' Antuono pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights & oppress between him & FBI Director Christopher Wray to conceal the Constitution's checks & balances, a criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealing the checks & balances, a matter requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption, abuse of power, oppression, & organized crime. This is all in obstruction of justice, a criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1509.
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
FBI - Steven D' Antuono - Director of Washington Field Office
I'm Veteran Jesha Miller, Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen so that I have authority to Give ORDERS, make decision's & enforce obedience. Janet Yellen is ORDERED to pay 200 million dollars of the 6.75 billion dollars owed for default of the 14th amendment right to due process, & a miscarriage of justice imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment. Janet Yellen is indicted for the FBI to execute & arrest. [ See policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com - EXTRA - Nancy Pelosi indicted with Janet Yellen pursuant to Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress meaning keep someone in subservience and hadship, especially by unjust exercise of authority. ]
Janet Yellen has been given opportunity to exonerate herself by disbursing 200 million dollars of the 6.75 billion owed & set a date to disburse the remaining amount of 6.55 billion dollars by Brinks truck with no response. Oppression of a people requires immediate restitution so she can not disburse the money at her choosing. This is continued oppression so her actions are criminal continuing oppression & creating a hardship as I need money for food, clothing, house, cars, family, fiance', and community as a billionaire I open up job opportunities & offer help to those in need whom otherwise wouldn't receive financial help.
This is a hardship during covid 19 which threatens my life, health & welfare when this is owed by the rule of law. That violates human rights & abuse of power with intent of hardship, a criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law. makes it a crime for a person acting under color of law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. [ In this case Janet Yellen deprives me of 6.75 billion owed for the Judicial Branch imposing slavery, another criminal act prohibited by the 13th amendment which abolished slavery & the 14th amendment right to due process. [ See policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com & youtu.be/KL81QJczJkQ ]
The checks & balances are absolutely necessary to uphold the integrity of the Constitution which is criminal of which she has concealed from the public, the White color crime is MAJOR, protecting civil rights is MAJOR, of which the FBI must uphold & enforce federal law. Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights - those of a Black Man & oppress - which is money owed for criminal acts by the Judicial Branch imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment & the STATUTORY PROHIBITION pursuant to Title 18 sec. 243 - the exclusion of jurors on account of race. Having been indicted, the FBI now has an immediate duty to execute the indictment to arrest Janet Yellen & enforce the Treasury to disburse the 6.75 billion in full to stop continued oppression in violation of Title 18 sec. 241.
Empowered by the checks & balances which empowers the citizen - Jesha Miller
Date: September 27, 2021
Law Enforcement does not get to ignore the transfer of power & keep taking ORDERS from corrupt officials. This means they are in cahoots with criminals. Collusion - secret or illegal cooperation between Steven D' Antuono & Christopher Wray both concealing the checks & balances which upholds the Constitution is evident by the actions of both concealing the checks & balances & refusing to arrest Janet Yellen for white collar crime of oppression is evidence of the FBI department being corrupt.
Jesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Janet Yellen - Secretary of the Treasury
FBI Director Christopher Wray
FBI Assistant Director - Steven D' Antuono
Reference to: Turn yourselves in for concealing the Constitution's checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution absolutely necessary & Extremely important. Janet Yellen knowingly continued oppression in defiance of the Constitution requiring she pay by the rule of law & the FBI refused to arrest her for the heinous crime to oppress.
