US AG MERRICK GARLAND & MAGISTRATE CHRYSTAL S. WILDEMAN - Concealing Government must be checked for corruption. Checks & Balances MANDATORY BY LAW BY L
US AG Merrick Garland Received this Next Day Air EI 632 124 612 US delivered January 25, 5:05 AM Filed in Federal Court - Magistrate Chrystal S. Wildeman Executing Guaranteed 1st Amendment right to bring government & ny person in authority to the bar of public opinion by any just criticism. All three Branches have USURPED the Checks & Balances which are an OFFICIAL ORDER MANDATE they be checked for corruption which all 3 Branches refuse in defiance of the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land. Filed in Federal Court January 18, 2024. First Amendment to be executed January 22, which the Court refuse to OBEY. This is a government Cover Up concealing the checks & balances which are essential, absolutely necessary to UPHOLD THE INTEGRITY of the Constitution of the U.S. See Execution of the Guaranteed 1st amendment Right To Speech - Press which is denied to conceal government Corruption. FACTS President Biden petitioned by the Checks & Balances 3 ...