President Joe Biden evading Veteran Jesha Miller Petitioned checks & balances // United Nations called violating Human Rights IMPOSING SLAVERY

 Jesha Miller                                                                                                                                                     953 Ravenswood                                                                                                                                    Dr.Evansville IN. 47713                                                                                                                                    812 470 4220

Reference to: UN Provide a World Wide Platform informing the world I'm empowered to stop inequality, police brutality, & social injustice. I'm empowered by the US Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen to uphold the integrity when government is corrupt & must be proven before a candid world as " stated by the Declaration of Independence " . Here is a Special circumstance of urgency, US Treasury must immediately pay 6.085 billion dollars, money owed by the rule of law, Officials violated the right to freedom imposing slavery, violates human rights, I have irrefutable evidence meaning impossible to deny or disprove. [ Provide World coverage by March 16, 2021 by Racial Discrimination where US government imposing slavery in violation of human rights, oppression denying the rule of law owing 6.085 billion for continued oppression, organized crime by US Attorney's covering for Judges denying freedom of the press to conceal their own Branch corruption & abuse of power. President Joe Biden must be held accountable for evading the checks & balances to conceal a corrupt government, for delaying the checks & balances which is mandatory by law to uphold the integrity of the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked. They prevent this because I'm empowered by the checks & balances to stop police brutality, inequality, & social injustice to end RACISM. ]  { Jesha Miller empowered to stop police brutality & }

Petition's & Inquiries Section
Office of the High Commission for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10 , Switzerland                 
{ UN Human Rights Treaty }

 Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination / Compliance with Treaty Obligation's

    I'm empowered by the US Constitution which empowers the citizen to uphold the integrity of the Constitution because government refused to comply with the checks & balances requiring the Judicial branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power, an essential part of the Constitution with essential meaning ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY & EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.
    The Petition is supported by irrefutable evidence from the Court Transcripts, irrefutable meaning impossible to deny or disprove. [ Fact, as the Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances I'm thus empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution which is mandatory by law. See President Joe Biden received this by certified mail # 7019 1120 0001 1397 4691 February 9, 2021 at 3:41 am and he has evaded the checks & balances which he took oath of office to defend, which is mandatory by law, extremely important, magnitude, this upholds the integrity of the Constitution, so racial discrimination denies me the rule of law, that violates human rights. 


Maryland document of exclusion. The Council for the Maryland Colony edict stated: “Neither the existing black population, their descendants, nor any other blacks shall be permitted to enjoy the fruits of White society.” The doctrine was written to insure that Blacks would remain a “subordinate, non-competitive, non-compensated workforce,” this public edict later became more commonly known as “The Doctrine of Exclusion.” Around the mid-1660’s, various colonies picked up the Maryland Edict or the Doctrine of Exclusion and expanded it into enslavement laws of people of African descent. Once established, the laws became the basis for a national public policy on the exploitation of Blacks that was passed on from generation to generation through social customs and public laws. 
The Slave Codes of 1705 required all individuals, churches, businesses, organizations, schools, and all levels of government to teach, justify and enforce the status of Blacks as “a subordinate, excluded, noncompetitive, non-compensated, managed work force for the personal comfort and wealth building of White society.” This public policy remained in effect until the late 1960s. 
I have a Status Quo both politically & socially having a net worth of 6 billion, 85 million dollars owed immediately by the US Treasury for violating the 13th & 14th amendments prohibited by law, status quo meaning the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues. [ See affirms the fact government has twice evaded the Constitution's checks & balances required to check the Judicial Branch for corruption & abuse of power so as not to be held accountable for Racial Discrimination which are criminal acts as they have reverted back to the Maryland Doctrine of Exclusion. The US Supreme Court itself refused to concede to the Constitution's checks & balances requiring that Branch be checked to conceal their own corruption & abuse of power. [ Fact seen on US Supreme Court corrupt, Requires checks & balances.  //  Judicial Branch is corrupt when it refuses the demands of the Constitution requiring Judicial Branch be checked to conceal Racial Discrimination, imposed slavery upon Veteran Jesha Miller, a Black Man. The Presentation on YouTube demonstrates I can explain the violations by government officials in detail so the the average citizen can understand. ] The youtube video has data, documentation proving government went beyond it's powers which are limited to prove using the Courts stamp to affirm imposing slavery & I'm owed 3.141 billion dollars by the rule of law of which they ignored failing to set a date for even a hearing. They must address money owed by the rule of law but refused to keep me subordinate & continued oppression demonstrating they have no intentions to comply to the law & being in control have kept me subordinate whereas being a billionaire I'm one of only a dozen Black American Billionaires that is financially secure as well as my family. [  3.141 Billion dollars owed Jesha Miller // US Treasury set appointment 9 - 20 - 2019 to pay.  Treasury evaded having to pay to keep Blacks in a subordinate position when I have a status socially with a net worth of 3.141 billion dollars at that time which is now 6.085 billion dollars due to their continued oppression. A criminal act pursuant to Title 18, sec. 241 - conspiracy against rights / If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; HERE government oppression refusing the rule of law & refusing to concede to be checked so they are not caught & held accountable for Racial Discrimination by refusing to disburse 3.141 billion dollars owed for imposing slavery.
                     Special Circumstances of Urgency or Sensitivity
     Special Circumstances of Urgency such as this the committee may request the United States pay the 6.085 billion owed by law violates human rights & already being the Petitioner of the checks & balances all money was cut off for my demise, meaning my death. September 8, 2020 TJX sent me on a leave of absence without pay, Government social security was cut off that month so I had no money for now going on the 7th month. The Governor Eric Holcomb refused to expedite my unemployment despite my status socially and the State of Indiana owing me 32 million dollars for imposing slavery. [ See transcripts online at my freedom was taken by Judge David Kiely imposing slavery in violation of the 6th amendment right to trial by an impartial jury of which my race was excluded & imposed all white jury. Reverted back to Racial Discrimination of which the th amendment requires a cross section of the community. ] 
     The result of any source of income cut off & the US Treasury refusing to pay a Black Man 3.141 billion dollars for imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment abolishing slavery I had no money for food, gas, car, rent, or clothes. I lost 45 pounds in two months and had no money for medical care on my tooth of which I need 35,000 dollars for implants and was admitted into the hospital on December 3, 2020 and the Doctor said my weight loss was due to my having diabetes and my blood sugar was 800. He didn't see how I was walking then. After being released after 4 days the insulin began to restore my blood sugar to normal conditions and then I ran out of test strips of which the Veteran administration had no record of me ordering when I was getting low. Again I was admitted to the hospital February 12, 2021 and the Doctor ordered a prescription for the test strips which I had no money to purchase. Diabetes is known as the silent killer so my life is endangered at this moment without money for food, I've received repossession letter for my car, eviction notice, & again I'm without food putting my health at risk. [ The money is owed by law because the Judicial Branch denied the right to due process & a miscarriage of justice imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment. A violation of Article I, sec. 9 - powers denied government - the habeas corpus. With the pandemic it's a special circumstance of urgency they cannot control money that is rightfully mine with malicious intent to kill. To deny th rule of law violates human rights. Oppression of a people requires immediate restitution of which the U.N. must demand for me & towards my survival. Governor Eric Holcomb has ignored my ORDERING him to call a press conference for government to address the checks & balances and has not paid any unemployment money for my demise. Take action in two days by proving a World platform because I'm empowered to stop police brutality, inequality, & social injustice just what the Committee on Elimination of RACISM needs. I rent from a slum Lord of which I had no heat all winter & only two days ago was the heat was connected. Vectren may disconnect any day because I haven't paid the bill when by law I have the status of a billionaire that money must be paid immediately.
                                            Exhaustion of Remedies
     I have exhausted the State remedies, then the Federal remedies by the Court to the US Supreme Court, Case No. 04- 7377. Judicial Branch violated the Habeas Corpus imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th & 14th amendment denying the right to FREEDOM violating Article I, sec. 9 - POWERS DENIED GOVERNMENT. Statutory prohibition. The US Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O'Connor & John Paul Stevens committed DERELICTION OF DUTY by Federal Judges to check the records & if true, immediately release the citizen from the illegal restraint in violation of the Constitution & Laws of the United States. [  The STATUTORY PROHIBITION on discrimination in the selection of jurors 18 U.S.C. sec. 243, enacted pursuant to the 14th amendments enabling clause, makes race neutrality in jury selection A VISIBLE, AND INEVITABLE, MEASURE OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM’S OWN COMMITMENT TO THE DEMANDS OF THE CONSTITUTION. THE COURTS ARE UNDER AN AFFIRMATIVE DUTY TO ENFORCE THE STRONG STATUTORY & CONSTITUTIONAL POLICIES EMBODIED IN THAT PROHIBITION. ] NEXT I Petitioned the Constitution's checks & balances which former President Donald Trump refused to honor violating oath of office to preserve, protect, & defend the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution so they are running a corrupt government so the Judicial Branch continues oppression on Black People, killing Blacks from Treyvon Martin to George Floyd when I'm empowered to stop Police Brutality using the checks & balances. Fact I Petitioned President Former President Donald Trump at trumphonorchecksnbalances4integrity.blogspot and now President Joe Biden can't be allowed to evade the checks & balances again when at stake is the end of RACISM, inequality, police brutality & social injustice & 6 billion owed for imposing slavery by the US Supreme Court. When the US Supreme Court is corrupt the ENTIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH IS CORRUPT. [ The Judges denied the Guaranteed Right to Freedom of the press to conceal their own abuse of power by the Checks & Balances checking as required by the Constitution. Fact online at & the FBI Director Christopher Wray also concealed the checks & balances to conceal the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt & abuse of power imposing slavery & continued oppression which started at 50 million & now is 6 billion dollars. By the evidence the US Government imposed slavery, violated the Statutory Prohibition pursuant to Title 18 sec. 243 - exclusion of jurors which was inevitable meaning certain to happen the United Nations must provide World Wide coverage in two days of receiving this email Tuesday, March 16, 2021.
Law Enforcement execute indictments & arrest officials & media for concealing the checks & balances mandatory by law3
  • Jesha Miller <>
    To:Matthew Corn,Chief Police Peter Newsham,
    Thu, Mar 4 at 1:53 PM
    Jesha Miller
    953 Ravenswood Dr.
    Evansville IN. 47713
    812 470 4220