Turn yourselves in this August 19, 2021
The Secretary of Treasury, Janet Yellen has the duty & responsibility to disburse money to Veteran Jesha Miller for the Judicial Branch imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment. As Treasurer she was to assume the debt owed in the sum of approximately 3.141 billion dollars to stop continued oppression which she refused to do. [ Guarantee - to assume the default, debt, & miscarriage of justice by the Judicial Branch imposing slavery. US Supreme Court, Case No. 04 - 7377. The Court transcripts are irrefutable evidence Judge David Kiely imposed an all white jury in violation of the 6th amendment right to a jury of your peers & a speedy trial. See Case No. 3:18 - cv - 149 - RLY - MPB filed in Federal Court, Southern District of Indiana, Evansville Division. ] This she received certified mail # 7020 0640 0001 9991 1427,
April 16, 2021 at 3:45 am. I made several phone calls as well as went to her building in Washing DC & she reused to send someone down to allow my entry to address this & the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution. The Magnitude is the money is owed by the rule of law which violates human rights. The malicious act continues oppression when the oppression o a people requires immediate restitution. Not only that but the oppression is upon the Petitioner of the checks & balances empowered to uphold the integrity. This means she had no intentions to concede to the demands of the Constitution when it comes to a Black Mans prosperity, freedom, or justice.
[ NOW having committed this HEINOUS CRIME, meaning VERY EVIL OR WICKED, in consideration the world just witnessed the Donald Trump invasion on Capital Hill. The hateful & EVIL to continue oppression in defiance of the Supreme Law of the Land requires you turn yourself in for concealing the checks & balances which are mandatory by law to uphold the integrity which is lost during the bum rush on the Capital. This is obstruction of justice preventing the operation of the checks & balances so that Officials are not held accountable & to continue oppression by which Veteran Jesha Miller is empowered to stop police brutality, inequality, & social injustice. This is history of which Janet Yellen has concealed from the public in violation o Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment of the FACT the checks & balances are Petitioned empowering the citizen because government are in disobedience morally & by law. ] See policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com // Congress Hold President Joe Biden Accountable For The Checks & Balances.
FBI Director Christopher Wray also conceals the checks & balances in violation of Title 18 sec. 241 & 1001 which is affirmed to be FACT online at thefbiwray.blogspot.com where also Judges Richard Young & Tanya Pratt denied the guaranteed right to freedom of the press to conceal the Judicial Branch corruption & abuse o power.
FBI Assistant Director Steven D' Antuono of the Washington Field office refused to arrest Janet Yellen for the continued oppression having that duty because Washington DC has no Sheriffs Department & Robert Contee, chief of police refused to execute the indictments. [ Both are ORDERED by me, Jesha Miller, Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizens for the disobedience requiring the Judicial Branch be checked by the Petitioner Jesha Miller to be PROVEN BEFORE A CANDID WORLD. ] Steven D' Antuono received this by certified mail #
7020 2450 0001 2347 8609 June 16, 2021 and neither executed the indictments nor informed the public concealing the checks & balances, a criminal act pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 & 241. All three turn yourselves in this August 19, 2021.
Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizens & the Bill of Rights which no just government on earth can refuse or rest on inference. - Jesha Miller
Date: August 17, 2021
Wherefore, I, Veteran Jesha Miller, being empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which EMPOWER THE CITIZENS to uphold the integrity of the Constitution do ORDER the Indictment for the above mentioned to execute the indictments by FBI Agents not involved & next in command. Mayor Lloyd Winnecke is ORDERED to immediately remove Police Chief Billy Bolin & Assistant Police Chief Philip Smith from office without pay due to the Major crimes involved preventing the checks & balances which are mandatory by law & contributing to continued oppression. The State Treasurer Kelly Mitchell is ORDERED to pay in full 33 million dollars for the State Judicial Branch imposing slavery prohibited by state & federal Constitution this Tuesday, October 11, 2021. The Federal Treasury will appoint the next in command to disburse 6.75 Billion Dollars by Brinks truck, straight cash homie. Local FBI agents will be contacted to execute the indictments for Judges David Kiely, Judge Tom Massey, & Judge Leslie Shively. [ W. David Rector shall disregard the escort order immediately which was done by Judges with an ulterior motive to conceal the Constitution checks & balances so they are not held accountable under Title 18.