    Law Enforcement - Sheriff's, State & Local Police & Police Chief Robert Contee of the District of Colombia
    Reference to: You are all witness to the email requiring Governor Eric Holcomb & media to acknowledge the Constitution's checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution. The Petition is before President Joe Biden which he and Congress are obligatory both morally & by law. [ Sheriff Kerry Forestal & Lt. Sheriff Matthew Corn. ]

           For the last time, Lt. Sheriff Matthew Corn you are ORDERED by me, Jesha Miller, being empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances of which I have authority, the power or right to give ORDERS, make decisions, and enforce obedience to execute the indictments arresting Celeste King, assignment editor of channel 14 news, Blaine Fentress, assignment editor of channel 44 news and Bob Freeman, assignment editor of channel 25 news for concealing the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked.
           Marion County Sheriff Kerry Forestal is ORDERED to arrest Governor Eric Holcomb for again concealing the checks & balances to run a crooked government refusing to honor the checks & balances to not be held accountable & get away with denying the right to freedom, allowing a crooked Judicial Branch to operate violating the guaranteed rights to a fair trial & its due process, and denying due process which violates the 13th amendment prohibiting slavery. Concealment of the FACT of the checks & balances violate Title 18, sec. 1001. In addition there's continued oppression of which Governor Holcomb refused to expedite my unemployment when the State of Indiana owes 32 million dollars for imposing slavery prohibited by State & Federal Constitution's. 
           Chief of Police Robert Contee of Washington DC is ORDERED to execute the indictments arresting Congressman Larry Bucshon, Senator Todd Young, & Steven Mnuchin, former Secretary of the Treasury for violating Title 18 sec. 241 and arrest IRS Commissioner Charles P. Rettig for continued oppression failing to pay money owed by the rule of law which he received by certified mail # 7019 1120 0001 1397 1218 January 4, 2021 at 2:40 pm. 

         We have no rights unless they are enforced & all Law Enforcement are required to execute the indictments by arresting the above mentioned tomorrow, March , 2021. Law Enforcement role is to carry out the indictments & arrest, their loyalty is to the Constitution & not to persons or office so arrest the Governor Holcomb, Senators & Congressmen. The media violate the guaranteed right to freedom of the press & for years have planted the lie that they pick & choose what they want when the 1st amendment states it is an EVIL for the media to prevent by censorship & the Government can not prevent in any manner. [ Fact you are witness to is that the media are in cahoots concealing the checks & balances & the Judges did also in a government cover up presented as irrefutable evidence online at so arrest the media as well or face charges of being in cahoots with these criminals trying to take absolute power in defiance of the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked & the Treasury immediately pay Veteran Jesha Miller 3.141 billion dollars and counting.
    Empowered by the Bill of Rights & the Constitution's checks & balances -
    Jesha Miller
    Date: March 4, 2021

    Jesha Miller
    953 Ravenswood Dr.
    Evansville IN. 47713
    812 470 4220

    Susan Zirinsky - President CBS News
    Governor Eric Holcomb
    Gordon Park - Washington Post
    Bob Freeman - 25 News Assignment Editor
    Celeste King - 14 Assignment Editor
    Blaine Fentress - 44 News Assignment Editor
    Larry Bucshon - House Representative
    Todd Young -  Senator 
    Eugene Dodaro - US Comptroller 
    Mark Zuckerburgh - CEO Facebook

    Reference to: Every one of you listed has concealed the Constitution's checks & balances which upholds the integrity of the Constitution which is the Supreme Law of the land. This EVIDENCE that you violate Title 18 sec. 1001 concealing the checks & balances to conceal the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. Being the Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances I'm empowered having the authority meaning the power or right to give ORDERS, make decisions, & ENFORCE OBEDIENCE by having Law Enforcement to arrest you immediately violating the 1st amendment right to speech - press to prevent the operation of the checks & balances, oppress, & not be held accountable for criminal acts reverting back to the Maryland Doctrine of Exclusion to keep Blacks oppressed. I'm empowered to stop police brutality, inequality, & social injustice of public concern, humanity, & uphold the integrity of the Constitution requiring the entire Judicial Branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power as government powers are limited.

          The media has violated the guaranteed right to freedom of the press to conceal government corruption, continued oppression,
     and violates human rights to freedom, justice, & equality. All were given Evidence the US Supreme Court is corrupt & nobody reported this to the public or followed up asking President Joe Biden to acknowledge the checks & balances which is the Supreme Law of the land. All are to be held accountable to inform the public this March 2, 2021 to inform the public Veteran Jesha Miller has Petitioned the Constitution's checks & balances requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power, imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th & 14th Amendments, continued oppression owing 3.141 billion dollars by the rule of law requiring immediate restitution. The President has no options, this is mandatory by law, this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT taking precedence over all matters, an entire Branch of Government is corrupt.This is unprecedented, this is history.           
    First Amendment
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

           I have been through the process to now be empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances of which empowers the citizen justified by Government refusing to concede to the Demand of the Constitution checks & balances that the Judicial be checked for abuse of power, corruption, & continued oppression. Being the Petitioner of the checks & balances which empowers the citizen all are ORDERED to make this public this March 2, 2021 so that President Joe Biden must immediately address & Law Enforcement shall carry out the indictments for arrest.

    Empowered by the Bill of Rights & Constitution's checks & balances - Jesha Miller
    Date March 2, 2021

    Jesha Miller
    953 Ravenswood Dr.
    Evansville IN. 47713
    812 470 4220

    National - Washington Post
    Gordon Park - National Newsroom
    Yamiche Alcindor - PBS Newshour
    Chief Robert Contee
    Susan Zirinsky - CBS President

           I, Veteran Jesha Miller am the Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen to uphold the integrity of the Constitution having irrefutable the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt which is before President Joe Biden at this very moment. [ Fact proven by the Petition posted online at & attached below. ]
           I start with the trial transcript as seen online at which are irrefutable evidence Judge David Kiely imposed an all White jury on a Black Man in violation of the Constitution 6th amendment. [ Fact, transcripts are irrefutable evidence the Indiana Vanderburgh County Court imposed an all White Jury on a Black Man taking my freedom by an unconstitutional jury violating the 13th Amendment.
           This was appealed to the US Supreme Court, Case No. 04 - 7377 using the Habeas Corpus which is a power denied government. The Habeas Corpus under Article 9 is a power denied government to secure the right to freedom of citizens held in violation of the Constitution & Laws of the United States. Specifically Constitutional Law number 250.2 ( 4 ) which provides: Every Black Man has a right under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution U.S.C.A., that in the selection of jurors to pass on his life, liberty, or property, there shall be no exclusion of his race, and no discrimination against them because of their color. Virginia v Rives 100 US 313. [ Transcripts are irrefutable evidence Blacks were excluded imposing an all White Jury & getting a conviction by an unconstitutional impanneled jury in violation of the 13th & 14th amendments. Irrefutable means impossible to deny or disprove. ] 
           Appealing to the 7th Circuit & then the US Supreme Court, Case No. 04 - 7377 the US Supreme Court was addressed to former Justices Sandra Day O'Connor & John Paul Stevens whom failed to address it which is dereliction of duty. [ Every Federal Judge has a duty to checks the records & if true immediately release the citizen from the illegal restraint. See the  writ of Certiorari  Case No. 04 - 7377 EVIDENCE the US Supreme Court commits an act against the law imposing slavery. The Court is not allowed to make this mistake once because it involves the right to freedom. [ But when it's done twice the Court is corrupt, denying the right to freedom to a Black Man. [ Only see - Evidence US Supreme Court ignored the Habeas Corpus twice, first file stamped Jan. 6, 2021, and the second Feb. 22, 2005.
    Article I, sec. 9 - is a power denied government to secure the right to freedom. ]
    Again irrefutable EVIDENCE the US Supreme Court commits an act against the law imposing slavery.
           When a man is brought by Habeas Corpus to the Court & upon review of it, it appears to the Court that was against law imprisonment and detained, he shall never be by an act of the Court remanded to his unlawful imprisonment, for then the Court does an act of injustice in imprisoning him, de nova, against the law. 
    When the US Supreme Court is corrupt then the entire Branch is corrupt requiring the Constitution checks & balances. 
          Gordon Park, this means the Judicial branch must be checked for corruption & abuse of power. The 1st amendment right to freedom of the press plainly states that neither the media can censor to prevent, nor the government in any manner. 
    [ Washington Post slogan is " Democracy dies in darkness". ] President Joe Biden is Petitioned using the checks & balances which arrived certified mail # 7019
    1120 0001 1397 4691 February 9, 2021 which takes precedence over all matters because the magnitude is the entire Branch is corrupt. [ Fact, the Judges denied the guaranteed right to freedom of the press to conceal their own corruption & abuse of power online at to include FBI directer Christopher Wray who concealed the checks & balances. This includes US Attorney's refusing to indict the crooked Judges seen online at ] 
           The checks & balances are Petitioned when the entire Branch is corrupt & I've presented evidence the US Supreme Court, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and the Judges are all in this to which includes US Attorney General William Bar. That's the entire Judicial Branch refusing to honor the checks & balances so they are not held accountable for these crimes concealing the checks & balances.
          I've went through the process to reach the point of being the Petitioner I'm empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution which empowers the citizens. I have the authority by being empowered to give orders, make decisions, & enforce obedience. Remember had the officials concede to the checks & balances by that Branch being checked for corruption then I would not have been empowered. I'm now empowered requiring President Biden to immediately address the checks & balances which are extremely important taking precedence over all matters. [ See Jesha Miller empowered to stop police brutality and contact me for National Coverage by the Washington Post & Yamiche Alcindor for PBS Newshour. ]
          Metro Police Chief Robert Contee take notice as you are ORDERED to arrest the media, Steven Mnuchin, Senator Todd Young, & Representative Larry Bucshon for oppression & concealing the checks & balances.