The Sheriffs Department are now ORDERED to execute the indictment for media assignment editors Blaine Fentress of channel 44, Celeste King of channel 14, & Bob Freeman of channel 25 & arrest them as well as the owners. Gray Television owners are liable for Celeste King concealing government corruption, preventing the checks & balances in obstruction of justice, & continued oppression. Law Enforcement in the Atlanta area will be contacted to arrest owners in that area. Same with NEXSTAR Media group in Texas.
Empowered by Bill of Rights & Constitution's checks & balances - Jesha D. Miller
Date: October 5, 2021
Copies to : Mayor Lloyd Winnecke
1 NW. Martin L. King Jr. Blvd. # 302
Evansville IN. 47708
Vanderburgh County Sheriff - 3500 N. Harlan Ave.
Evansville IN. 47711
Gray Television, Inc. - channel 14 owners
4370 Peachtree Road, Northeast
Suite 400
Atlanta Georgia 30319
Nexstar Media Group Inc. - channel 25 owners
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway
Suite 700
Irving, TX. 75062
Allen Media Broadcasting - channel 44 owners
We have no rights unless Law Enforcement enforce the law. When police refuse they act in defiance of the Constitution & the system. FBI Steven D' Antuono has Major duty to stop White color crime, enforce federal law so when the Officials violate the law they are indicted, the FBI execute & arrest them like they do everybody else which includes Janet Yellen, Nancy Pelosi, Senator Todd Young etc., these are the reasons we have a corrupt government by them doing this & the media conceal it from the public. Citizens never knew the Constitution empowers the citizens when government officials are corrupt. I'm empowered to stop police brutality, inequality, & social injustice which is concealed by the media & officials. The Protest for George Floyd did nothing but the checks & balances are the proper way to stop police brutality which was concealed by media. Think about, the government cannot do a cover-up without the media. Now food for thought, in a government of the people, by the people, & for the people the Framers of the Constitution empower the citizens to secure the guaranteed rights. There's a showdown with government best Attorney, Merrick Garland against me, Veteran Jesha Miller, it's showtime, live at the OK Corral. Ohhh and the Treasury need disburse 6.75 billion dollars immediately, not when Janet Yellen decides which would have been never. That's the Racism, that's the reason we have rules of law to prevent the White Supremacy, those in power don't want to give that up but when they are in disobedience of the demands of the Constitution they must be held accountable. Indictments must be executed by Law Enforcement. They must be arrested.
ReplyDeleteSheriff Dave Wedding ORDERED to execute indictments & arrest media concealing checks & balances in obstruction of justice. Part 1 of 2
ReplyDeleteJesha Miller
953 Ravenswood drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Chief Sheriff - Dave Wedding
You received a certified letter from me, Vet. Jesha Miller, Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizens to uphold the integrity of the Constitution because government officials are in disobedience of the checks & balances requiring the Judicial branch be checked. [ See policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com - President Biden hands tied ]
I have a Status Quo meaning the existing state of affairs, Especially regarding social or political issues. As for any doubt in executing the indictments I am the Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances I am the petitioner which empowers the citizen giving authority to give ORDERS, enforce obedience, & make decisions. That is the definition ensuring I have authority to give Orders for the arrest of media concealing the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution. Also I have a social net worth of 6.75 billion dollars for Vanderburgh County Judge David Kiely imposing of which the Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen is held accountable for the default, [ denied the 14th amendment right to due process is default ], the debt which is 6.75 billion dollars due to continued oppression, a criminal act under Title 18 sec. 241- Conspiracy against rights & oppress which is why Janet Yellen is indicted for to oppress. Oppress meaning keep someone in subservience and hardship, Especially by the unjust exercise of unjust authority. [ Oppression of a people requires immediate restitution & Janet Yellen continues oppression justifying her indictment. To deny the rule of law violates Human Rights.