    Empowered by the Bill of Rights & Constitutions checks & balances. - Jesha Miller
    Date: February 23, 2021  ///  Evidence attached below. // Checks & Balances

                                                                       THE WHITE HOUSE
                                                                  PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN
                                                                1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE
                                                                  WASHINGTON DC 20500
    Jesha D. Miller
    953 Ravenswood Dr.
    Evansville IN. 47713
    812 470 4220

    Reference to: 1  Immediately address the Constitution's checks & balances Petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller which are an essential part of the Constitution mandatory by law. Essential meaning absolutely necessary, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.
    [  See as FACT you inherit this which President Donal Trump evaded.]
    2  PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGE I, Jesha Miller as the Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances I'm empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution having irrefutable evidence the entire Judicial Branch of government is corrupt.
    3  IMMEDIATELY ORDER the TREASURY to disburse 3.141 Billion dollars owed Jesha Miller for a miscarriage of Justice imposing slavery on Veteran Jesha Miller prohibited by the 13th & 14th Amendments.. This is the rule of law of which you are obligated to both morally & by law..[ See 3.141 billion dollars owed Jesha Miller / checks & balances  Filed in Federal Court January 28, 2021 to be immediately addressed by President Joe Biden publicly by February , 2021.  

                                                  CONSTITUTION'S CHECKS & BALANCES
                                                            DATE PETITIONED JANUARY 28, 2021
             Taking oath of office you swore to Preserve, Protect, & defend the Constitution of which you are called upon to do as the First Order of business immediately by February 5th, 2021 defending the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution absolutely necessary to uphold the integrity of the Constitution being Extremely important to secure the rights of "we the people" due to corruption & abuse of power by officials acting in defiance of the Constitution. This you inherited as the newly elected President of the United States of which there are no option's because this is mandatory by law. Refusal is obstruction of Justice because the checks & balances hold officials accountable for abuse of power, secures the rights of "we the people", & upholds the integrity of the Constitution by checking that Branch Petitioned by the citizen. 
    [  See as FACT this was Petitioned to President Trump whom evaded checks & balances. Also see as Fact of obstruction of Justice by Donald Trump evading the checks & balances which are crucial to implementing freedom, justice, & equality in America. Otherwise officials are complicit, meaning involved with others in an illegal activity such as White Supremacy, oppression, & organized crime with no one to hold them accountable as former President Trump did in evading the checks & balances resulting in the people storming the White House because of corrupt officials feeling they should take over the government. ]

                                                                 TRANSFER OF POWER

           The checks & balances empower the citizen to uphold the integrity of the Constitution giving me, Jesha Miller the authority or power to give ORDERS, make decisions, & enforce obedience to the Constitution checks & balances requiring the Judicial & Legislative Branch to be checked for corruption & abuse of power. [  Originally intended the Legislative checks the Judicial who checks the Executive who checks the Legislative but in this case no Branch checked the other because they are all corrupt, thus the checks & balances empowers the citizen and being the Petitioner I'm the citizen empowered by the checks & balances. Otherwise there's no one to uphold the integrity of the Constitution.  ]  As President, acknowledge publicly I'm empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution so that Law Enforcement can execute the indictments for their arrest this February 4th, 2021 as well as an invitation to the White House to address your defending the Constitution's checks & balances. 
           The FBI, Sheriffs Department, & both Local & State Police will all be called upon to execute the indictments by arresting all involved in cahoots to prevent the checks & balances taking over government mostly reverting to the Maryland doctrine of exclusion to keep Blacks, Hispanics, & ethnic groups subordinate. [  I am sending indictments for Law Enforcement to execute arrest now & all who refuse must be removed from office. Because this is unprecedented meaning never done before it is a part of the Constitution & their disobedience allows a take over of absolute power with no one to hold them accountable. Example is the US Attorney's indicted for not holding crooked judges accountable for denying the 1st amendment right to freedom of the press to conceal the Judicial Branch abuse of power online at  ] Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

                                            TREASURY DISBURSE 3.141 BILLION DOLLARS & COUNTING

           The U.S. Treasury is ORDERED to immediately disburse 3.141 billion dollars and counting to Veteran Jesha Miller for the Judicial Branch violating the 13th & 14th Amendments to impose slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment. The miscarriage of Justice, a malicious act by the U.S. Supreme Court demonstrating total disregard to the demands of the Constitutional right to freedom for not only Blacks but all people. [ See 3.141 Billion owed Jesha Miller / set appointment 9-20-2019 / checks & balances //  No date was set so they had NO INTENTIONS TO PAY WHAT IS OWED BY THE RULE OF LAW, A VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. Oppression of a people requires immediate restitution of which the TREASURY IS ORDERED by Jesha Miller to pay in full this February 4, 2021 as I'm empowered by the checks & balances to immediately stop continued oppression.  Title 18 sec. 241- If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; [ Having exercised this right, Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin & Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Justin Muzinich both conspired to injury me by oppression refusing to pay money owed by the rule of law. See  Secretary of Treasury - Steven Mnuchin pay Jesha Miller 145 million dollars. ]
           The buck stops with the President to secure the guaranteed rights of the Constitution which is now you, President Joe Biden to ORDER the Treasury to disburse money owed by the rule of law to Jesha Miller for the miscarriage of Justice imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment to a Veteran no less who served to protect the right to freedom FOR ALL AMERICANS. [ This is how you treat a black man. ] President Trump was obligated, meaning to bind or compel someone, especially legally or morally to pay 145 million dollars for the Judicial Branch imposing slavery prohibited by the Constitution of which he refused to do in defiance of the law. Continued oppression escalated this to 3.141 billion dollars owing 5 million dollars penalty for each day the Treasury fails t pay so this is a result of former President Donald Trump's racism refusing to pay a black man that the amount reached a billion dollars. That's interest & penalty for refusing to pay when government collects over 3 trillion dollars a year from tax payers. [ You President Joe Biden are now obligated to pay the debt for the miscarriage of the Judicial Branch imposing slavery immediately. The word obligate is a verb, an action word, to immediately pay Jesha Miller 6.085 billion dollars due to continued oppression by President Trump, IRS Commissioner Charles P. Rettig, Steven Mnuchin, & Justin Muzinich as well as Federal Judge Richard Young who could have paid 50 million dollars. Guarantee meaning the responsibility for the debt, default, or MISCARRIAGE of JUSTICE. ORDER the TREASURY to pay the 6.085 billion in full this February , 2021 because oppression of a people requires immediate restitution & oppression by government cutting off all money creating a life threatening hardship in a capitalistic society where everything cost money & there is already a pandemic. By the rule of law this is owed & your campaign was run on enforcing the law for equality. ] Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
    [ SPECIAL NOTE: Because mail takes a week and two weeks for checking for anthrax before it reaches you this Petition using the checks & balances will be also faxed from Congressman Larry Bucshon office to take to the floor of the House to immediately disburse the money by Brink truck to Jesha D. Miller to stop continued oppression immediately. Immediately meaning at once, instantly, without any intervening time or space paying the 6.085 billion dollars to Veteran Jesha D. Miller this February 5, 2021. ] Government cannot oppress the people of which was done to Veteran Jesha Miller whom is now empowered to hold officials accountable for neglecting & evading the Constitution's checks & balances in an act to take absolute power to do whatever they want. This is the rule of law. ]
    President Donald Trump was Petitioned, calling for 5 million dollars a day penalty from 9-29-2017 to this January 28, 2021 is 1,217 days times 5 million dollars a day penalty equals to 6 billion, 85 million dollars to be paid immediately due to continued oppression, a criminal act by officials under Title 18 sec. 241.


           In politics, transparency is used as a means of holding public officials accountable & fighting corruption. [ As President, you Joe Biden are to call a National Press conference informing the Public & Congress concerning the Checks & Balances due to corruption in the entire Judicial Branch & that I, Jesha Miller have a status quo politically empowered by the checks & balances as the Petitioner & socially with a net worth owed immediately by the Treasury of 6.085 billion dollars due to continued oppression violating Title 18 sec. 241 - Conspiracy against rights / oppression. Do this February 5, 2021. ]
           Transparency is a fundamental element of abolishing corruption. Transparent governance is important to local governments and the communities they serve because corruption threatens the good governance, leads to the misallocation of resources, harms public & private sector development, & distorts public policy. 
    [ Governor Eric Holcolm was Ordered to inform the public of the checks & balances but refused, Representative Larry Bucshon & Senator Todd Young refused to take the checks & balances to the Floor of the House & Senate concealing corruption, & CBS President Susan Zirinsky concealed the checks & balances disrespecting my being empowered by the checks & balances to conceal government corruption & David Jones, County Attorney of Vanderburgh County prevented the checks & balances when Lt. Matthew Corn called on his advice to honor my being empowered to arrest local media concealing the checks & balances being Celeste King, Blaine Fentress, & Bob Freeman of News channels 14, 44, & 25. All violate Title 18 sec. 1001 - Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully— falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; [ Media violate the first amendment right to freedom of the press as well as aiding & abetting criminals from justice while officials conceal this from the pubic. Federal Judges Richard Young, Magistrate Matthew P. Brookman, & Tanya Pratt all deny freedom of the press to conceal the Judicial Branch own abuse of power, oppression & organized crime. See ]  