The media violate the guaranteed right to the 1st amendment being speech - press which is an EVIL intended to prevent the media from concealing by censorship & neither can government conceal by any means. [ See thefbiwray.blogspot.com affirms to be fact that Judges Richard Young, Judge Pratt, & Magistrate Matthew Brookman all denied the guaranteed right to conceal abuse of power in the Judicial Branch. This includes the FBI Director Wray who lied on National TV, irrefutable evidence by him concealing the checks & balances, a criminal act under Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment. ] This is justification to indict media for concealing the checks & balances which are mandatory by law. That being said it is obstruction of justice because the checks & balances are mandatory by law, the due administration of justice. The checks & balances are what Watergate was, a National event, mandatory by law to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. Read the specifics in the indictments which affirm they have violated Title 18, no one is above the law.
Part 2 - Media indicted in obstruction of justice concealing government abuse of power imposing slavery, continued oppression, & obstruction of justice.
ReplyDeleteThere must be transparency, meaning for the public to know what the government is doing. The checks & balances take precedence over all matters so the media violate obstruction of justice as well as aiding & abetting criminals from justice.
In the previous email your officer Kelly Williams is a witness to the Judges denying a Black man access to the Civic Center as he was told I needed an escort being the Sheriffs Department. Judge Tom Massey then told him I'm not allowed access when I'm serving his indictment. That's the real reason I need an escort to begin with as they revert back to the Maryland doctrine of exclusion to keep blacks subservience when he knows by law I'm a billionaire, an adversary, upholding the integrity of the Constitution, who is empowered to give ORDERS. In a government of the people, by the people, & for the people, the framers of the Constitution empowers the citizen for a showdown before a candid world, to prove who is right. It's showtime.
Irrefutable evidence the government is corrupt is that the checks & balances are obligatory to President Biden & Congress whom all have concealed the checks & balances so as not to be held accountable. The Judicial Branch must be checked to uphold the integrity. When Janet Yellen, US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Nancy Pelosi all are indicted for concealing the checks & balances then none have the integrity to uphold the Constitution. It's Showtime, the truth must be told, this is history and the media are major players if there is a government cover-up. Can't be done without the media. In any event, you execute the indictments which is your job and they must be held accountable for concealing the checks & balances from the public.
You have until October 18, to execute the indictments for the media to inform the public & Congress the Judicial Branch of government is corrupt. Major is White Color crime, Major is protecting the civil rights, and Major is to uphold the Constitution & Laws of the United States.
You received this certified mail # 7021 1970 0000 7558 2424 or call the Federal Court, under Case No. 3:18 - cv - 149 - RLY - MPB - Indictments to arrest Police, Media, & Judges filed October 5, 2021.
See policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com for other indictments but your responsibility as ORDERED is only the media to inform the public of government corruption & oppression.
This is unprecedented, Checks & balances empower the citizen, entire Judicial Branch corrupt as checks & balances are supported by irrefutable evidence Evansville Judge David Kiely overruled both the State & Federal Constitution's imposing an all White jury on a Black Man. Unprecedented, a showdown between me & US Attorney General Merrick Garland before a candid world so the media have definitely committed criminal acts as this is in obstruction of justice. The checks & balances are mandatory by law. [ see youtu.be/O4e6H6EnKpc - US Government corrupt. ]
Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizens - Veteran Jesha Miller
Date: October 15, 2021
Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave wedding refuses to execute the indictments for the media concealing the checks & balances in dereliction of his duty, in obstruction of justice, & violating Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights & oppress as the Treasury owes 6.75 billion dollars for continued oppression. [ Part 1 of 2 ]
ReplyDeleteJesha Miller
953 Ravenswood Drive
Evansville IN. 47713
812 470 4220
Sheriff Dave Wedding
First, the Sheriff enforces court orders and mandates and may perform duties such as evictions seizing property and assets pursuant to court orders and serving warrants and legal papers. [ The indictments are filed in Federal Court, Case No. 3:20 - cv - 149 - RLY - MPB. of which you have a duty to execute & arrest the media.
A Sheriff is responsible for law enforcement on a county level ensuring that all local, state, & federal laws are followed. The media violate my 1st amendment right to speech press to inform the public of government corruption.