           Complicit means - involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing whereas all of the above mentioned people are complicit reverting back to the Maryland Doctrine to keep Blacks oppressed by preventing the Constitution's checks & balances which are mandatory by law, which are absolutely necessary to uphold the integrity of the Constitution, which I'm empowered by the Supreme Law of the land to stop Police Brutality, inequality, & Social injustice as well as oppression preventing me from being one of the seven black billionaires in America which include David Steward, Jay Z, Kanye West, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Robert F Smith, and Tyler Perry. This money is owed to Veteran Jesha Miller by the rule of Law. [ Again see 3.141 Billion owed Jesha Miller / U.S. Treasury set appointment 9-20-2019 to pay /// this they never did to continue oppression which at this date is 6.085 billion dollars. ]
    Maryland document of exclusion. The Council for the Maryland Colony edict stated: “Neither the existing black population, their descendents, nor any other blacks shall be permitted to enjoy the fruits of White society.” The doctrine was written to insure that Blacks would remain a “subordinate, non-competitive, non-compensated workforce,” this public edict later became more commonly known as “The Doctrine of Exclusion.” Around the mid-1660’s, various colonies picked up the Maryland Edict or the Doctrine of Exclusion and expanded it into enslavement laws of people of African descent. Once established, the laws became the basis for a national public policy on the exploitation of Blacks that was passed on from generation to generation through social customs and public laws. 
    The Slave Codes of 1705 required all individuals, churches, businesses, organizations, schools, and all levels of government to teach, justify and enforce the status of Blacks as “a subordinate, excluded, noncompetitive, non-compensated, managed work force for the personal comfort and wealth building of White society.” This public policy remained in effect until the late 1960s. 
           This includes U.S. Attorney Josh Minkler whom covered for Federal Judge Richard Young & Magistrate Matthew P. Brookman who denied the 1st amendment to freedom of the press again preventing the checks & balances, TJX President & CEO Ernie Herrman whom allowed me to be layed off on leave of absence without pay & later fired me because I could not breathe in the mask. Governor Eric Holcomb who refused to expedite my unemployment of which I have not been paid since September 8, 2020. U.S. Attorney Thomas L. Kirsch II who also concealed the checks & balances, refused to call a press conference to conceal the checks & balances which are mandatory by law which is part of evidence for organized crime filed in Federal Court under case number 3:20-cv-149-RLY-MPB. The entire U.S. Supreme Court refused to concede to the Checks & Balances as seen on U.S. Supreme Court corrupt requires checks & balances. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the Judicial Branch is corrupt when the U.S. Supreme Court itself refuses to be checked for abuse of power and as irrefutable evidence the U.S. Supreme Court twice denied the Habeas Corpus which is a power denied government under Article I, section 9 of the Constitution to secure the right to freedom. That's the law of which the U.S. Supreme Court violated denying the right to freedom. Case No. 04-7377. FBI Director Christopher Wray concealed the checks & balances after lying to the public on TV, see Jesha Miller Empowered to stop Police Brutality & Congress & President Donald Trump knew I was empowered to stop police brutality using the checks & balances & concealed this from the public as well as the media. Next, knowing the government was corrupt & concealed from the public the White House was taken over, yet the public didn't know that even they were corrupt which included Nancy Pelosi whom concealed the checks & balances not to be held accountable. [ See List of indictments include Nancy Pelosi concealing checks & balances. Also there's a recent email for her to inform the public of the checks & balances which she & Senator Mitch McConnell continue to conceal the checks & balances to take absolute power & continue oppression knowing I have the authority to give ORDERS to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. ] This as the newly elected President must be addressed publicly. A government of the people, by the people, & for the people, the Framers of the Constitution empowered the citizen & this is to be proven before a candid world as stated in the Declaration of Independence, It's SHOW TIME. The U.S. Marshal Service refused to carry out the indictments
           I'm a Veteran of the Vietnam Era serving to protect the right to freedom, justice, & equality in America & my own freedom was taken in violation of the Constitution & Law of the U.S. The Maryland Doctrine of exclusion implemented they have cut off all money taking my job, cutting off my social security, & with no money my health & life are now threatened by getting diabetes. My tabs to check the sugar ran out so my life is in peril. I received an eviction notice, my car note is due, food nearly out & being diabetic there are only certain foods I can eat. The VA have sent the glucose tabs but have not arrived yet & we all know diabetes is a silent killer which can strike at any time. Oppression when by law when I'm a billionaire I should have money to buy medical needs at CVS. My niece needs a new car, my whole family should be financially secure so the suffering extends way past me & then there's the pandemic of which my money helps people really in need that government has no concern for. Banks I can provide with money for those who otherwise can't get any where. At this moment Spectrum just called twice, Vectren threatened to cut off the electricity and the temperature was 18 degrees this morning. The FBI has refused to pay the money owed with a duty to protect civil rights & the IRS Commissioner has not paid the 3.141 billion dollars so by law I am ORDERING you pay or contact me immediately to pay the 6.085 billion by February 5, 2021 & provide a black card tomorrow to pay bills & buy medical needs until then because I need medical dentistry immediately also.
    Empowered by the Constitutions Bill of Rights & checks & balances - Jesha Miller
    Date: January 28, 2021
    Faxed by Congressman Larry Bucshon assistant Brenda Golf to immediately take to the floor of the House tomorrow, January 29, 2021.
                   FBI agent Flaherty petitioned to arrest & indict Judge Kiely which he failed to do
                   to aid & abet Judge Kiely from justice. The FBI have turned their head to this.
                  Signature below his office received this.

    The U.S. Supreme Court deny the HABEAS CORPUS above which is
    a power denied government. The motive is to deny the 50 million $
    & cover up the Federal crime by Judge David Kiely.


    GOVERNMENT. [ The reason is government powers are limited to
    secure the peoples right to FREEDOM, THIS IS A RIGHTEOUS CAUSE

    For those in denial of corruption, oppression, & imposed slavery
    by the U.S. Supreme Court view this. If you don't do your duty once
    it could be a mistake but this is the second " Writ of Certiori "
    telling the Court this is a Habeas Corpus & the citizen is illegally
    imprisoned. This is guaranteed as you see & the U.S. Supreme
    Court continued the imposed Slavery which is now by the U.S.
    Supreme Court. This is a Righteous cause for " we the people "
    to make an immediate stand against the officials who have taken over
    our government & imposing slavery, oppression, killing the citizens
    without being held accountable, exceeding the limits of power
    given to government.

    The 5th amendment hold government to the rule of law & the 14th
    amendment guarantees the people the right to due process. The importance
    of this is there is no Judicial proceeding that is official without being duly
    processed. The U.S. Supreme Court justices are part of the ABSOLUTE




  1. President Joe Biden received the Petition using the Constitution's checks & balances by certified mail # 7019 1120 0001 1397 4691 on February 9, 2021. For over a month he has evaded the checks & balances in disobedience to the Constitution of which he is to defend. The checks & balances are an essential part of the Constitution's checks & balances meaning EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. [ Above the Petition is supported by irrefutable evidence meaning impossible to deny or disprove. Any delay continues oppression which the President cannot be a part of. A criminal act under Title 18, sec. 241 - Conspiracy to deny rights & continued oppression by refusing to pay 6.085 billion dollars owed Veteran Jesha Miller for IMPOSING SLAVERY. This is money owed because government officials being Judges denied the guaranteed rights to a Black Man, that's a criminal act, this is owed by the rule of law, there are no options, refusing to disburse money owed by the rule of law, VIOLATES HUMAN RIGHTS, that's a criminal act of oppression under Title 18 sec. 241 & the checks & balances are mandatory by Law of which the President Joe Biden has no options, this is empowered by the Supreme Law of the Land requiring the entire Judicial Branch be checked for corruption & abuse of power. Being an essential part of the Constitution, the checks & balances are absolutely necessary because to uphold the INTEGRITY OF THE CONSTITUTION. President Joe Biden, this takes PRECEDENCE OVER ALL MATTERS. You cannot turn a blind eye to the entire Judicial Branch being corrupt, you cannot ignore the checks & balances, mandatory by law, & cannot go another day continuing oppression by refusing to pay Veteran Jesha Miller 6.085 billion dollars for imposing slavery and the irrefutable evidence makes you concealing the checks & balances which is a crime under Title 18, sec. 1001 - concealing the FACT the checks & balances have evidence the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. Having knowledge I'm empowered to stop police brutality, inequality, & social injustice TO STOP RACISM.

  2. Nancy Pelosi I'm Veteran Jesha Miller, Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances when an entire Branch is corrupt. Checks & balances empower the citizen to hold Congress accountable for neglecting the checks & balances which is mandatory by law, Requires the Judicial Branch to be checked for imposing slavery, continued oppression now owing over 6 billion dollars, Petition is online at of which President Joe Biden received by certified mail February 9, 2021. Congress must Call a National Press conference for President Biden to immediately address the checks & balances, acknowledge Veteran Jesha Miller empowered to uphold the integrity of the Constitution having irrefutable evidence the US Supreme Court imposed slavery, owes over 6 billion dollars immediately for continued oppression. Congress must Publicly hold President Biden accountable for the checks & balances which uphold the integrity of the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked by Veteran Jesha Miller proving abuse of power before a candid World. Do this today, March 17, 2021.
    With Respect for the new cabinet members. Secretary of the Treasury, Janet L. Yellen is ORDERED to immediately disburse 6.085 billion dollars, this March 19, 2021 to Veteran Jesha Miller for the miscarriage of Justice, imposing slavery prohibited by the 13th & 14th amendments. The Honorable US Attorney General Merrick Garland is ORDERED to assist me by acknowledging me empowered publicly by the Supreme Law of the Land so I may give Law Enforcement ORDERS to execute the indictments for those preventing the checks & balances so as not to be held accountable for criminal acts under Title 18.
    Congress must immediately call a press conference for the checks & balances being obligatory both morally & by law as well as President Joe Biden. They must be checked or there is no integrity. No options. This is how it is intended to uphold the integrity by checking that Branch of government. You cannot evade the checks & balances. Is a crime pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 to conceal the FACT of the checks & balances Petitioned concealing corruption, oppression, & abuse of power.

    Empowered by the Bill of Rights & Constitution checks & balances - Jesha Miller
    Date: March 19, 2021

    Dear Jesha,

    Thank you for contacting me to express your thoughts on this important issue. While your comments are deeply appreciated, I also encourage you, if you have not already, to contact your Member of Congress. You can find your Member of Congress by visiting and entering your zip code, or by calling (202) 224-3121. The ability to engage with your Congressional representative is an essential part of our democracy.

    Guided by the values and priorities of the American people, House Democrats are advancing a bold, forward-looking agenda For The People . Working with the Biden-Harris Administration and the new Democratic Majority in the Senate, we will act decisively to ensure that our nation will not only recover from the coronavirus and economic crises, but will Build Back Better in a way that will advance justice and equality for all Americans. That is why we are proud to support action to crush the coronavirus, deliver urgent economic relief, combat the climate crisis, honor our nation’s diverse heritage, and advance racial equity.

    Thank you, again, for contacting me. For more information on our For The People agenda or other issues affecting our nation, please visit my website at .

    best regards,

  3. Attention: LAW ENFORCEMENT // I'm Veteran Jesha Miller, Petitioner of the Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen because government has refused OBEDIANCE TO THE CONSTITUTION'S CHECKS & BALANCES REQUIRING THE JUDICIAL BRANCH BE CHECKED FOR CORRUPTION & ABUSE OF POWER AND CONTINUED OPPRESSION NOW OWING 6 BILLION DOLLARS. I have a status quo meaning the EXISTING STATE OF AFFAIRS, ESPECIALLY REGARDING SOCIAL OR POLITICAL ISSUES. For any doubt, the checks & balances are Petitioned above to President Joe Biden to be FACT, I'm empowered having the authority, power or right to give ORDERS, MAKE DECISIONS, AND ENFORCE OBEDIENCE. Law enforcement is ORDERED to execute indictments & arrest I made or present to your office as this is how the system works to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. Your role is to enforce the law no matter whom has broken it & to execute that ORDER no matter he be Black, White, Mexican, or any ethic group. Otherwise refusal is in defiance of the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land. Defiance is treason allowing Officials to be above the law, betraying the Country & overthrowing the Government for White Supremacy which caused the bum rush at the White House. Jesha Miller empowered to stop Police Brutality, Inequality, & social injustice.

  4. Relevant means appropriate to what is being done or considered. The scales of Justice are unbalanced, government evaded the checks & balances petitioned by Jesha Miller so the Constitution empowers the citizen to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. The founders of the Constitution have the checks & balances to uphold the integrity so this is the appropriate action to take when officials refuse obedience to the demands of the Constitution. I am the Petitioner, the first amendment guarantee to redress government. Twitter labels me as RELEVANT so the Judicial Branch is evading the checks & balances, A CRIMINAL ACT pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - Concealment.

    Relevant people
    Jesha Miller
    Jesha Miller is empowered to STOP POLICE BRUTALITY using the constitution's checks & balances, Click on scroll to humanity
    Justice Department
    Official DOJ Twitter account. Please refer to DOJ’s privacy policy for DOJ use of third-party websites here:

  5. Congressional Courtesy giving Indiana representatives a chance to take the checks & balances to the floor of the House & Senate for President Joe Biden to immediately address & pay Jesha Miller 6.085 billion dollars for continued oppression & imposing slavery.
    The following information has been submitted:

    Name: Jesha D Miller

    Address: 953 Ravenswood,
    City/State/Zip: San Francisco, CA 94103

    Telephone: 8124704220 Voice

    Issue: OTHER

    Message Subject: Constitution checks & balances to the floor House
    Message Text:
    Larry Bucshon - House Representative Todd Young - Senator Mike Braun - Senator Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House Governor Eric Holcolm Joe Biden - President of the United States Reference to: I called on Speaker, Nancy Pelosi to take the checks & balances before Congress & President Joe Biden because the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt required to be checked for corruption, oppression, imposed slavery, & organized crime. Morally & by law all Officials are obligatory to the checks & balances which is an essential part of the Constitution absolutely necessary & extremely important. [ President Biden received Veteran Jesha Miller Petition by certified mail # 7019 1120 0001 1397 4691 February 9, 2021 & evades this which is mandatory by law, there are no options, this is the Supreme Law of the land. ] Governor Eric Holcomb, Congressman Larry Bucshon, Senators Todd Young & Mike Braun all have today, March 25, 2021 to call a press conference for the checks & balances having irrefutable evidence the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt & Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen has been ORDERED to disburse 6 billion 85 million dollars for imposed slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment. This takes precedence over all matters, Government corruption & RACISM. After today the Speaker, Nancy Pelosi must take the checks & balances before the House so that President Biden honors the checks & balances & stops continued oppression owing a Black Man 6.085 billion for continued oppression. ] Urgency is oppression threatening the life of Petitioner Jesha Miller & you cannot allow corruption & abuse of power turning a blind eye which is a criminal act Pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment of the FACT, checks & balances require Judicial Branch be checked. I'm empowered as the Petitioner of the checks & balances to hold Congress accountable for neglecting the checks & balances to conceal the Judicial Branch abuse of power imposing slavery & continued oppression. There is no integrity in the government without the Judicial Branch being checked & proven before a candid world as stated by the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution empowers the citizen because government refused obedience to the checks & balances which uphold the integrity by having each Branch checked for corruption & abuse of power when Petitioned is the Supreme Law of the Land. [ No response means no & Speaker Nancy Pelosi is then Obligated to inform Congress & the public March 27, 2021. [ All who refuse, charges of concealment under Title 18 sec. 1001 & Title 18 241 - Conspiracy against rights - oppression will be filed in Court & this as evidence you act in defiance of the Constitution with Treason taking over the Government having absolute power. ] Empowered by the Bill of Rights & Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen to prove the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. Jesha Miller Date: March 25, 2021