[ Annotations 10 - 1st Amendment - The purpose of the speech - press clauses has evidently been to protect parties in the free publication of matters of public concern, to secure their right to a free discussion of public events and public measures, and to Enable Every Citizen At Any Time To Bring The Government and Any Person In Authority to the Bar Of Public Opinion By Any Just Criticism Upon Their Conduct In the Exercise of the Authority of Which The People Have Conferred Upon them. The EVILS TO BE PREVENTED were not the censorship of the press merely, but any action by the government by means of which it might prevent such free & general discussion of public matters as seems absolutely essential to prepare the people for an intelligent exercise of their rights as citizens. ]
As you read the right to speech - press is guaranteed enabling every citizen at any time to bring the government to the bar of public opinion & in this case it's the entire Judicial Branch of government that is corrupt which is of public concern using the Constitution's checks & balances which are mandatory by law. The media violates the 1st amendment denying coverage for the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution. Essential meaning absolutely necessary & EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. The checks & balances uphold the integrity and are the same EVENT which was WATERGATE, an EVENT IN HISTORY. [ No doubt they have violated my first amendment right and are preventing the checks & balances which is obstruction of justice. Another criminal act under Title 18 sec. 1509.
Part 2 // Sheriff Dave Wedding violating Title 18 sec. 241- Conspiracy to deny rights & oppress, obstruction of justice,
ReplyDeleteSecond, the government are in disobedience of the checks & balances requiring the Judicial branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power. My freedom was taken my an unconstitutionally impaneled jury imposing an all White jury on a Black man violating both State & Federal Constitution's in violation of the 6th, 13, & 14th Amendments. [ See apcalledtoexposecorruption.blogspot.com - This is a crime by Judge David Kiely pursuant to Title 18 - sec. 243 - exclusion of jurors on account of race & Title 18 sec. 242 - Violating rights under color of law. ] There must be transparency so the public can see what government officials are doing & prevent corruption.
Third I'm empowered to stop police brutality, inequality, & social injustice which the public protested with no results when the media conceals I'm empowered to stop police brutality in the killings of George Floyd, etc., This is informing the public how to protect their rights as stated in the first amendment but the public don't know about.
Result is you being played because the media violate these rights figuring they will not be held accountable, that you will not arrest them, same corruption that went on during the invasion of the White House when Trump was in office. Refusing your duty and you violate Title 18 sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights. You risking your job, reputation, your integrity, covering for the media who clearly violate my rights but had no idea I have power & authority to give ORDERS to enforce the law by the indictments. In the best of your own interest for future positions, being indicted in obstruction of justice, it's best for you to execute the indictment as no one is above the law & the indictments go into specifics as to the crime committed & emails executing my right to speech press.
Wherefore, your secretary Emily pointed out you will make your decision this is unprecedented, I'm empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution having been empowered as the petitioner you have no options, the proper administration of justice is the Constitution's checks & balances of which you are not to obstruct justice. The checks & balances uphold the integrity of the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power. The checks & balances are supported by irrefutable evidence meaning impossible to deny or disprove in the trial transcripts. I am empowered by the Supreme Law of the land. Tomorrow morning at 9 am I am ordering you to execute the indictments for the arrest of Celeste King - assignment editor of channel 14, Bob Freeman - assignment editor of channel 25, & Blaine Fentress - assignment editor of channel 44. [ They been given opportunity to exonerate them selves so go arrest them or you are in cahoots concealing the Constitutions checks & balances which are mandatory by law. The easiest thing is to give coverage which is guaranteed by the 1st amendment & concede to the demands of the Constitution which is the Supreme Law of the land.
policebrutalitysolution.blogspot.com & youtu.be/O4e6H6EnKpc - government corrupt.
Empowered by the Bill of Rights & the Constitution's checks & balances - Jesha Miller
Date: October 19, 2021