    The following information has been submitted:

    Name: Jesha D Miller

    Address: 953 Ravenswood,
    City/State/Zip: San Francisco, CA 94103

    Telephone: 8124704220 Voice

    Issue: OTHER

    Message Subject: Constitution checks & balances to the floor House
    Message Text:
    Larry Bucshon - House Representative Todd Young - Senator Mike Braun - Senator Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House Governor Eric Holcolm Joe Biden - President of the United States Reference to: I called on Speaker, Nancy Pelosi to take the checks & balances before Congress & President Joe Biden because the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt required to be checked for corruption, oppression, imposed slavery, & organized crime. Morally & by law all Officials are obligatory to the checks & balances which is an essential part of the Constitution absolutely necessary & extremely important. [ President Biden received Veteran Jesha Miller Petition by certified mail # 7019 1120 0001 1397 4691 February 9, 2021 & evades this which is mandatory by law, there are no options, this is the Supreme Law of the land. ] Governor Eric Holcomb, Congressman Larry Bucshon, Senators Todd Young & Mike Braun all have today, March 25, 2021 to call a press conference for the checks & balances having irrefutable evidence the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt & Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen has been ORDERED to disburse 6 billion 85 million dollars for imposed slavery prohibited by the 13th amendment. This takes precedence over all matters, Government corruption & RACISM. After today the Speaker, Nancy Pelosi must take the checks & balances before the House so that President Biden honors the checks & balances & stops continued oppression owing a Black Man 6.085 billion for continued oppression. ] Urgency is oppression threatening the life of Petitioner Jesha Miller & you cannot allow corruption & abuse of power turning a blind eye which is a criminal act Pursuant to Title 18 sec. 1001 - concealment of the FACT, checks & balances require Judicial Branch be checked. I'm empowered as the Petitioner of the checks & balances to hold Congress accountable for neglecting the checks & balances to conceal the Judicial Branch abuse of power imposing slavery & continued oppression. There is no integrity in the government without the Judicial Branch being checked & proven before a candid world as stated by the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution empowers the citizen because government refused obedience to the checks & balances which uphold the integrity by having each Branch checked for corruption & abuse of power when Petitioned is the Supreme Law of the Land. [ No response means no & Speaker Nancy Pelosi is then Obligated to inform Congress & the public March 27, 2021. [ All who refuse, charges of concealment under Title 18 sec. 1001 & Title 18 241 - Conspiracy against rights - oppression will be filed in Court & this as evidence you act in defiance of the Constitution with Treason taking over the Government having absolute power. ] Empowered by the Bill of Rights & Constitution's checks & balances which empowers the citizen to prove the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. Jesha Miller Date: March 25, 2021

  7. Nancy Pelosi call press conference April 2, 2021 for the checks & balances Petitioned by Veteran Jesha Miller which empowers him to stop police brutality, inequity, & social injustice. Emailed on yo web site.
    Jesha Miller
    953 Ravenswood Dr.
    Evansville IN. 47713
    812 470 4220

    Nancy Pelosi - Speaker of the House

    Business: Constitutions checks & balances take precedence over all matters, petitioned when the entire Branch is corrupt, Congressional Courtesy is over, email affirms Representatives continue to conceal the checks & balance. Immediately call a National Press conference April 2, 2021. Magnitude is the checks & balances uphold the integrity of the Constitution requiring the Judicial Branch be checked for Corruption, abuse of power imposing slavery, & continued oppression owing Veteran Jesha Miller 6.085 billion dollars indicating officials have no intention to comply with the Supreme Law of the land.

    Nancy Pelosi you are obligatory to the checks & balances which are an essential part of the Constitution EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. You are ORDERED to call a National Press Conference for the checks & balances which are mandatory by law taking PRECEDENCE OVER ALL MATTERS.
    The excuse of Congressional Courtesy only prevents the Checks & balances in defiance of the Constitution. Nevertheless, Courtesy is over requiring the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, to immediately call a press conference informing Congress, President Biden, and the public the entire Judicial Branch is corrupt. The checks & balances empowers the citizen to uphold the integrity of the Constitution & the checks & balances are supported by irrefutable evidence meaning impossible to deny or disprove. [ The evidence of that is government refused to honor the checks & balances, mandatory by law, in disobedience requiring the Judicial Branch be checked. ] Oppression is a malicious, or unjust treatment in the exercise of power, often under the guise of government authority or cultural opprobrium. Oppress meaning to burden with cruel, harsh exercise of authority or power.
    Your delay deprived Jesha Miller the net worth of a billionaire, deprives the people of equity & social justice as I'm empowered to stop police brutality, inequality, & social injustice. May have prevented the Asian killings recently. Prevents the integrity of the Constitution executed by the checks & balances requiring the Judicial Branch be checked, and allows corruption & abuse of power which the checks & balances prevent, acting in defiance of the Constitution's checks & balances which is mandatory by law.
    Wherefore, being empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances to hold Congress accountable for neglecting the checks & balances you, Nancy Pelosi are ORDERED BY JESHA MILLER to call a National Press conference for the checks & balances Friday, April 2, 2021 & contact Janet Yellen to immediately pay Jesha Miller 6.085 billion dollars owed for imposing slavery, a miscarriage of justice.

    Empowered by the Constitution's checks & balances - Jesha Miller
    Date: April 1, 2021


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